Foto del docente

Anna Liguori

Professoressa a contratto

Dipartimento di Chimica "Giacomo Ciamician"

Dipartimento di Chimica Industriale "Toso Montanari"

Borsista di Ricerca

Dipartimento di Chimica "Giacomo Ciamician"

Settore scientifico disciplinare: CHEM-04/A Chimica industriale

Curriculum vitae


Research fellow
Polymer Science and Biomaterials Group, Chemistry Department "G. Ciamician", Università di
Bologna [ 01/10/2023 – Current ]
City: Bologna
Country: Italy

The activities are carried out in the framework of the Research project “Development and characterization of sustainable thermosets".
In this project, I’m working on the synthesis of innovative bio-based resins endowed with dynamic covalent bonds and photosensitive functions, for the obtainment of recyclable and self-healable thermosets and coatings. I'm also focusing on the careful characterization of the resins and thermosets. Project activities also include the chemical modification and characterization of natural polymers, like cellulose.

Marie Sklodowska Curie Individual Fellow
Supervisor: Prof. M. Hakkarainen, KTH Royal Institute of Technology [ 20/09/2021 – 19/09/2023 ]
City: Stockholm
Country: Sweden

The activities were carried out at the Department of Fiber and Polymer Technology in the framework of the Research project “SUSTAINABLE- Library of inedited bio-based multicomponent resins for the 3D-printing of selfhealing, recyclable thermosets".
The project is financed by the European Commission under the Grant Agreement number: 101021859
In this project, I’m working on the synthesis of innovative bio-based resins endowed with dynamic covalent bonds and photosensitive functions, for the obtainment of photocurable, recyclable and self-healable thermosets. I’m also investigating the potential of Digital Light 3D Printing Technology for the printing of the resins with the aim to obtain tridimensional objects, showing high shape-accuracy.

National Scientific qualification as Associate Professor in the Italian higher education system
[ 23/01/2023 – Current ]
Country: Italy

National Scientific qualification as Associate Professor in the Italian higher education system, in the call
2021/2023 (Ministerial Decree n. 553/2021 and 589/2021) for the disciplinary field of 03/C2 - Industrial and applied chemistry. (Academic Recruitment Field 03/C - Organic, industrial and applied chemistry, according to the national classification).

Post-doc research fellow
Supervisor: Prof. M.L. Focarete, Department of Chemistry "G. Ciamician", Università di Bologna [
01/02/2021 – 15/09/2021 ]
City: Bologna
Country: Italy

1st February 2021 –15th September 2021, Research project “Development of nanostructured electricallyresponsive
materials for artificial muscles”
1st February 2019 – 31st January 2021, Research project “Polymeric materials for advanced applications and functionalization”.
The activities were carried out at the Department of Chemistry "Giacomo Ciamician".

Post-doc research fellow
Prof. M. Gherardi and Prof. M.L. Focarete, Università di Bologna [ 01/05/2016 – 30/06/2018 ]
City: Bologna
Country: Italy

Research fellow in the Project: POR FESR 14-20, European Funding for the Regional Development, “TECNO_EN-P:
Generation of "smart materials" to be applied in biomedical devices for the selective removal of cells and soluble or suspended substances in biological fluids”.
The activities were carried out at the Interdepartmental Centre for Industrial Research – Advanced Mechanics and Materials.
During the project, I worked on the design, set-up and optimization of cold atmospheric pressure plasma
processes for the functionalization of polymeric substrates employed for the conjugation of biomolecules (i.e.antibodies, peptides) for the selective capture of mesenchymal stem cells and tumoral cells. I also worked on the plasma assisted functionalization and crosslinking of polymeric membranes, properly designed for the selective capture of lipidic particles during extracorporeal blood circulation.

Co-founder of AlmaPlasma s.r.l.
[ 09/05/2013 – Current ]
City: Bologna
Country: Italy
AlmaPlasma is a spin-off of Alma Mater Studiorum - Universita' di Bologna. It designs and markets atmospheric pressure non-thermal plasma sources for either large area and localized treatments. My activities focused on the characterizations of the effects induced by the plasma treatment on polymeric materials.

University teacher and teaching assistant

AA 2023-2024_Teacher for the course "Prodotti, Formulati e Processi Industriali" (Modulo 3), Laurea in Metodologie chimiche per prodotti e processi, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, Italy

AA 2023-2024_ Teacher for the course "Bioplastiche e Polimeri per un'Economia Circolare", Laurea Magistrale in Chimica, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, Italy

2024_Teacher for the Course “Frontiers in Science and Technology of Polymers” in the Ph.D Program “Industrial Chemistry” at Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna, Italy.

2023_Teacher for the Course “Frontiers in Science and Technology of Polymers” in the Ph.D Program “Industrial Chemistry” at Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna, Italy.

2023_Teacher and Lab assistant for the Master Course “Polymeric Materials: structure and properties” at KTH Royal Institute of Technology. 2022_Lab assistant for the Master Course “Polymer Physics” at KTH Royal Institute of Technology.

2022_Teacher for the Course “Design, Fabrication, and Characterization of Advanced Materials for Biomedical Applications” in the Ph.D Program at the Institute of Fundamental Technological Research of the Polish Academy Sciences, Warsaw (Poland).

2022_Teacher on the following topics: development and characterization of shape-memory polymers, development of polymeric substrates for biomedical applications, for the Undergraduated Courses “Biomaterials and Artificial Organs” and “Introduction to Materials for Health” at Université Laval, Quebec City, Canada.

2021_Teacher assistant for the Bachelor Course “Examensarbete inom Teknisk kemi, grundnivå” (Project of Bachelor Degree in Technical Chemistry) at KTH Royal Institute of Technology 2016/2017_

Adjunct Professor of “Laboratory of materials technologies and industrial applications of plasma” Bachelor degree at Alma Mater Studiorum-Università di Bologna.

Co-relator for 23 master's and bechelor's thesis since 2013. Currently serving as a co-relator for a PhD thesis at the Department of Chemistry at the University of Bologna. Title of the PhD thesis: "Development of innovative lightweight and eco-friendly polymeric materials for sustainable mobility applications"

Author of scientific publications on international, peer-reviewed Journals.
Number of works indexed on Scopus: 43; h-index (Scopus) = 17; Number of citation (Scopus) = 800 (updated at April 29th 2024). First Author in 19 publications.


Oral speaker in several scientific conferences; invited speaker in 3 of them.


Applicant and Principal Investigator for the following granted projects

2023 – “Bio-based photocurable personalized scaffolds for biomedical applications” awarded in the frame of STINT Initiation Grants programme. The project focuses on the building of new and strategically interesting international relationships between the Division of Polymer Technology at KTH and the Lab Biomaterials and Bioengineering at Laval University, Quebec, Canada. The project is currently on-going.

– 2021 – H2020-MSCA-IF-2020, Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowhip Award with the project “SUSTAINABLE” in collaboration with the KTH in Stockholm, Sweden. GRANT AGREEMENT NUMBER 101021859 — SUSTAINABLE

– 2020 –NCN “POLS” call Award with the project “Personalized scaffolds for regenerative medicine: integration of shape-memory polymers, additive manufacturing, and electrospinning technologies”. Details on NCN “POLS” call: One of three calls funded from the Norway Grants 2014-2021 under the Research Programme, within which the NCN operates the area devoted to basic research. POLS is designed to support researcher mobility with small grants, targeting researchers residing abroad (all over the world) who wish to conduct research in Poland. The arrival of renowned and promising scientists holding at least a PhD degree will serve to boost the research potential of Polish research entities. Since I would have to perform this project concomitantly with the MSCA, I decided to renounce this grant in favor of the MSCA fellowship


–2024 - Andrew Keller Award (First runner - up) for the paper "Unexpected self-assembly of carbon dots during digital light processing 3D printing of vanillin Schiff-base resin". The award is conferred to the three best paper punblished on Polymer (Elsevier) having a European author as corresponding.

- 2021 – Best oral presentation at the international conference “Poly-Char 2020 – International polymer characterization forum”, Venice, Italy, 12-14 April 2021.

– 2016 - "Claudio Bonivento 2016 Award – Scientific research and technological innovation", granted by Lions Club Bologna and conferred by University of Bologna - Lions Club Bologna. The Award is conferred to the Ph.D theses of the Alma Mater Studiorum-Università di Bologna showing the most interesting scientific content, novelty, and social value.


• GREEN-MAP Project (Horizon 2020; MSCA-RISE-2019) - 2020-2021: Title: “Novel green polymeric materials for medical packaging and disposable to improve hospital sustainability”. In the project, I was a member of the Research Management Committee.
• MAGNIFY Project (Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program) - 2018-2021: Title: “From nano to macro: a groundbreaking actuation technology for robotic system”. Object: MAGNIFY aims to develop a new generation of artificial muscles for robotic systems.
• MY-LEG Project (Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program) - 2018-2021: Title: “Smart and intuitive osseointegrated transfemoral prosthesis embodying advanced dynamic behaviours” Object: MyLeg will develop a new generation of powered transfemoral prosthetic legs that can be intuitively operated, sensed, and trusted asa healthy and reliable counterpart for a variety of tasks.

• TECNO_EN-P Project POR-FESR 2014-2020 European Funding for the Regional Development. Title: “Generation of "smart materials" to be applied in biomedical devices for the selective removal of cells and soluble or suspended substances in biological fluids [E82I16000240007]
• ECOPACK-LAB Project POR-FESR 2014-2020 European Funding for the Regional Development. Title: “Laboratory for the application of advanced technologies for the production of innovative packaging”.
• PLASMAT Project, Granted by Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna. Title: “Plasma-assisted preparation and modification of molecular and macromolecular materials for biomedical, pharmaceutical and energy applications”
• European project networking COST ACTION TD1208. Title: “Electrical discharges with liquids for future
• European project networking COST ACTION MP1101. Title: “Bio-Plasma - Biomedical applications of atmospheric pressure plasma technology