Fredriksson Martin; Rune Gustavsson; Ricci Alessandro; Omicini Andrea, 2nd International Workshop "Theory and Practice of Open Computational Systems" (TAPOCS 2004), 2004. [Exhibition]
Gleizes Marie-Pierre; Omicini Andrea; Zambonelli Franco, 5th International Workshop "Engineering Societies in the Agents World " (ESAW 2004), 2004. [Exhibition]
Baldoni Matteo; De Paoli Flavio; Martelli Alberto; Omicini Andrea, 5th Joint Workshop AI*IA/TABOO "Dagli oggetti agli agenti: sistemi complessi e agenti razionali" (WOA 2004), 2004. [Exhibition]
Ricci A.; Omicini A.; Denti E., Activity theory as a framework for MAS coordination, in: Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (Subseries of Lecture Notes in Computer Science), Heidelberg, Springer Verlag, 2003, pp. 96 - 110 (LECTURE NOTES IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE) [Chapter or essay]
Martin Fredriksson, Rune Gustavsson, Andrea Omicini, Alessandro Ricci, First International Workshop on Theory and Practice of Open Computational Systems, in: IEEE 12th International Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises (WET ICE 2003), Los Alamitos, CA, IEEE Computer Society, 2003, pp. 355 - 358 [Brief introduction]
Andrea Omicini, Sascha Ossowski, Objective versus Subjective Coordination in the Engineering of Agent Systems, in: Intelligent Information Agents: An AgentLink Perspective, HEIDELBERGER PLATZ 3, D-14197 BERLIN, GERMANY, SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, 2003, pp. 179 - 202 (LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE) [Chapter or essay]
Alessandro Ricci, Andrea Omicini, Supporting Coordination in Open Computational Systems with TuCSoN, in: Proceedings of the IEEE 12th International Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises (WET ICE 2003), Los Alamitos, CA, IEEE Computer Society, 2003, pp. 365 - 370 (atti di: 1st International Workshop “Theory and Practice of Open Computational Systems” (TAPOCS 2003) @ WET ICE 2003, Linz, Austria, 9–11 June 2003) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Enrico Denti, Andrea Omicini, Alessandro Ricci, Task-Oriented Engineering of Coordinated Software Systems, in: Concurrent Engineering – The Vision for the Future Generation in Research and Applications, LEIDEN, A A BALKEMA PUBLISHERS, 2003, 1: Enhanced Interoperable Systems, pp. 199 - 205 (atti di: 10th ISPE International Conference, Madeira, Portugal, 26-30 July 2003) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Andrea Omicini, Towards a Notion of Agent Coordination Context, in: Process Coordination and Ubiquitous Computing, Boca Raton, FL, CRC Press –Taylor & Francis Group, 2003, pp. 187 - 200 [Chapter or essay]
Mirko Viroli; Andrea Omicini, An Observation Approach to the Semantics of Agent Communication Languages, «APPLIED ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE», 2002, 16, pp. 775 - 793 [Scientific article]
Sascha Ossowski; Andrea Omicini, Coordination Knowledge Engineering, «KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING REVIEW», 2002, 17, pp. 309 - 316 [Scientific article]
Denti E.; Omicini A.; Ricci A., Coordination tools for mas development and deployment, «APPLIED ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE», 2002, 16, pp. 721 - 752 [Scientific article]
Mirko Viroli; Andrea Omicini, Modelling Agents as Observable Sources, «JOURNAL OF UNIVERSAL COMPUTER SCIENCE», 2002, 8, pp. 423 - 452 [Scientific article]
Alessandro Ricci, Andrea Omicini, Enrico Denti, Objective vs. subjective coordination in agent-based systems: A case study, in: Coordination Models and Languages, Berlin Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag, 2002, 2315, pp. 291 - 299 (atti di: 5th International Conference, COORDINATION 2002, York, 8-11 April 2002) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Carlos Lucena, Alessandro Garcia, Andrea Omicini, Jaelson Castro, Franco Zambonelli, Software engineering for large-scale multi-agent systems - SELMAS'2002, in: ICSE '02: Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Software Engineering, New York, NY, ACM, 2002, pp. 653 - 654 (atti di: 1st International Workshop on Software Engineering for Large-Scale Multi-Agent Systems @ ICMAS 2002, Orlando FL, FL, USA, 19 May 2002) [Contribution to conference proceedings]