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Angela Romano

Senior assistant professor (fixed-term)

Department of Political and Social Sciences

Academic discipline: SPS/06 History of International Relations


A.Romano, Looking eastward, in 'The international history of European integration in the long 1970s : a round-table discussion on research issues, methodologies, and directions, «JOURNAL OF EUROPEAN INTEGRATION HISTORY», 2011, 17, pp. 353 - 360 [Scientific article]

Angela Romano, The Main Task of the European Political Cooperation: Fostering Détente in Europe, in: Perforating the Iron Curtain: European Détente, Transatlantic Relations, and the Cold War, 1965–1985, Copenhagen, Museum Tusculanum Press, 2010, pp. 123 - 141 [Chapter or essay]

Angela Romano, A Single European Voice Can Speak Louder to the World. Rationales, ways and means of the EPC in the CSCE experience, in: The Road to a United Europe. Interpretations of the Process of European Integration, Bruxelles, Peter Land, 2009, pp. 257 - 270 [Chapter or essay]

angela romano, Détente, entente, or linkage? : the Helsinki Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe in U.S. relations with the Soviet Union, «DIPLOMATIC HISTORY», 2009, 33, pp. 703 - 722 [Scientific article]

Angela Romano, From Détente in Europe to European Détente : How the West shaped the Helsinki CSCE, Bruxelles, Peter Lang, 2009, pp. 250 . [Research monograph]

Angela Romano, Review of: Book review of F. Bozo, M.-P. Rey, N. P. Ludlow and L. Nuti (eds.), Europe and the End of the Cold War. A reappraisal, London and New York, Routledge, 2008, «JOURNAL OF EUROPEAN INTEGRATION HISTORY», 2008, 14, pp. 174 - 175 [Review]

Angela Romano, La Comunità europea e il blocco sovietico negli anni Settanta, in: La Comunità europea e le relazioni esterne 1957–1992, Forlì, Clueb, 2008, pp. 107 - 131 [Chapter or essay]

Angela Romano, La CEE di fronte alla Conferenza di Helsinki, in: Alle origini del presente: L’Europa occidentale nella crisi degli anni ’70, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2007, pp. 115 - 143 [Chapter or essay]

Angela Romano, The Nine and the Conference of Helsinki: A Challenging Game with the Soviets, in: Beyond the Customs Union: The European Community’s Quest for Deepening, Widening and Completion, 1969–1975, Bruxelles, Bruylant, 2007, pp. 83 - 104 [Chapter or essay]

Angela Romano, Western Europe’s Self-Assertion Towards the Superpowers: The CSCE Chance and Its Aftermaths, in: The EC/EUs: a world security actor?, Parigi, Soleb, 2007, pp. 152 - 169 [Chapter or essay]

A. Romano, Alleanza Atlantica e CSCE (1969–75): prove tecniche di un “polo europeo”, «VENTUNESIMO SECOLO», 2006, 9 – Anno V, pp. 79 - 114 [Scientific article]

Angela Romano, Behind closed doors. Contacts between EEC and CMEA in the early 70s, in: The Helsinki Process. A Historical Reappraisal, Padova, CEDAM, 2005, pp. 221 - 244 [Chapter or essay]

Angela Romano, L’Italia alla Conferenza di Helsinki 1972–75: tra cooperazione politica europea e interessi nazionali, «ANNALI DELLA FONDAZIONE UGO LA MALFA», 2004, XIX, pp. 221 - 244 [Scientific article]

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