Foto del docente

Andrea Miglio

Full Professor

Department of Physics and Astronomy "Augusto Righi"

Academic discipline: FIS/05 Astronomy and Astrophysics

Coordinator of PhD Programme in Astrophysics


Vincenzo F.; Spitoni E.; Calura F.; Matteucci F.; Silva Aguirre V.; Miglio A.; Cescutti G., The Fall of a Giant. Chemical evolution of Enceladus, alias the Gaia Sausage, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY. LETTERS», 2019, 487, pp. 47 - 52 [Scientific article]

Lagarde N.; Reyle C.; Robin A.C.; Tautvaisiene G.; Drazdauskas A.; Mikolaitis S.; Minkeviciute R.; Stonkute E.; Chorniy Y.; Bagdonas V.; Miglio A.; Nasello G.; Gilmore G.; Randich S.; Bensby T.; Bragaglia A.; Flaccomio E.; Francois P.; Korn A.J.; Pancino E.; Smiljanic R.; Bayo A.; Carraro G.; Costado M.T.; Jimenez-Esteban F.; Jofre P.; Martell S.L.; Masseron T.; Monaco L.; Morbidelli L.; Sbordone L.; Sousa S.G.; Zaggia S., The Gaia-ESO Survey: Impact of extra mixing on C and N abundances of giant stars, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2019, 621, Article number: A24 , pp. 1 - 12 [Scientific article]

Rendle B.M.; Miglio A.; Chiappini C.; Valentini M.; Davies G.R.; Mosser B.; Elsworth Y.; Garcia R.A.; Mathur S.; Jofre P.; Worley C.C.; Casagrande L.; Girardi L.; Lund M.N.; Feuillet D.K.; Gavel A.; Magrini L.; Khan S.; Rodrigues T.S.; Johnson J.A.; Cunha K.; Lane R.L.; Nitschelm C.; Chaplin W.J., The K2 galactic caps project - Going beyond the kepler field and ageing the galactic disc, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2019, 490, pp. 4465 - 4480 [Scientific article]

Ball W.H.; Chaplin W.J.; Schofield M.; Miglio A.; Bossini D.; Davies G.R.; Girardi L., A Synthetic Sample of Short-cadence Solar-like Oscillators for TESS, «ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL SUPPLEMENT SERIES», 2018, 239, Article number: 34 , pp. 1 - 14 [Scientific article]

Farr W.M.; Pope B.J.S.; Davies G.R.; North T.S.H.; White T.R.; Barrett J.W.; Miglio A.; Lund M.N.; Antoci V.; Andersen M.F.; Grundahl F.; Huber D., Aldebaran b's Temperate Past Uncovered in Planet Search Data, «THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS», 2018, 865, Article number: L20 , pp. 1 - 24 [Scientific article]

Brogaard K.; Hansen C.J.; Miglio A.; Slumstrup D.; Frandsen S.; Jessen-Hansen J.; Lund M.N.; Bossini D.; Thygesen A.; Davies G.R.; Chaplin W.J.; Arentoft T.; Bruntt H.; Grundahl F.; Handberg R., Establishing the accuracy of asteroseismic mass and radius estimates of giant stars - I. Three eclipsing systems at [Fe/H]~-0.3 and the need for a large high-precision sample, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2018, 476, pp. 3729 - 3743 [Scientific article]

Brogaard K.; Christiansen S.M.; Grundahl F.; Miglio A.; Izzard R.G.; Tauris T.M.; Sandquist E.L.; Vanden Berg D.A.; Jessen-Hansen J.; Arentoft T.; Bruntt H.; Frandsen S.; Orosz J.A.; Feiden G.A.; Mathieu R.; Geller A.; Shetrone M.; Ryde N.; Stello D.; Platais I.; Meibom S., The blue straggler V106 in NGC6791: A prototype progenitor of old single giants masquerading as young, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2018, 481, pp. 5062 - 5072 [Scientific article]

Khan S.; Hall O.J.; Miglio A.; Davies G.R.; Mosser B.; Girardi L.; Montalban J., The Red-giant Branch Bump Revisited: Constraints on Envelope Overshooting in a Wide Range of Masses and Metallicities, «THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL», 2018, 859, Article number: 156 , pp. 1 - 9 [Scientific article]

Eggenberger P.; Lagarde N.; Miglio A.; Montalban J.; Ekstrom S.; Georgy C.; Meynet G.; Salmon S.; Ceillier T.; Garcia R.A.; Mathis S.; Deheuvels S.; Maeder A.; Den Hartogh J.W.; Hirschi R., Constraining the efficiency of angular momentum transport with asteroseismology of red giants: The effect of stellar mass, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2017, 599, Article number: A18 , pp. 1 - 12 [Scientific article]

Rodrigues T.S.; Bossini D.; Miglio A.; Girardi L.; Montalban J.; Noels A.; Trabucchi M.; Coelho H.R.; Marigo P., Determining stellar parameters of asteroseismic targets: Going beyond the use of scaling relations, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2017, 467, pp. 1433 - 1448 [Scientific article]

Anders F.; Chiappini C.; Rodrigues T.S.; Miglio A.; Montalban J.; Mosser B.; Girardi L.; Valentini M.; Noels A.; Morel T.; Johnson J.A.; Schultheis M.; Baudin F.; De Assis Peralta R.; Hekker S.; Themessl N.; Kallinger T.; Garcia R.A.; Mathur S.; Baglin A.; Santiago B.X.; Martig M.; Minchev I.; Steinmetz M.; Da Costa L.N.; Maia M.A.G.; Prieto C.A.; Cunha K.; Beers T.C.; Epstein C.; Perez A.E.G.; Garcia-Hernandez D.A.; Harding P.; Holtzman J.; Majewski S.R.; Meszaros S.; Nidever D.; Pan K.; Pinsonneault M.; Schiavon R.P.; Schneider D.P.; Shetrone M.D.; Stassun K.; Zamora O.; Zasowski G., Galactic archaeology with asteroseismology and spectroscopy: Red giants observed by CoRoT and APOGEE, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2017, 597, Article number: A30 , pp. 1 - 16 [Scientific article]

Bossini D.; Miglio A.; Salaris M.; Vrard M.; Cassisi S.; Mosser B.; Montalban J.; Girardi L.; Noels A.; Bressan A.; Pietrinferni A.; Tayar J., Kepler red-clump stars in the field and in open clusters: Constraints on core mixing, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2017, 469, pp. 4718 - 4725 [Scientific article]

Handberg R.; Brogaard K.; Miglio A.; Bossini D.; Elsworth Y.; Slumstrup D.; Davies G.R.; Chaplin W.J., NGC6819: Testing the asteroseismic mass scale, mass loss and evidence for products of non-standard evolution, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2017, 472, pp. 979 - 997 [Scientific article]

Masseron T.; Lagarde N.; Miglio A.; Elsworth Y.; Gilmore G., Nitrogen depletion in field red giants: Mixing during the He flash?, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2017, 464, pp. 3021 - 3028 [Scientific article]

Valentini M.; Chiappini C.; Davies G.R.; Elsworth Y.P.; Mosser B.; Lund M.N.; Miglio A.; Chaplin W.J.; Rodrigues T.S.; Boeche C.; Steinmetz M.; Matijevic G.; Kordopatis G.; Bland-Hawthorn J.; Munari U.; Bienayme O.; Freeman K.C.; Gibson B.K.; Gilmore G.; Grebel E.K.; Helmi A.; Kunder A.; McMillan P.; Navarro J.; Parker Q.A.; Reid W.; Seabroke G.; Sharma S.; Siviero A.; Watson F.; Wyse R.F.G.; Zwitter T.; Mott A., RAVE stars in K2: I. Improving RAVE red giants spectroscopy using asteroseismology from K2 Campaign 1, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2017, 600, Article number: A66 , pp. 1 - 20 [Scientific article]

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