Foto del docente

Andrea Mensi

Professore a contratto

Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche


Conferenza sul Sahara occidentale nel diritto internazionale - Bologna, 16 ottobre 2023

Si allega qui di seguito il programma della Conferenza 'Western Sahara in the international legal order. Second conference of the Western Sahara Research Group' co-organizzata con il prof. Francisco Pereira Coutinho e il dr. João Francisco Diogo della Nova School of Law, Universidade de Lisboa. La Conferenza si terrà a Bologna il 16 ottobre 2023 dalle 8.30 alle 18.30 in Sala delle Armi, Palazzo Malvezzi, con il supporto del modulo Jean Monnet Re-Globe coordinato dalla prof. Elisa Baroncini. 

Per chi fosse interessato a partecipare alla conferenza si prega di contattarmi via e-mail.

Western Sahara in the International Legal Order.

Second Conference of the Western Sahara Research Group

Bologna, 16 October 2023 - Sala delle Armi, Palazzo Malvezzi, via Zamboni 22

With the Support of the Re-Globe Jean Monnet Module


Keynote Address: Elisa Baroncini (University of Bologna, Re-Globe Coordinator)

Conference and Research Group Presentation by the Organizing Committee: Andrea Mensi (University of Bologna), Francisco Pereira Coutinho and João Francisco Diogo (Nova School of Law, Universidade Nova de Lisboa)

9.00-10:30 PANEL 1: Western Sahara, the European Union and International Trade

Chair: Francisco Pereira Coutinho (Nova School of Law, Universidade Nova de Lisboa)

Elisa Baroncini (University of Bologna) and Klarissa Martins (University of Bologna)

The EU Trade Policy Concerning Western Sahara before the European Court of Justice

Alina Funk (University of Hamburg)

Objectifying Economic Self-determination? The Standard of Objective Economic Benefit in EU Trade with Western Sahara

Attila Nagy (University of Jena)

Western Sahara and the MENA Region in the Framework of Trade and Post-Conflict Agreements

10.30-11.00 COFFEE BREAK

11.00-12.45 PANEL 2 Western Sahara and Self-Determination

Chair: Gian Maria Farnelli (University of Bologna)

Stephen Allen (Queen Mary University of London) and Jamie Trinidad (Cambridge University)

The Status of Western Sahara: Recognition Doctrine and the Erosion of Self-Determination

João Francisco Diogo (Nova School of Law, Universidade Nova de Lisboa)

Western Saharan Self-Determination: the Irrelevance of International Law?

Miguel Lemos (University of Lisbon)

Western Sahara and Timor-Leste: Self-determination and the ICJ jurisprudence

Andrea Pelliconi (University of Nottingham)

Demographic Engineering in Western Sahara. The Shaping of Demography as Shaping of Sovereignty

12.45-14.00 LUNCH BREAK

14.00-15.45 PANEL 3: Western Sahara and Territorial Sovereignty

Chair: Ludovica Chiussi Curzi (University of Bologna)

Andrea Caligiuri (University of Macerata)

Western Sahara and Legal Status of the Waters off its Coasts

Niccolò Lanzoni (University of Bologna)

A Reappraisal of the ICJ Advisory Opinion on Western Sahara: Humanising International Law on Territorial Acquisition?

Emma Lehib (Western Sahara Resource Watch)

Renewable Resources - Renewable Rules?

Waleed Mahmoud (University of Ghent)

Western Sahara: The Duality of Legal Status, and the Governance of Economic Conduct Under International Law

15.45-16.15 COFFEE BREAK

16.15-18.00 PANEL 4: Western Sahara and the Law of Recognition

Chair: João Francisco Diogo (Nova School of Law, Universidade Nova de Lisboa)

Miłosz Gapsa (University of Łódź)

Western Sahara, Actio Popularis and Provisional Measures

Aya Kouch (Nova School of Law, Universidade Nova de Lisboa)

The Impact of the Returning of Morocco to the African Union: the Regional Recognition of Western Sahara?

Edi Rexhaj (Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy)

Africa's Last Colony: What are the Legal Consequences of the Madrid Agreement of 1975 for the Status of Western Sahara and the State Responsibility of Morocco and Spain

Pierluigi Salvati (Studio Legale Padovan)

The Issue of the Western Sahara through the Lens of the Duty of Non-Recognition of the Internationally Unlawful Situations


Organizing Committee

Closing Remarks: Francisco Pereira Coutinho (Nova School of Law, Universidade Nova de Lisboa)

Pubblicato il: 21 settembre 2023