Foto del docente

Anna Montini

Professoressa associata

Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche

Settore scientifico disciplinare: ECON-02/A Politica economica

Coordinatrice del Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Resource Economics and Sustainable Development


Ultime tesi seguite dal docente

Tesi di Laurea

  • Comunità Energetiche Rinnovabili

Tesi di Laurea Magistrale

  • Accelerating Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions reduction towards the energy transition: Baker Hughes’ use case
  • Algae Plantation for Sustainable Development: Enhancing Biodiversity and Promoting Carbon Capture
  • Assessing Willingness-to-Pay for Urban Heat Stress Mitigation in Vienna through Nature-Based Solutions: A Choice Modeling Approach
  • Eco-Innovation in Action: Integrating Renewable Energy for Sustainable Development and Environmental Resilience in Turkey
  • Examining the impact of climate change on the coffee market and the role of sustainable practices in ensuring its long-term viability. The Lavazza case study
  • Flood Damage Assessment in Rimini coastal area
  • Green Hydrogen Deployment in Colombia: Regulatory Framework and Financial Analysis for a Hybrid Renewable System in a Coal Mine.
  • How circular economy influences the fashion industry: Gucci case study
  • Indirect Benefit Assessment Tool (IBAT). A new method to evaluate indirect benefits of green infrastructure in urban areas
  • Navigating Cooperation: The Qosh Tepa Canal and Water Management in Central Asia
  • Navigating Regulatory Changes: How L'Oréal is preparing for the Green Deal and Circular Economy Action Plan in the European Union
  • Protecting Future Generations A review of ethical, legal, and economical instruments to protect future generations and act in their interest, at all institutional levels.
  • Sostenibilità nel Settore Tessile: Ruolo dell'Unione Europea e della Sharing Economy
  • Sustainability in the Italian Textile Industry: A Comprehensive Analysis of Primary and Secondary Production of a Woollen Garment
  • Technological Change and Innovation Incentives: Green vs. Dirty Technologies in Azerbaijan
  • The economic costs of heat related mortality and illness in England
  • The Total Economic Value of the Tagliata and Pinarella pine forest
  • The use of regenerative agriculture practices following the EU guidelines: from the case study of Bunge S.A. to the sustainable implementations to reduce soil emissions
  • Unlocking Sardinia's Wave Energy Potential
  • Urbanisation and its impacts on emerging economies: Is becoming urban akin to burning a candle on both ends?

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