Foto del docente

Anastasios Xepapadeas

Professore ordinario

Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche

Curriculum vitae


University of Bologna, Department of Economics
Campus di Rimini, 47921 via Anghera 22, Rimini, Italy
piazza Scaravilli, 40126 Bologna, Italy


Athens University of Economics and Business (Professor Emeritus)
Department of International and European Economic Studies
76 Patission Street, GR104 34 Athens, Greece

E-mail address:

Date and place of birth: January 20, 1954; Piraeus, Greece
Marital status: Married, two children
Citizenship: Greek
Military services: Greek Air Force, Second Lieutenant, 1981-1983
Webpage: and


University of Manchester, Department of Economics, Ph.D. in Economics
Ph.D. Thesis topic: “The S.T.P. Rate and the S.O.C. of Capital in the Evaluation of Public Investment Projects”
University of Manchester, Department of Economics, M.A. in Economics
University of Athens, Department of Economics, B.A. in Economics, Graduated with Honors

Selected Honors

May 2018 Elected to the US National Academy of Sciences as an international member.
2007-2011 Chair of Board of Directors, Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics, Royal Swedish of Academy of Sciences, and Member, Board of Directors, 2003-2007 and 2011 to 2014
2008 to date Beijer Fellow, Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics, Royal Swedish of Academy of Sciences (
2004-2007 President/Past President, European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists. Board Member, 1995-2001. Member, 1991 to present
2002-2005 Coordinating Leading Author, Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, United Nations Environment Program
Teaching Positions
2007-2021 to Professor of Economic Theory and Policy, Athens University of Economics
present and Business, Department of International and European Economic Studies. Courses taught: Undergraduate program: Intermediate Mathematics; Intermediate Microeconomics; Master’s program: Cost-Benefit Analysis; Environmental and Resource Economics; Doctoral program: Advanced Mathematical Methods in Economics

2021-present: Professor Emeritus, Athens University of Economics and Business
2017 - present: Professor of Economics Department of Economics, University of Bologna.

Courses taught: Master’s Program: Economics of Climate Change, Resource Valuation, PhD Programme: Environmental Economics
1994-2007 Professor of Economics, University of Crete, Department of Economics. Courses taught: Undergraduate program: Intermediate Mathematics, Intermediate Microeconomics, Economic Growth; Master’s program: Advanced Microeconomic Theory I; Advanced Microeconomic Theory II; Environmental and Resource Economics
1991-1994 Associate Professor of Economics, University of Crete, Department of Economics. Courses taught: Undergraduate program: Intermediate Mathematics; Intermediate Microeconomics; Public Utility Economics
1987-1990 Assistant Professor of Economics, University of Crete, Department of Economics. First professor hired in newly formed department. Developed program of studies and served as Acting Chairman as well as teaching. Courses taught: Undergraduate program: Introductory Mathematics; Introductory Microeconomics

Administrative Positions
2013-2017 Dean, School of Economic Sciences, Athens University of Economics and Business
2010-2013 Chair, Department of International and European Economic Studies, Athens University of Economics and Business
2008-2010 Director of Graduate Studies, Department of International and European Economic Studies, Athens University of Economics and Business
2002-2005 Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Economics, University of Crete Founded department’s first master’s program.
1997-2003 Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Crete
1991-1996 Chair, Department of Economics, University of Crete

Additional Teaching Experience

January 2020 Coordinator and Instructor, EAERE-ETH European Winter School in Spatial Environmental Economics, Ascona, Switzerland.
May 2017 Invited Professor, PhD Program Università Ca’ Foscari, Venice, Italy
Nov 2016 Invited Professor, MSc Program Environmental Economics, Université d’ Auvergne, France
August 2014 Invited Professor, Finnish Doctoral Programme in Economics, University of Helsinki, Finland
2010 to Professor, Athens University of Economics and Business, Graduate
present Programme in Public Policy. Courses taught in Master’s Program: Evaluation of Public Programs; Markets and Economic Policy. Steering Committee Member in the newly-formed program
July 2008 Coordinator and Lecturer, EAERE-FEEM-VIU European Summer School in Space in Unified Models of Economy and Ecology, Venice, Italy
January Invited Professor, Université Paris 1, Panthéon-Sorbonne, Graduate
2008 Programme in Economics. Course taught in Doctoral Program: - Advanced Mathematical Methods in Environmental and Resource Economics
July 2004 Lecturer, EAERE-FEEM-VIU European Summer School in Dynamic Models in Economics and the Environment, Venice, Italy
May 2004 Invited Professor, Finnish Doctoral Programme in Economics, University of Helsinki. Course taught in Doctoral Program: Environmental Economics
2003-2004 Invited Professor, University of Crete, Department of Applied Mathematics, Graduate Program in Mathematics. Course taught in Master’s Program: Advanced Mathematical Methods in Environmental and Resource Economics
1999-2006 Invited Professor, University of Crete, Department of Chemistry, Graduate Program in Environmental Science. Course taught in Master’s Program: Environmental Policy
1999-2002 Invited Professor, University of Crete, Department of Biology, Graduate Program in Renewable Resource Management. Course taught in Master’s Program: Renewable Resource Economics
March 1999 Guest Lecturer, International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Italy, Lectures in Mathematical Ecology and Ecological Economics. Course taught: Differential Games
1998-2006 Invited Professor, Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, Graduate Programme in Economics. Course taught in Master’s Program: Environmental and Resource Economics
1989-1990 Visiting Professor, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Department of Business Administration. Course taught: Public Enterprise Economics

Selected Additional Experience

2016 to date European Research Council, Panel member

2020 Group Expert, EU, European Economic and Social Committee

2017 Scientific Committee, 23rd Annual EAERE conference, Athens, Greece

1999-2000 Chair, Organizing Committee, 10th Annual EAERE conference, University of Crete, Rethymno
Spring 1996 Visiting Researcher, CentER for Economic Research, University of Tilburg, The Netherlands
Spring 1991 Visiting Scholar, Department of Economics, University of California at Berkeley
1984-1987 Economist, Public Power Corporation of Greece
Economics of Climate Change; Spatiotemporal Analysis in Economics with Applications to Economic Growth and Resource Management; Environment and Growth; Uncertainty and Robust Control with Applications to Environmental Policy and Resource Management, and Finance; Evolutionary Approaches to Policy Design; Cost Benefit Analysis
2016 to date Co-Editor, Environmental and Resource Economics, Springer

2019 to date Associate Editor, Proceedings National Academy of Sciences

2011 to date Editorial Committee, Annual Review of Resource Economics
2015 to date Member, Editorial Board, Environment and Development Economics, Cambridge University Press
2006 to date Member, Editorial Board, Review of Environmental Economics and Policy (REEP), Oxford University Press.
2013 to date Member, Editorial Board, Dynamic Games and Applications, Springer
2010 to date Member, Editorial Board, Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, Springer
2006 to date Associate Editor, Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics, The Berkeley Electronic Journals in Economic Analysis & Policy
2005-2014 Editor-in-Chief, Environment and Development Economics, Cambridge University Press
2010-2014 Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Elsevier
2000-2005 Member, Editorial Board, Environment and Development Economics, Cambridge University Press
2005-2008 Member, Editorial Council, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Elsevier
2001-2004 Co-Editor, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Elsevier
2000-2001 Associate Editor, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Elsevier
1999-2000 Member, Editorial Council, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Elsevier
2003-2004 Associate Editor, Water Resource Research, American Geophysical Society
1999-2003 Associate Editor, Environmental and Resource Economics, Springer
1999-2010 Member, Editorial Council, Review of Development Economics, Blackwell
American Economic Review, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Cambridge University Press, Econometrica, Environmental and Resource Economics, Environmental Modelling and Assessment, Environment and Development Economics, European Journal of Operational Research, European Economic Review, European Review of Agricultural Economics, International Journal of Industrial Organization, International Tax and Public Finance, International Journal of Production Economics, Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, Journal of Economics, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Journal of Economic Literature, Journal of the European Economic Association, Journal of Political Economy, Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of Economic Growth, Journal of Economic Literature, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Journal of Institutional Theoretical Economics, Journal of Urban Economics, Natural Resource Modelling , Optimal Control Applications and Methods, Oxford Economic Papers, Physica A, Research Council of Norway, PNAS, Resources and Energy Economics, Review of Economic Studies, Review of Development Economics, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, European Science Foundation, Dutch Economic Research Organization, The World Bank, USA National Academy of Sciences, Water Resources Research
Citations (Google Scholar, January 2023): 9542
h-index (Google Scholar, January 2023): 42
i10-index (Google Scholar, January 2023): 111

Published Articles in Refereed Journals

  • Environmental Regulation with Preferences for Social Status, (with E. Sartzetakis and A. Yannacopoulos), Ecological Economics,

  • Climate Change Impact on Economic Growth: Regional Climate Policy under Cooperation and Noncooperation, 2023, (with Y Cai and W. Brock), forthcoming, Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, []

  • Spatial growth theory: Optimality and spatial heterogeneity, 2022, (with A. Yannacopoulos), forthcoming, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control,

  • On the optimal management of environmental stock externalities, 2022, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119,

  •  Climate reputation risk and abnormal returns in the stock markets: a focus on large emitters, 2022, (with Guastella, G., Mazzarano, M., Pareglio, S.), International Review of Financial Analysis,

  •  Climate change financial risks: implications for asset pricing and interest rates (with C. Karydas), 2022, Journal of Financial Stability, [] 

  •  Temperature Targets, Deep Uncertainty and Extreme Events in the Design of Optimal Climate Policy (with E. Agliardi), 2022, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 

  •  On the co-evolution of economic and ecological systems (with S. Levin), 2021, Annual Reviews of Recourse Economics

  • Climate Change Impact on Economic Growth: Regional Climate Policy under Cooperation and Noncooperation, 2023, (with Y Cai and W. Brock), forthcoming, Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, []
  • Decision Making under Model Uncertainty: Fréchet-Wasserstein Mean Preferences, (with E. Petracou and A. Yannacopoulos), 2021,Management Science,[]
  • Natural Resource Management: A Network Perspective" (with E. Kyriakopoulou), forthcoming Environmental and Resource Economics.
  • “The Economy, Climate Change and Infectious Diseases: Links and Policy Implications”,(with W. Brock), 2020, Environmental and Resource Economics, doi:10.1007/s10640-020-00442-z.
  • Regional climate policy under deep uncertainty: Robust control and distributional concerns (with W. Brock), 2020, Environment and Development Economics, doi:10.1017/S1355770X20000248.
  • “Rational expectations equilibria in a Ramsey model of optimal growth with non-local spatial externalities, “ (with F. Santambrogio and A. Yannacopoulos) Journal de Mathematiques Pures et Appliquées, 2020, 140, 259-279.
  • • “Can Cleaner Environment Promote International Trade? Environmental Policies as Export Promoting Measures” (with I. Pantelaiou, P. Hatzipanayotou and P. Kostantinou), 2020, Environmental and Resource Economics, forthcoming. 

• “Climate Engineering under Deep Uncertainty” (with V. Manoussi and J. Emmerling), 2019, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 94, 207-224.
• “Regional Climate Change Policy under Positive Feedbacks and Strategic Interactions” (with W. Brock), 2018, Environmental and Resource Economics,
• “Robust Control of Parabolic Stochastic Partial Differential Equations under Model Uncertainty” (with I. Baltas and A. Yannacopoulos), 2019, European Journal of Control,
• “Robust Portfolio Decisions for Financial Institutions” (with I. Baltas and A. Yannacopoulos), 2017, Journal of Dynamics and Games, doi:10.3934/jdg.2018006.
• “Optimal Management of Ecosystem Services with Pollution Traps: The Lake Model Revisited” (with D. Graas and A. de Zeeuw), 2017, Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 4,
• “Resource Harvesting Regulation and Enforcement: An Evolutionary Approach” (with Y. Petrohilos-Andrianos), 2017, Research in Economics, 71, 2, 236-253.
• “Climate Change and Environmentally Induced Migration across Regions: Cooperative and Non-cooperative Solutions” (with E. Petracou and A. Yannacopoulos), 2017, Homo Oeconomicus, doi:10.1007/s41412-017-0038-3.
• “Climate Change Policy under Polar Amplification” (with W. Brock), 2017, European Economic Review, 94, 263-282.
• “Spatial Growth with Exogenous Saving Rates” (with A. Yannacopoulos), 2016 Journal of Mathematical Economics, 67, 125-137.
• “Social Norms as Solutions” (with K. Nyborg et al.), 2016, Science, 354, October 2016.
• “Atmospheric Pollution in Rapidly Growing Industrial Cities: Spatial Policies and Land Use Patterns” (with E. Kyriakopoulou), 2017, Journal of Economic Geography, doi:10.1093/jeg/lbw018.
• “On the Evolution of Compliance and Regulation with Tax Evading Agents” (with. Y Petrohilos-Andrianos), 2016, Journal of Dynamics and Games, 3, 231-260.
• “Transboundary Capital and Pollution Flows and the Emergence of Regional Inequalities” (with S. Levin), 2016, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical System – Series B,
• “Dynamic Games with Nature: Designing Policy under Ambiguity,” 2015, Strategic Behavior and the Environment, 5, 175-213.
• “Cooperation and Competition in Climate Change Policies: Mitigation and Climate Engineering when Countries are Asymmetric” (with V. Manoussi), 2015, Environmental and Resource Economics, DOI 10.1007/s10640-015-9956-3.
• “Managing Interacting Populations under Time Scale Separation” (with G. Vardas), 2016, Natural Resource Modeling, 29, 5-35.
• “Aquaculture and the Resilience of Global Food Systems” (with M. Troell, R.L. Naylor, M. Metian, M. Beveridge, P.H. Tyedmers, C. Folke, K.J. Arrow, S. Barrett, A.-S. Crépin, P.R. Ehrlich, Å. Gren, N. Kautsky, S.A. Levin, K. Nyborg, H. Österblom, S. Polasky, M. Scheffer, B.H. Walker and A. de Zeeuw), 2014, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 1-7,
• “Climate Engineering Reconsidered” (with S. Barrett, T.M. Lenton, A. Millner, A. Tavoni, S. Carpenter, J.M. Anderies, F.S. Chapin III, A.-S. Crépin, G. Daily, P. Ehrlich, C. Folke, V. Galaz, T. Hughes, N. Kautsky, E. Lambin, R. Naylor, K. Nyborg, S. Polasky, M. Scheffer, J. Wilen and A. de Zeeuw), 2014, Nature Climate Change, Vol. 4.
• “Optimal Agglomerations in Dynamic Economics” (with W. Brock and A. Yannacopoulos), 2014, Journal of Mathematical Economics, 53, 1-15.
• “Spatial Externalities and Agglomeration in a Competitive Industry” (with W. Brock and A. Yannacopoulos), 2014, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 42, 143-174.
• “Optimal Control in Space and Time and the Management of Environmental Resources” (with W. Brock and A. Yannacopoulos), 2014, Annual Review of Resource Economics, 6, 33-68.
• “Robust Control and Hot Spots in Spatiotemporal Economic Systems “(with W. Brock and A. Yannacopoulos), Dynamic Games and Applications, 2014, 4, 257-289.
• “Valuing Insurance Services Emerging from a Gene Bank: The Case of the Greek Gene Bank” (with P. Ralli et al.), 2014, Ecological Economics, 97, 140-149.
• “Spatial Climate-Economic Models in the Design of Optimal Climate Policies across Locations” (with W. Brock and G. Engström), 2014, European Economic Review, 69, 78-103.
• “Energy Balance Climate Models and General Equilibrium Optimal Mitigation Policies” (with W. Brock, G. Engström and D. Grass), 2013, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 37, 2371-2396.
• “Instabilities and Robust Control in Natural Resource Management” (with C. Roseta-Palma), 2013, Portuguese Economic Journal, 12, 161-180.
• “Social Ecological Systems as Complex Adaptive Systems: Modeling and Policy Implications” (with S. Levin, A.-S. Crépin, J. Norberg, A. de Zeeuw, C. Folke, T. Hughes, K. Arrow, S. Barrett, G. Daily, P. Ehrlich, N. Kautsky, K.-G. Mäler, S. Polasky, M. Troell, J.R. Vincent and B. Walker), 2013, Environment and Development Economics, 18, 111-132.
• “Environmental Policy, First Nature Advantage and the Emergence of Economic Clusters” (with E. Kyriakopoulou), 2013, Regional Science and Urban Economics, 43, 101-116.
• “General Resilience to Cope with Extreme Events” (with S. Carpenter, K Arrow, S. Barrett, R. Biggs, W. Brock, A.-S. Crépin, G. Engström, C. Folke, T. Hughes, N. Kautsky, C. Li, G. McCarney, K. Meng, K.-G. Mäler, S. Polasky, M. Scheffer, J. Shogren, T. Sterner, S. Taylor, J. Vincent, B. Walker and A. de Zeeuw), 2012, Sustainability, 4(12), 3248-3259.
• “The Role of Information Provision as a Policy Instrument to Supplement Environmental Taxes” (with E. Sartzetakis and E. Petrakis), 2012, Environmental and Resource Economics, 52, 347-368.
• “Pollution Control with Uncertain Stock Dynamics: When and How To Be Precautious” (with S. Athanassoglou), 2012, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 62, 304-320.
• “Uncertainty Aversion Robust Control and Asset Holdings” (with G. Vardas), 2012, Quantitative Finance, 1-15.
• “On the Optimal Taxation of Common-Pool Resources” (with G. Kossioris, M. Plexoysakis and A. de Zeeuw), 2011, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 35, 1868-1879.
• “Spatial Location Decisions under Environmental Policy and Housing Externalities” (with E. Kyriakopoulou), 2011, Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, 13, 195-217.
• “The Economics of Non-Point-Source Pollution,” 2011, Annual Reviews: Annual Review of Resource Economics, 3, 355-373.
• “The Spatial Dimension in Environmental and Resource Economics,” 2010, Environment and Development Economics, Special Issue: 15 Years of EDE – Advances and Challenges in Environment and Development Economics, 15, 747-758.
• “Modelling Complex Systems,” 2010, Agricultural Economics, 41, 181-191.
• “On a Class of Operator Equations Arising in Infinite Dimensional Replicator Dynamics” (with D. Kravvaritis, V. Papanicolaou and A. Yiannacopoulos), 2010, Nonlinear Analysis Series B: Real World Applications, 11, 2537-2556.
• “Pattern Formation, Spatial Externalities and Regulation in Coupled Economic-Ecological Systems” (with. W. Brock), 2010, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 59, 149-164.
• “Model Uncertainty, Ambiguity and the Precautionary Principle: Implications for Biodiversity Management” (with G. Vardas), 2010, Environmental and Resource Economics, 45, 379-404.
• “Looming Global-Scale Failures and Missing Institution” (with B. Walker, S. Barrett, S. Polasky, V. Galaz, C. Folke, G. Engström, F. Ackerman, K. Arrow, S. Carpenter, K. Chopra, G. Daily, P. Ehrlich, T. Hughes, N. Kautsky, S. Levin, K.-G. Mäler, J. Shogren, J. Vincent and A. de Zeeuw), 2009, Science, 325, 11.
• “Diffusion-Induced Instability and Pattern Formation in Infinite Horizon Recursive Optimal Control” (with W. Brock), 2008, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 32, 2745-2787.
• “Changes in Social Welfare and Sustainability: Theoretical Issues and Empirical Evidence” (with D. Vouvaki), 2008, Ecological Economics, 473-484.
• “Regime Switching and Shape of the Emission-Income Relationship” (with N. Aslanidis), 2008, Economic Modelling, 25, 731-739.
• “Feedback Nash Equilibria for Non-Linear Differential Games in Pollution Control” (with G. Kossioris, M. Plexoysakis, A. de Zeeuw and K.-G. Mäler), 2008, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 32, 1312-1331.
• “Uncertainty Aversion, Robust Control and Asset Holdings with a Stochastic Investment Opportunity Set” (with G. Vardas), 2007, International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance, 10, 985-1014.
• “Quick Fixes for Environmental Problems: Part of the Solution, or Part of the Problem?” (with T. Sterner et al.), 2006, Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development, 48, 30-31.
• “Building Resilience and Adaptation to Manage Arctic Change” (with F.S. Chapin III et al.), 2006, ΑΜΒΙΟ, A Journal of Human Environment, The Swedish Academy of Sciences, 35(4), 198-202.
• “Smooth Transition Pollution Income Paths” (with N. Aslanidis), 2006, Ecological Economics, 57(2), 182-189.
• “Regulation and Evolution of Compliance in Common Pool Resources,” 2005, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 107(3), 583-599.
• “Environmental Information Provision as a Public Policy Instrument” (with E. Sartzetakis, and E. Petrakis), 2005, The Berkeley Electronic Journals in Economic Analysis & Policy: Contributions to Economic Analysis & Policy, November,
• “Economic Modelling for Groundwater Resources Management,” 2005, Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, 5(6).
• “Robust Portfolio Choices and Asset Holdings” (with G. Vardas), 2005, Ekonomia, 8(1), 1-20.
• “Spatial Analysis in Descriptive Models of Renewable Resource Management” (with W. Brock), 2005, Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics, 141, 331-354.
• “Efficiency of Nonpoint Source Pollution Instruments: An Experimental Study” (with F. Cochard and M. Willinger), 2005, Environment and Resource Economics, 30(4), 393-422.
• “Estimating Accounting Prices for Common Pool Natural Resources: A Distance Function Approach” (with P. Koundouri) (2004), Water Resource Research, 40(6), S617-S617.
• “Management of Interacting Species: Regulation under Nonlinearities and Hysteresis” (with W. Brock), 2004, Resource & Energy Economics, 26, 137-156.
• “Robust Control in Water Management” (with C. Roseta-Palma), 2004, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 29(1), 21-34.
• “Valuing Biodiversity from an Economic Perspective: A Unified Economic, Ecological and Genetic Approach” (with W. Brock), 2003, The American Economic Review, 93(5), 1597-1614.
• “The Economics of Shallow Lakes” (with K.-G. Mäler and A. de Zeeuw), 2003, Environmental and Resource Economics, 26(4), 603-624.
• “Location Decisions of a Polluting Firm and the Time Consistency of Environmental Policy” (with E. Petrakis), 2003, Resource and Energy Economics, 25, 197-214.
• “Measuring Irrigation Water Efficiency with A Stochastic Production Frontier: An Application to Greek Out-Of-Season Vegetable Cultivation” (with G. Karagiannis and V. Tzouvelekas), 2003, Environmental and Resource Economics, 26, 57-72.
• “Genetic Modification Technologies in Agriculture: Externalities and Socially-Optimal Management Rules,” 2002, Environment and Development Economics, 7, 186-190.
• “Regulating Water Quantity and Quality in Irrigated Agriculture: Learning by Investing Under Asymmetric Information” (with A. Dinar), 2002, Environmental Modelling and Assessment, 7, 17-27.
• “Optimal Ecosystem Management when Species Compete for Limiting Resources” (with W. Brock), 2002, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 44, 189-230.
• “International Dimensions of Environmental Policy,” 2000, Environment and Development Economics, 5, 519-525.
• “Accelerating Vehicle Replacement and Environmental Protection: The Case of Passenger Cars in Greece” (with N. Baltas), 1999, Journal of Transportation Economics and Policy, 33, 329-342.
• “Environmental Policy and Competitiveness: The Porter Hypothesis and the Composition of Capital” (with A. de Zeeuw), 1999, Journal of Environmental Economics Management, 37, 165-182.
• “Optimal Resource Development and Irreversibilities: Co-operative and Noncooperative Solutions” (1998), Natural Resource Modelling, Special Issue on Environmental Games, 11, 357-378.
• “Regulating Water Quantity and Quality in Irrigated Agriculture” (with A. Dinar), 1998, Journal of Environmental Management, 54, 273-289, reprinted in Q. Grafton (Ed), Economics of Water Resources, International Library of Critical Writings in Economics, Vol. 234, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2009.
• “Policy Adoption Rules and Global Warming: Theoretical and Empirical Considerations,” 1998, Environmental and Resource Economics, Special Issue: Frontiers of Environmental Economics, 11, 635-646.
• “Some Empirical Implications of the Relationship between Environmental Quality and Economic Development” (with E. Amri), 1998, Environmental and Resource Economics, 11, 93-106.
• “Green Accounting under Pollution Uncertainty,” 1997, Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting, Special Issue on Green Accounting, 4, 241-253.
• “Economic Development and Environmental Pollution: Traps and Growth,” 1997, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 8, 327-350.
• “Quantity and Quality Management of Groundwater: An Application to Irrigated Agriculture in Iraklion, Crete,” 1996, Environmental Modelling and Assessment, 1, 25-35.
• “Environmental Consciousness and Moral Hazard in International Agreements to Protect the Environment” (with E. Petrakis), 1996, Journal of Public Economics, 60, 95-110.
• “Environmental Policy under Oligopoly with Endogenous Market Structure” (with Y. Katsoulacos), 1995, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 97, 411-420.
• “Managing the International Commons: Resource Use and Pollution Control,” 1995, Environmental and Resource Economics, 5, 375-391, reprinted in M. Hoel (Ed), Recent Development in Environmental Economics, International Library of Critical Writings in Economics, Vol. 177, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2004.
• “Observability and Choice of Instrument Mix in the Control of Externalities,” 1995, Journal of Public Economics, 56, 485-498.
• “Induced Technical Change and International Agreements under Greenhouse Warming,” 1995, Resources and Energy Economics, 16, 1-23.
• “An Almost Ideal Demand System with Autoregressive Disturbances for Dairy Products in Greece” (with H. Habib), 1995, Applied Economic Letters, 2, 169-173.
• “Optimal Taxes for Pollution Regulation: Dynamic Spatial and Stochastic Characteristics,” 1992, Natural Resource Modelling, 6(2), 139-170.
• “Environmental Policy, Adjustment Costs and Behaviour of the Firm,” 1992, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 23(3), 258-275.
• “Environmental Policy Design and Dynamic Nonpoint-Source Pollution,” 1992, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 23(1), 22-39.
• “Environmental Policy under Imperfect Information: Incentives and Moral Hazard,” 1991, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 20(2), 113-126.
• “Measuring Internal Rates of Return: The Transfer Function Approach,” 1991, Empirical Economics, 16(3), 267-285.
• “Exhaustible Resource Management and Pricing Policy of a Public Utility,” 1990, SPOUDAI, 40(1-4), 81-92.
• “The Dynamic Behaviour of the Rates of Return in U.K. Manufacturing Industries,” 1983, Greek Economic Review, 5(3), 248-263.
• “The Valuation Effect and the Relation between Public and Private Discount Rates under Uncertainty,” 1982, Greek Economic Review, 4(2), 29-41.
Articles in Books and Collective Volumes
• “Modelling Coupled Climate, Ecosystems, and Economic Systems” (with W. Brock), 2018, in V.K. Smith, P. Dasgupta and S. Patanayak (Eds), Handbook of Environmental Economics, Vol. 4, North Holland.
• “Spatial Heat Transport, Polar Amplification and Climate Change Policy” (with W. Brock), in G. Chichilnisky and A. Rezai (Eds), Handbook of Climate Change, Oxford University Press, forthcoming.
• “Optimal Spatiotemporal Management of Resources and Economic Activities Under Pollution Externalities” (with A. Yannacopoulos), 2018, in G. Feichtinger, E. Kovacevic and G. Tragle (Eds), Control Systems and Mathematical Methods in Economics, Springer.
• “Mitigation and Solar Radiation Management in Climate Change Policies” (with V. Manousi), 2016, in A. Dinar (Ed), Game Theory Applications to Environmental Economics, World Scientific Press.
• “Energy Balance Climate Models, Damage Reservoirs, and the Time Profile of Climate Change Policy” (with W. Brock and G. Engström), 2014, in L. Bernard and W. Semmler (Eds), The Oxford Handbook of the Macroeconomics of Global Warming, Chapter 3.
• “Robust Control of a Spatially Distributed Commercial Fishery” (with W. Brock and A. Yannacopoulos), 2014, in E. Moser, W. Semmler, G. Tragler and V. Veliov (Eds), Dynamic Optimization in Environmental Economics, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg.
• “The Bioeconomics of Migration: A Selective Review towards a Modeling Perspective” (with E. Petracou and A. Yannacopoulos), 2014, in A. Pinto and D. Zilberman (Eds), Modeling, Dynamics, Optimization and Bioeconomics, Springer.
• “Diffusion and Spatial Aspects,” 2013, in J. Shogren and A. de Zeeuw (Eds), Encyclopedia of Energy Natural Resource and Environmental Economics.
• “Valuing Biodiversity from an Economic Perspective,” 2013, in Tracking Key Trends in Biodiversity Science and Policy, UNESCO Biodiversity Initiative, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Paris.
• “The Cost of Ambiguity and Robustness in International Pollution Control,” 2012, in R. Hahn and A. Ulph (Eds), Climate Change and Common Sense, Essays in Honour of Tom Schelling, Oxford University Press.
• “Stochastic Analysis: Tools for Environmental and Resource Economics Modeling,” 2011, in A. Batabyal and P. Nijkamp (Eds), Research Tools in Natural Resource & Environmental Economics, World Scientific.
• “A Class of Infinite Dimensional Replicator Dynamics” (with D. Kravvaritis, V. Papanicolaou and A. Yiannacopoulos), 2011, in M. Peixoto, A. Pinto and D. Rand (Eds), Dynamics, Games and Science I, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics, Vol. 1.
• “Ecological Economics: Principles of Economic Policy Design for Ecosystem Management,” 2009, in S. Levin (Ed), The Princeton Guide to Ecology, Princeton University Press.
• “The Economics of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services” (with C. Perrings, S. Baumgärtner, W.A. Brock, K. Chopra, M. Conte, C. Costello, A. Duraiappah, A.P. Kinzig, U. Pascual, S. Polaskyand J. Tschirhart), 2009, in S. Naeem, D.E. Bunker, A. Hector, M. Loreau and C. Perrings (Eds), Biodiversity, Ecosystem Functioning, and Human Wellbeing: An Ecological and Economic Perspective, Oxford University Press.
• “Modelling Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Coupled Ecological-Economic Systems” (with W. Brock, D. Finnoff, A.P. Kinzig, U. Pascual, C. Perrings and J. Tschirhart), 2009, in S. Naeem, D.E. Bunker, A. Hector, M. Loreau and C. Perrings (Eds), Biodiversity, Ecosystem Functioning, and Human Wellbeing: An Ecological and Economic Perspective, Oxford University Press.
• “Ecological Economics,” 2009, in S. Durlauf and L. Blume (Eds), Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, Second Edition, Macmillan.
• “Food and Ecosystems” (coordinating leading author with M. Shah), 2005, in Ecosystems and Human Well-Being, Volume 3, Policy Responses, The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, Chapter 6, pp. 173-212, Island Press, Washington.
• “Economic Growth and the Environment,” 2005, in K.-G. Mäler and J. Vincent (Eds), Handbook of Environmental Economics, Volume 3: Economywide and International Environmental Issues, Chapter 23, 1220-1271, a volume in the series Handbooks in Economics, edited by K.J. Arrow and M.D. Intriligator, Elsevier Publishers.
• “Regulating Nonlinear Environmental Systems under Knightian Uncertainty” (with W. Brock), 2003, in R. Arnott, B. Greenwald, R. Kanbur and B. Nalebuff (Eds), Economics for an Imperfect World: Essays In Honor of Joseph Stiglitz, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.
• “A New Methodology for Measuring Groundwater Scarcity” (with P. Koundouri), 2003, in P. Koundouri, P. Pashardes, T. Swanson and A. Xepapadeas (Eds), The Economics of Water Management in Developing Countries: Problems, Principles and Policy, Edward Elgar Publishing.
• “Current Issues in the Economics of Water Resource Management: Introduction” (with P. Pashardes and T. Swanson), 2002, in P. Pashardes, T. Swanson and A. Xepapadeas (Eds), Economics of Water Resources, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
• “Irreversible Development of a Natural Resource: Management Rules and Policy Issues When Direct Use Values and Environmental Values Are Uncertain,” (2002), in J. List and A. de Zeeuw (Eds), Recent Advances in Environmental Economics, Edward Elgar.
• “Biodiversity Management under Uncertainty: Species Selection and Harvesting Rules” (with W. Brock), 2002, in P. Dasgupta, B. Kristrom and K-G. Lofgren (Eds), Economic Theory for the Environment: Essays in Honour of K-G. Mäler, Edward Elgar.
• “Agricultural Policies, Environmental Impact and Water Use under Uncertainty” (with G. Karagiannis), 2002, in C. Dosi (Ed), Agricultural Use of Groundwater. Towards Integration between Agricultural Policy and Water Resources Management, Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
• “Environmental Protection: An Economic Perspective,” 2001, in G. Dimopoulos, N. Baltas and I. Hassith (Eds), Introduction to European Studies, Volume B, Economic Integration and Policies, Sideris Publications (in Greek).
• “Car Replacement and Environmental Protection Policy in the EU: The Case of Greece” (with N. Baltas), 2001, in C. Paraskevopoulos, A. Kintis and A. Kondonassis (Eds), Globalization and the Political Economy of Trade Policy, APF Press, Toronto.
• “Environmental Policy and Firm Behaviour: Abatement Investment and Location Decisions under Uncertainty and Irreversibility,” 2001, in C. Carraro and G. Metcalf (Eds), Distributional and Behavioural Effects of Environmental Policy: Evidence and Controversies, NBER, Chicago University Press.
• “Location Decisions, Environmental Policy and Government Commitment” (with E. Petrakis), 1999, in N. Georgantzis and I. Barreda (Eds), Spatial Economics and Ecosystems: On the Interaction between Economics and the Natural Environment, Series: Advances in Ecological Sciences, WIT Press, Southampton.
• “Does Government Recommitment Promote Environmental Innovation” (with E. Petrakis), 1999, in E. Petrakis, E. Sartzetakis and A. Xepapadeas (Eds), Environmental Regulation and Market Power, Edward Elgar Publishers.
• “Environmental Consciousness and Moral Hazard in International Agreements to Protect the Environment” (with E. Petrakis), 1999, in A.A. Batabyal (Ed), The Economics of International Environmental Agreements, Ashgate Publishing Ltd.
• “Non-point Source Pollution Control,” 1999, in J. van den Bergh (Ed), The Handbook of Environmental and Resource Economics, Edward Elgar Publishers.
• “Environmental Policy: Theory and Applications,” 1998, in Y. Katsoulacos (Ed), Microeconomic Policy: Measures and Applications, Typothito Publications, Athens (in Greek).
• “Measuring Benefits and Damages from CO2 Emissions and International Agreements to Slow Down Greenhouse Warming” (with A. Yiannaka), 1997, in C. Carraro (Ed), International Environmental Negotiations: Strategic Policy Issues, Edward Elgar Publishers.
• “Regulation of Mineral Emissions under Asymmetric Information,” 1997, in E. Romstad, J. Simonsen and A. Vatn (Eds), Policy Measures to Control Environmental Impacts from Agriculture in The European Union, Volume 2: Mineral Emissions, CAB International Publishers.
• “Managing Common Access Resources under Production Externalities,” 1996, in A. Xepapadeas (Ed), Economic Policy for the Environment and Natural Resources: Techniques for the Management and Control of Pollution, Edward Elgar Publishers.
• “Environmental R&D, Spillovers and Optimal Policy Schemes under Oligopoly” (with Y. Katsoulacos), 1996, in A. Xepapadeas (Ed), Economic Policy for the Environment and Natural Resources: Techniques for the Management and Control of Pollution, Edward Elgar Publishers.
• “Environmental Innovation, Spillovers and Optimal Policy Rules” (with Y. Katsoulacos), 1996, in C. Carraro, Y. Katsoulacos and A. Xepapadeas (Eds) Environmental Policy and Market Structure, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
• “Emission Taxes and Market Structure” (with Y. Katsoulacos), 1996, in C. Carraro, Y. Katsoulacos and A. Xepapadeas (Eds), Environmental Policy and Market Structure, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
• “Carbon Dioxide Emissions: Measurements and Policy Issues,” 1995, in M. Skourtos and K. Sofoulis (Eds), Environmental Policy in Greece, Typothito Publications, Athens (in Greek).
• “Controlling Nonpoint-Source Stock Externalities through an Efficient Instrument Mix,” 1995, in L.M. Albisu and C. Romero (Eds), Proceedings of the 34th Seminar of the European Association of Agricultural Economists, Wissenschaftsverlang Vauk, Kiel.
• “Rate of Return Regulation, Emission Charges and Behaviour of Monopoly,” 1995, in C. Carraro and J. Filar (Eds), Control and Game Theoretic Models of the Environment, Birckhauser Publishers, New York.
• “Forecasting the Consumption of Milk and Dairy Products in Greece,” 1995, in J. Jansen, C. Skiadas and C. Zopounidis (Eds), Advances in Stochastic Modeling and Data Analysis, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
• “Optimal Growth and Endogenous Cycles in Polluted Environments,” 1994, in G. Alogoskoufis, T. Kollintzas and G. Provopoulos (Eds), Essays in Honour of Professor Constantine Drakatos, Papazissis Publishers, Athens.
• “Controlling Environmental Externalities: Observability and Optimal Policy Rules,” 1994, in T. Graham-Tomasi and C. Dosi (Eds), Nonpoint Source Pollution Regulation, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
• “Induced Technical Change and International Agreements under Greenhouse Warming” (1993), in J. Jansen and C. Skiadas (Eds), Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis, World Scientific Publisher, London.
• “Spatial Placement of Polluting Activities,” 1988, in Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Quantitative Methods, Chios, Greece.
• The Economics of Climate Change, (with G. Economides, A. Papandeou and E. Sartzetakis, 2018, Bank of Greece, Athens
• Mathematical Methods in Economics, Volume A and Volume B, 2008, Gutenberg, Athens (in Greek).
• The Economics of Water Management in Developing Countries: Problems, Principles and Policy, Co-Editor (with P. Koundouri, P. Pashardes and T. Swanson), 2003, Edward Elgar Publishers, Cheltenham, UK.
• Economics of Water Resources, Co-Editor (with P. Pashardes and T. Swanson), 2002, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
• Market Power, Environmental Regulation and Time Consistency of Policies, Co-Editor (with E. Petrakis and E. Sartzetakis), 1999, Edward Elgar Publishers, Cheltenham, UK.
• Advanced Principles in Environmental Policy, 1997, Edward Elgar Publishers, Cheltenham, UK.
• Economic Policy for the Environment and Natural Resources: Techniques for the Management and Control of Pollution, Editor, 1996, Edward Elgar Publishers, Cheltenham, UK.
• Environmental Policy and Market Structure, Co-Editor (with C. Carraro and Y. Katsoulacos), 1996, Kluwers Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
• Public Utilities: Theory and Practice (with P. Efthymoglou), 1990, Stamoulis Publishing Company, Piraeus (in Greek).
• Mathematical Methods in Economics: Theory and Applications, 1989, Volume I - Differential and Integral Calculus, Matrices; Volume II - Static and Dynamic Optimization, Sbilias Publishing Company, Athens (in Greek).
Guest Editor
• Environmental and Resource Economics, Special Issue in Water Resource Management (with T. Swanson), 2003, Vol. 26, No 1.
• Water Resources Research, WRR Policy and Economics Special Sections, Special Section: “Groundwater Economics and Policy,” 2004, Vol. 40, June.
• Environment and Development Economics, Special Issue in Infectious Diseases (with S. Levin), 2006, Vol. 12, No 5.
Book Review
• National Accounting and Capital by John M. Hartwick, Journal of Economic Literature, March 2002, Vol. XL, 169-171.

• “The Spatial Dimension in the Economics of Climate Change,” Invited planetary presentation FSR Climate annual conference, EUI, Florence, November 2018.
• “The Spatial Dimension in Environmental and Resource Economics,” Invited planetary presentation, annual conference of the French Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, Aix, August, 2018.
• “Natural Resource Management: A Network Perspective,” World Congress of Environmental and Resources Economists, Gothenburg, June, 2018
• “Natural Resource Management: A Network Perspective,” SURED Conference, Ascona, June, 2018.
• “Natural Resource Management: A Network Perspective,” Research Seminar, ETH, Zurich, February, 2018, and 2nd International Workshop on The Economics of Climate Change and Sustainability, Bertinoro, Italy, April 2018.
• “Spatio-temporal Aspects of Climate Change and Regional Climate Policies,” Invited Seminar, University of Ferrara, November 2017.
• “Economic Perspectives and Energy: Growth of a Small Economy with Exhaustible and Renewable Energy under Conditions of Climate Change,” Energy Committee of the Academy of Athens, Academy of Athens, October 2017 (in Greek).
• “Spatial Aspects of Climate Change, Sustained Economic Development, and Sustainable Development Goals,” Plenary Panel: SDGs and the Road to Sustainability 19th Annual BIOECON Conference, Tilburg University, September 2017.
• “Natural Resource Management: A Network Perspective” (with E. Kyriakopoulou), 19th Annual BIOECON Conference, Tilburg University, September 2017.
• “Climate Change Policies When Countries Are Small Emitters: Greece and the Mediterranean”, 3rd SDSN Mediterranean Conference, Athens, September 2017.
• “Spatially Structured Deep Uncertainty, Robust Control, and Climate Change Policies” (with A. Yannacopoulos), 23rd EAERE Conference, Athens, June 2017.
• “Climate Change Economics and Heat Transport across the Globe: Spatial-DSICE” (with Y. Cai and W. Brock), Invited paper presented at the Conference “The Macro and Micro Economics of Climate Change”, UC Santa Barbara, California, May 2017.
• “Can Cleaner Environment Promote International Trade? Environmental Policies as Exports Promoting Mechanisms” (with I. Pantaleou, P. Hatzipanagiotou and P. Kostantinou), 8th RCEA Macro-Money-Finance Workshop, Rimini, May 2017.
• “Designing Climate Policy under Polar Amplification: Cooperative and Non cooperative Solutions,” Fondazione Enrico Mattei, Venice, May 2017.
• “Spatio-temporal Aspects of Climate Change Policies,” International Workshop on the Economics of Climate Change and Sustainability, Rimini, April 2017.
• “Climate Change Economics and Heat Transport across the Globe: Spatial-DSICE” (with Y. Cai and W. Brock), Invited paper presented at the 2017 ASSA Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, January 2017.
• “Climate Change Policy under Polar Amplification” (with W. Brock), TI/ERC Conference on Combating Climate Change, Tinbergen Institute, Amsterdam, April 2016; 22nd EAERE Conference, Zurich June 2016; Graduate Seminar Université d’ Auvergne, France, November 2016.
• “Biodiversity Management under Climate Change,” 1ere ecole d’ete des objectifs de development durable, University of Marseille, Marseille, July 2016.
• “Climate Engineering Under Deep Uncertainty and Heterogeneity” (with V. Manoussi and J. Emmerling), 22nd EAERE Conference, Zurich, June 2016.
• “Optimal Management of Ecosystem Services with Pollution Traps: The Lake Model Revisited” (with D. Grass and A. de Zeeuw), 22nd EAERE Conference, Zurich, June 2016.
• “Spatial Growth with Exogenous Saving Rates,” 2nd International Conference in Applied Macro and Empirical Finance, AMEF 2016 Thessaloniki, May, 2016.
• “Spatial Resource Management under Pollution Externalities” (with A. Yannacopoulos), Fourth International Workshop on Natural Resources, Environment and Economic Growth European University, St. Petersburg, October 2015.
• “Economic Policy for Climate Change Robustness and Spatial Effects,” Department of Economics, University of Bologna, September 2015.
• “Differential Games in Environmental and Resource Economics,” Moscow Summer Academy on Economic Growth and Governance of Natural Resources, Lomonosov Moscow State University, July 2015.
• “Time Scale Externalities and the Management of Renewable Resources” (with G. Vardas), 21st EAERE Conference, Helsinki, June 2015.
• “Regulating the Environmental Consequences of Preferences for Social Status within an Evolutionary Framework” (with E. Sartzetakis and A. Yannacopoulos), 21st EAERE Conference, Helsinki, June 2015.
• Optimal Control in Space and Time and the Management of Environmental Resources, Alfred-Weber-Institut Universität, Heidelberg, May 2015.
• “Climate Economics: Carbon Budgeting, Robustness, and Spatial Transport,” LSE Department of Geography and Environment and the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment, London, April 2015.
• “Environmental Sustainability and Economic Development: Cost Benefit Analysis for Sustainable Development,” Invited Lecture, Secondo Colloquium Internazionale: Four Ways To Feed The Planet, Milan, December 2014.
• “Cooperation and Competition in Climate Change Policies: Mitigation and Climate Engineering when Countries are Asymmetric” (with V. Manousi), Invited Lecture, Istanbul, Climate Change and Sustainable Development Economics, FEEM, Venice, November 2014.
• “Saving Rates Economic Growth across Locations: The Spatial Distribution of Capital with Exogenous Savings,” Temple University, Philadelphia, November 2014.
• “Cooperation and Competition in Climate Change Policies: Mitigation and Climate Engineering when Countries are Asymmetric” (with V. Manousi), World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economics, Istanbul, June 2014.
• “Robust Control of a Spatially Distributed Commercial Fishery” (with W. Brock and A. Yannacopoulos), 20th EAERE Conference, Prague, June 2013.
• “Spatial Aspects and Deep Uncertainty in Climate Change Policy,” Conference on Developing Regulatory Policy in the Context of Deep Uncertainty: Legal, Economic, and Natural Science Perspectives, University of Chicago Law School, April 2013.
• “Mitigation and Solar Radiation Management in Climate Change Policies” (with V. Manousi), MABIES Conference, Institute Henri Poincare, Paris, February 2013 and 20th EAERE Conference, Toulouse, June 2013.
• “Energy Balance Climate Models and General Equilibrium Optimal Mitigation Policies,” Invited plenary paper, SURED Conference, Ascona, June 2012.
• “Robust Control and Hot Spots in Spatiotemporal Economic Systems,” Viennese Workshop on Optimal Control, Vienna, May 2012, and 19th EAERE Conference, Prague, June 2012.
• “Energy Balance Climate Models and General Equilibrium Optimal Mitigation Policies,” Invited presentation, IIASA Symposium on “Green Growth and Sustainable Development”, IIASA, Laxenburg, December 2011.
• “Economics of Climate Change: Spatial Energy Balance Climate Models, Optimal Policy Rules, and Spatial Effects,” Invited Lecture, CREQAM, Marseille, October 2011.
• “On the Structure of Cities: Emergence of Residential and Industrial Areas under Environmental Policy” (with E. Kyriakopoulou), 18th EAERE Conference, Rome, June 2011.
• “Energy Balance Climate Models and the Economics of Climate Change” (with W. Brock and G. Engstrom), 18th EAERE Conference, Rome, June 2011.
• “Pollution Control: When, and How, To Be Precautious” (with S. Athanassoglou), 18th EAERE Conference, Rome, June 2011.
• “Energy Balance Model and the Economics of Climate Change,” Invited seminar, PEEES, Paris School of Economics, April 2011.
• “Energy Balance Model and the Temporal Structure of Environmental Policy,” Invited seminar, Technical University of Vienna, January 2011.
• “Ambiguity, Precaution and their Costs in International Pollution Control,” Climate Change and Common Sense Workshop in Honor of Tom Schelling, Manchester, November 2010.
• “On the Optimal Taxation of Common Pool Resources” (with G. Kossioris, M. Plexousakis and A. de Zeeuw), 4th World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists, Université du Québec à Montréal, June-July 2010.
• “Spatial Location Decisions: The Emergence of Residential and Industrial Clusters under Environmental and Housing Externalities” (with E. Kyriakopoulou), 4th World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists, Université du Québec à Montréal, June-July 2010.
• “The Emergence of Optimal Agglomeration in Dynamic Economics,” 11th Conference on Optimal Control, Dynamic Games and Nonlinear Dynamics, Keynote Lecture, Amsterdam, 2010.
• “Valuing Biodiversity from an Economic Perspective,” UNESCO IYB, Biodiversity Science Policy Conference, Paris, January 2010.
• “Environmental Policy, and the Emergence of Economic Agglomerations” (with E. Kyriakopoulou), ASSET Meeting, Istanbul, 2009.
• “Modeling Complex System,” Keynote Lecture, 27th Conference of the International Association of Agricultural Economists, Beijing, August 2009.
• “Environmental Policy, Spatial Spillovers and the Emergence of Economic Agglomerations” (with E. Kyriakopoulou), 17th EAERE Conference, Amsterdam, June 2009.
• “The Role of Information Provision as a Policy Instrument to Supplement Environmental Taxes: Empowering Consumers to Choose Optimally” (with E. Sartzetakis and E. Petrakis), 17th EAERE Conference, Amsterdam, June 2009.
• “Biodiversity: Measurement, Valuation and Economic Instruments for Management Purposes,” Invited Paper, EU Conference: Biodiversity Protection Beyond 2010, Athens, April 2009.
• “Economic Management of Ecosystems with Thresholds” (with G. Kossioris, M. Plexousakis and A. de Zeeuw), 4th ALEAR Conference, Costa Rica, 2009.
• “Optimal Control of Coupled Economic-Ecological Systems of Reaction-Diffusion Equations: Pattern Formation, Spatial Externalities and Regulation” (with W. Brock), Environment and Resource Economics Seminar, University of California, Berkeley, April 2008.
• “Optimal Control of Coupled Economic-Ecological Systems of Reaction-Diffusion Equations: Pattern Formation, Spatial Externalities and Regulation” (with W. Brock), 16th EAERE Conference, Gothenburg, June 2008; and SURED 2008 Keynote Lecture, Ascona, Switzerland, 2008.
• “Total Factor Productivity Growth and the Environment: A Case for Green Growth Accounting” (with D. Vouvaki and E. Tzouvelekas), 15th EAERE Conference, Thessaloniki, June 2007.
• “Regulation of Farming Activities: An Evolutionary Approach” (with C. Passa), 15th EAERE Conference, Thessaloniki, June 2007.
• “Combination of Environmental Taxation with Information Provision in a Dynamic Context” (with E. Petraki and E. Sartzetaki), 15th EAERE Conference, Thessaloniki, June 2007.
• “Uncertainty, Precaution and Biodiversity Management” (with G. Vardas), 15th EAERE Conference, Thessaloniki, June 2007.
• “Diffusion-Induced Instability and Pattern Formation in Infinite Horizon Recursive Optimal Control,” Invited Lecture, Université Paris 1, Panthéon-Sorbonne, November 2006.
• “Uncertainty, Precaution and Biodiversity Management” (with G. Vardas), Keynote Lecture, 8th Annual BIOECON Conference on the Economic Analysis of Ecology and Biodiversity, Kings College, Cambridge, August 2006.
• “Feedback Nash Equilibria for Non-Linear Differential Games in Pollution Control” (with G. Kossioris, M. Plexoysakis, A. de Zeeuw and K.-G. Mäler), 3rd World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists, Kyoto, July 2006.
• “Space in Unified Models of Economy and Ecology,” Annual Congress of the Swiss Society of Economics and Statistics, Keynote Lecture, Zurich, 2005.
• “Uncertainty Aversion and Robust Portfolio Choices with Stochastic Investment Opportunity Set” (with G. Vardas), 20th Annual Congress of the European Economic Association, Amsterdam, August 2005.
• “Economic Modelling for Groundwater Resources Management,” International Conference on Water Economics, Statistics and Finance, Rethymno, Greece, July 2005.
• “Ecosystem Management in Models of Antagonistic Species Coevolution” (with W. Brock), 14th EAERE Conference, Bremen, June 2005.
• “Criteria for Assessing Sustainable Development: Theoretical Issues and Empirical Evidence for the Case of Greece” (with D. Vouvaki), 2nd Workshop on Inclusive Wealth and Accounting Prices, International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy, April 2005.
• “Robust Control, Uncertainty Aversion and Asset Holdings in Stochastic Environment” (with G. Vardas), International Conference on Stochastic Finance 2004, Lisbon, September 2004.
• “Participation in and Compliance with Public Voluntary Environmental Programs: An Evolutionary Approach” (with C. Passa), 13th EAERE Conference, Budapest, June 2004.
• “Environmental Information Provision as a Public Policy Instrument” (with E. Petrakis and E. Sartzetakis), 13th EAERE Conference, Budapest, June 2004; European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (E.A.R.I.E.), Berlin, 2004; Association of Southern European Economic Theorists (ASSET) Annual Conference, Barcelona, 2004; and Workshop on Industrial Economics and the Environment at CORE, Université Catholique de Louvain, 2004.
• “Spatial Management of Dynamical Resource Models” (with W. Brock), Workshop on Spatial-Dynamic Models of Economic- and Eco-systems, April 2004,Trieste, Italy, Beijer Institute, FEEM and International Center for Theoretical Physics; and First Conference of the Spanish-Portuguese Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, Vigo, Spain, June 2004.
• “Uncertainty Aversion, Robust Control and Asset Holdings” (with G. Vardas), 8th International Conference in Macroeconomics, Rethymno, Greece, May 2004.
• “Regime Switching and the Shape of the Emission-Income Relationship” (with N. Aslanidis), Association of Environmental and Resource Economists/American Economic Association Joint Session, ASSA Meeting, San Diego, January 2004.
• “Regulation and Evolution of Harvesting Rules in Common Pool Resources,” Sevilla Workshop on Dynamic Economics and the Environment, Sevilla, July 2003.
• “Robust Control in Water Management” (with C. Roseta-Palma), 12th EAERE Conference, Bilbao, June 2003.
• “Instabilities and Robust Control in Fishery Management” (with C. Roseta-Palma), Conference on Theoretical Topics in Ecological Economics, Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics and International Centre of Theoretical Physics, Trieste, February 2003; and 12th EAERE Conference, Bilbao, June 2003.
• “Regulating Nonlinear Environmental Systems under Knightian Uncertainty” (with W. Brock), 2nd World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economics, Monterey, California, June 2002.
• “Feedback Equilibria for a Class of Non-Linear Differential Games in Resource Economics” (with A. de Zeeuw and K.-G. Maler), 2nd World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economics, Monterey, California, June 2002.
• “Management of Interacting Species: Regulation under Nonlinearities and Hysteresis” (with W. Brock), 2nd World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economics, Monterey, California, June 2002.
• “Efficiency of Nonpoint Source Pollution Instruments in the Presence of Endogenous Externalities among Polluters: An Experimental Approach” (with F. Cochard and M. Willinger), 2nd World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economics, Monterey, California, June 2002.
• “Robust Control in Water Management” (with C. Roseta-Palma), Wageningen International Conference on Risk and Uncertainty in Environmental and Resource Economics, June 2002.
• “To Commit or Not to Commit: Environmental Policy in Imperfectly Competitive Markets” (with E. Petrakis), 11th EAERE Conference, Southampton, June 2001.
• “Mosaic Management in Metapopulation Models: Optimal Management of Interrelated Species in Patchy Environments” (with W. Brock), Workshop on the Economics of Biodiversity, University of California, Santa Barbara, May 2001.
• “Irreversible Development of a Natural Resource: Management Rules and Policy Issues when Use and Non-use Values are Uncertain,” UCF/CentER Conference on the Environment, Orlando, November 2000.
• “Measuring Natural Resource Scarcity: A Distance Function Approach” (with P. Koundouri), ASSET 2000 Euroconference, Lisbon, November 2000; and the 11th EAERE Conference, Southampton, June 2001.
• “Biodiversity Management under Uncertainty: Species Selection and Harvesting Rules” (with W. Brock), 2nd International Conference on Environmental and Development, The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Stockholm, September 2000.
• “A New Approach to Measuring Natural Resource Scarcity: The Distance Function Method” (with P. Koundouri), Symposium on Water Resource Management, Cyprus, September 2000.
• “The Economics of Shallow Lakes” (with K.-G. Maler and A. de Zeeuw), 10th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, Crete, June 2000.
• “Location Decisions of a Polluting Firm and the Time Consistency of Environmental Policy” (with E. Petrakis), 10th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, Crete, June 2000.
• “Agricultural Policy, Environmental Impacts and Water Use under Uncertainty” (with G. Karagiannis), 3rd SAGA workshop, Milan, December 1999.
• “Environmental Policy: Theoretical Foundations and Practical Applications,” Economie de l’ Environnement, PIREE, Strasbourg, December 1999.
• “Sources of Productivity Growth and Environmental Pollution: A Parametric Approach” (with G. Karagiannis), 6th European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis, Copenhagen, October 1999; and the 10th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, Crete, June 2000.
• “Environmental Policy, Government Commitment and Market Power” (with E. Petrakis), 9th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, Oslo, June 1999; the 14th Annual Congress of the European Economic Association, Spain, August 1999; and the Annual Conference of the Association of Southern European Economic Theorists, ASSET, Tel-Aviv, October 1999.
• “Environmental Policy and Firm Behaviour: Abatement Investment and Location Decisions under Uncertainty and Irreversibility,” NBER/FEEM Conference on the Distributional and Behavioural Aspects of Environmental Policy, Milan, June 1999.
• “Measurement of Productivity in the Agricultural Sector of Crete” (with E. Androulaki and M. Botsetou), 5th Greek Congress of Agricultural Economics, Athens, 1998.
• “Optimal Management in Tilmania: A Competitive Species Assembly Constrained by a Limiting Factor” (with W. Brock), World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists, Italy, 1998.
• “Environmental Advertisement: An Alternative Environmental Policy” (with E. Sartzetakis), World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists, Italy, 1998.
• “Does Government Precommitment Promote Environmental Innovation?” (with E. Petrakis), World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists, Italy, 1998.
• “Optimal Car Replacement and Environmental Protection Policy in the EU: The Case of Greece” (with N. Baltas), International Conference on Economic Integration and Transformation, York University, Toronto, May 1998.
• “Dynamic Games and Hysteresis in Ecological Systems” (with K.-G. Maler and A. de Zeeuw), Resilience Network for Economic/Ecological Modelling, Malta, April 1998.
• “Optimal Management in Tilmania I” (with W. Brock), Resilience Network for Economic/Ecological Modelling, Malta, April 1998.
• “Irreversible Resource Development when Benefits and Damages are Uncertain,” Theory Group of the Resilience Network for Economic/Ecological Modelling, Rethymno, Crete, August 1997.
• “Measurement of Technical and Economic Efficiency of Agriculture and Tourism Sector in the Region of Crete” (with E. Androulaki and M. Botsetou), 3rd International Symposium on Quantitative Methods, Athens, August 1997.
• “Porter Hypothesis and the Composition of Capital” (with A. de Zeeuw), 8th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, Tilburg, June 1997.
• “From Command and Control to Tradeable Emission Permits: Strategic Behaviour of Polluters” (with B. Laplante and E. Sartzetakis), 8th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, Tilburg, June 1997.
• “Measuring Technical Efficiency in the Tourism and Agricultural Sector of Crete: A Comparative Study” (with E. Androulaki and M. Botsetou), Annual Conference of the Greek Operational Research Society, Athens, May 1997.
• “Measuring Environmental Performance: The Case of Agricultural Pollution in Romania” (with L. Toma), International Conference on the Economic and Social Aspects of the Transition Process in Central and Eastern Europe, Rethymno, Greece, October 1996.
• “From Command and Control to Tradeable Emission Permits: Strategic Behaviour of Polluters” (with B. Laplante and E. Sartzetakis), Canadian Resource and Environmental Economics Study Group, McGill University, October 1996.
• “Input-based Taxes for Pollution Generation under Asymmetric Information,” 7th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, Lisbon, June 1996.
• “Measuring Benefits and Damages from CO2 Emissions and International Agreements to Slow Down Global Warming” (with A. Yiannaka), International Workshop on Global Warming, Trento, Italy, May 1996.
• “Quantity and Quality Management of Groundwater: An Application to Irrigated Agriculture in Iraklion, Crete,” International Workshop on the Mediterranean Water Policies, Fondazione ENI Enrico Mattei, Venice, May 1996.
• “Emission Taxes in International Asymmetric Oligopolies” (with Y. Katsoulacos and D. Ulph), Annual Conference of the Allied Social Science Associations, San Francisco, January 1996; and the 7th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, Lisbon, June 1996.
• “Regulation of Mineral Emissions under Asymmetric Information,” International Workshop on Mineral Emissions from Agriculture, NLH, Oslo, January 1996.
• “Economic Incentives as a Means to Alleviate Environmental Problems: The Case of Cars in Greece” (with N. Baltas and O. Korka), International Workshop on Financial Instruments and Environmental Protection in Greece, Athens, October 1995.
• “The Demand for Tourism in Crete: An Empirical Study” (with V. Giakoumaki), International Workshop on Economics of Tourism, Rethymno, Crete, September 1996.
• “Environmental Quality and Economic Development: Empirical Evidence Based on Qualitative Characteristics” (with E. Amri), 6th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, Umea, Sweden, June 1995.
• “Managing Common Access Resources under Production Externalities,” Human Capital and Mobility International Workshop, Venice, May 1995.
• “Environmental R&D, Spillovers and Optimal Policy Schemes under Oligopoly,” Environment International Workshop, Venice, May 1995.
• “Evaluating Exhaustible Natural Resources Projects: Resource Conservation and Environmental Preservation Effects,” Conference of the Confederation of European Economic Associations, Athens, Greece, October 1994.
• “Environmental Consciousness and Moral Hazard in International Agreements to Protect the Environment” (with E. Petrakis), 21st Conference of the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics, Chania, Greece, September 1994.
• “Environmental R&D, Spillovers and Optimal Policy Schemes under Oligopoly,” 50th Congress of the International Institute of Public Finance, Harvard, Cambridge, August 1994.
• “Water Use Technology Adoption and Efficient Policy Schemes under Asymmetric Information” (with D. Zilberman), 5th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, UCD, Dublin, Ireland, June 1994.
• “Optimal Management of the International Commons: Resource Use and Pollution Control,” 5th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, UCD, Dublin, Ireland, June 1994.
• “Controlling Nonpoint Source Externalities through an Efficient Instrument Mix,” 34th Seminar of the European Association of Agricultural Economists, MAIZ, Zaragoza, Spain, February 1994.
• “Environmental Innovation, Spillovers and Optimal Policy Rules” (with Y. Katsoulacos), International Workshop on Environment: Policy and Market Structure, sponsored by Fondazione ENI Enrico Mattei and Athens Institute of Economic Policy Studies, Athens, January 1994.
• “Observability and Choice of Instrument Mix in the Control of Externalities,” INSEAD Business Economic Seminar, Fontainebleau, France, November 1993.
• “Managing the International Commons: Resource Use and Pollution Control,” International Workshop on Economic Aspects of International Water Resources Utilization in the Mediterranean Basin, sponsored by the University of Haifa and the Fondazione ENI Enrico Mattei, Milan, Italy, October 1993.
• “On the Dynamic Aspect of the Political Economy of Protectionism” (with V. Pesmazoglou), Econometric Society, European Meeting, Uppsala, Sweden, August 1993.
• “Environmental Consciousness and Asymmetric Information in the Formation of International Policies to Protect the Environment” (with E. Petrakis), Econometric Society, European Meeting, Uppsala, Sweden, August 1993; and the 8th Annual Congress of the European Economic Association, Helsinki, Finland, August 1993.
• “Pigouvian Taxes under Oligopoly” (with Y. Katsoulacos), 4th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, INSEAD, Fontainebleau, France, July 1993; and 20th Annual Conference of the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics, Tel Aviv, Israel, September 1993.
• “Long-Run Growth, Environmental Pollution and Increasing Return,” 15th Annual Conference of the Society of Economic Dynamics and Control, Nafplion, Greece, June 1993.
• “Induced Technical Change and International Agreements under Greenhouse Warming,” 6th International Symposium on Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis, Chania, Greece, May 1993.
• “Analysis of the Open Sea Fishery Sector of Greece” (with Y. Malandrakis), 2nd Conference of Agricultural Economics, Thessaloniki, Greece, December 1992.
• “Control of Externalities under Oligopoly with Endogenous Market Structure” (with Y. Katsoulacos), Annual Conference of the Association of Southern European Economic Theorist, Toulouse, France, November 1992.
• “Evaluation of Infrastructure Linkages Between East-West Countries: The Case of Greece and Albania” (with S. Lioukas et al.), 6th World Conference on Transport Research, Lyons, France, June-July 1992.
• “Environmental Regulation: Learning and Doing in the Case of Nonpoint-Source Water Pollution” (with A. Dinar and W. Boggess), 11th Pacific Coast Resource Modelling Conference, University of California at Berkeley, June 1992; and 3rd Annual Meeting of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, Krakow, Poland, June 1992.
• “Controlling Environmental Externalities: Observability and Optimal Policy Rules,” International Workshop on Nonpoint-Source Pollution Regulation, sponsored by the Fondazione ENI Enrico Mattei, Milan, April 1992.
• “Global Environmental Problems and Induced Technical Change: The Greenhouse Effect,” 2nd Annual Meeting of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, Stockholm, Sweden, June 1991.
• “Intertemporal Incentives and Moral Hazard in Nonpoint-Source Pollution,” Association of Environmental and Resource Economists Workshop on Management of Nonpoint-Source Pollution,Lexington, Kentucky, June 1991; and 6th Annual Meeting of the European Economic Association, Cambridge, England, September 1991.
• “Behaviour of a Regulated Utility under Environmental Constraints,” 5th Annual Meeting of the European Economic Association in Lisbon, Portugal, September 1990.
• “Optimal Pollution Management under Uncertainty,” 1st Annual Meeting of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, Venice, Italy, April 1990; and Conference on the Environment, University of Tilburg, CENTER, Holland, September 1990.
• “Economic Policy (including Monetary Policy) and Climate Change,” Bank of Greece, Principal investigator, in progress.
• “Greek National Adaptation Strategy to Climate Change,” Bank of Greece and Ministry for the Environment and Climate Change, in progress.
• “Spatiotemporal Dynamics in Economics,” ARISTEIA Program, Project Coordinator, General Secretariat for Research and Technology, Greece, 2015-2016.
• “PRONTO,” Productivity, Non-Tariff Measures and Openness, EU-FP7-SSH-2013-1, Task: Environmental policy issues, in progress.
• “Optimal Management of Dynamic Systems of the Economy and the Environment,” THALIS Program, Project Coordinator, General Secretariat for Research and Technology, Greece, 2012-2016.
• “MERMAID, Innovative Multipurpose Offshore Platforms Platforms,” EU-FP7, 2011-2015.
• “OpenAIRE,” Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe, 7th Framework Programme, INFRA-2009-1, Research in In Infrastructure, 2012-2014.
• “Economic Evaluation of the Greek Gene Bank,” Project Coordinator, Latsis Foundation, 2012-2013.
• “Evolutionary Approaches in Policy Design,” HERACLITUS Program, General Secretariat for Research and Technology, Greece, Project Coordinator, 2011-2014.
• “Green National Accounts for the Greek Economy,” Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change, Project Coordinator, 2010-2011.
• “The Environmental, Economic and Social Impacts of Climate Change in Greece,” Climate Change Impacts Study Committee, Bank of Greece, 2009-2011.
• “Green Measures in Greece,” WWF Hellas, Project Coordinator, 2009-2010.
• “Sustainable Development, Theoretical Foundations and Empirical Evidence,” PENED General Secretariat for Research and Technology, Greece, Project Coordinator, 2005-2008.
• GENEDEC, “A Quantitative and Qualitative Assessment of the Socio-Economic and Environmental Impacts of Decoupling of Direct Payments on Agricultural Production, Markets and Land Use in the EU,” Coordinator of the Greek Team, European Commission 6th FP, 2003-2007.
• “Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, Policy Perspectives,” Coordinating Leading Author for the preparation of the “FOOD” chapter, United Nations Environment Program and ICLARM – The World Fish Center, in Malaysia, 2004-2006.
• “MEDIS,” Coordinator, for the Socioeconomic Aspects of Water Management in Mediterranean Islands, European Commission 5th FP, 2002-2006.
• “Technology Foresight,” Coordinator for the Chapter on Environment, Greek Secretariat for Research, 2003-2005.
• “Integrated Water Management in Cyprus: Economic and Institutional Foundations,” EU and the Government of Cyprus, Member of the scientific review panel, 1999-2001.
• “Sustainable Agriculture Use of Aquifers in Southern Europe: Integration between Agricultural and Water Management Policies,” Concerted Action Program, European Commission, DG VI, Greek Coordinator, Network Coordinator: Fondazione Mattei, Milan, 1998-2000.
• “The Resilience Network for Ecological/Economic Modelling,” Network Coordinators: The Beijer Institute, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and the University of Florida, Gainesville, 1998-2001.
• “Carbon Dioxide Emissions in Greek Manufacturing: An Econometric Analysis,” Greek Secretariat for Research and Technology, Coordinator, 1998-2000.
• “Measurement of Technical and Economic Efficiency of Agriculture and Tourism Sector in the Region of Crete,” Regional Development Plan of Crete, Coordinator, 1997-2001.
• “Environmental Policy and the Competitiveness of Greek Industry,” Ministry for Industry and Energy, Greece, Coordinator, 1996-1997.
• “Transfer Prices for the Greek Public Power Corporation,” Public Power Corporation, 1995-1996.
• Research Network on “Designing Economic Policy for Management of Natural Resources and the Environment,” Human Capital and Mobility Program, European Commission DG XII, Network Coordinator, 1994-1996.
• “Policy Measures to Control Environmental Impact in Agriculture,” Concerted Action Program, European DG XII, Greek Coordinator, Network Coordinator: University of Wageningen, 1995-1996.
• “Environmental Policy, Technological Innovation and Firms' Competitiveness in Oligopolistic Industries,” Environment 1991-1994 (II) Program, Research on Economic and Social Aspects of Environmental Issues, European Commission DG XII, Greek Coordinator, Network Coordinator: Fondazione Mattei, Milan 1994-1995.
• “The Potential Benefits of Integration of Environmental and Economic Policies in the European Periphery (Cohesion Countries),” Network Coordinator: University College Dublin, Environmental Institute, 1995.
• “Policy Implications of Environmental Regulation: The Case of Doing and Learning in Nonpoint-Source Pollution,” Fondazione ENI Enrico Mattei, Milan, Contract 041/93, 1993-1995.
• “The Measurement of Productivity in the Greek Public Sector,” Greek Productivity Centre, 1994-1995.
• “Valuation of Environmental Assets and Environmental Damage in Greece,” in the program “Measurement and Achievement of Sustainability,” European Commission DG XII, Network Coordinator: CSERGE, London, 1995.
• “Evaluation of Environmental Impacts,” in the program “Budapest Environmentally Friendly Transport System,” PHARE Study No 604/91, Network Coordinator: TRUTh S.A., 1995.
• “A Methodological Approach to the Determination of Pricing Rules for Selling Natural Gas to the Public Power Corporation of Greece,” Public Power Corporation, 1994.
• “Natural Resources and the Management of Environmental Pollution,” University of Crete Research Centre, 1992-1994.
• “Financial, Economic and Social Evaluation of the Igoumenitsa Rail Link,” Hellenic Railway Organisation and Research Centre of the Athens University of Economics and Business, 1992.
• “Financial, Economic and Social Evaluation of the Rail Link between Greece and Albania,” Hellenic Railway Organisation and Research Centre of the Athens University of Economics and Business, 1991.
• “Extraction Policy and User's Cost of an Exhaustible Natural Resource,” University of Crete Research Centre, 1989-1990.
• Nikos Sarris, “Essays in Natural Resource Management,” Athens University of Economics and Business, in progress (Member of the Committee)
• Stelios Tsagaris, “Spatiotemporal Dynamics and Economic Growth,” Athens University of Economics and Business, in progress (Chair of the Committee)
• Ioanna Pantalaiou, “Environmental Policy and International Trade,” Athens University of Economics and Business, in progress (Chair of the Committee)
• Ioannis Petroxeilos Adrianos, “Evolutionary Game Theory,” Athens University of Economics and Business, 2016 (Chair of the Committee)
• Panagiota Nteli, “Essays in Dynamic Macroeconomics and Political Economy,” Athens University of Economics and Business, 2015 (Member of the Committee)
• Daniel Heyen, “Five Essays in the Economics of Climate Engineering, Research, and Regulation under Uncertainty,” University of Heidelberg, 2015 (External Examiner)
• Vassiliki Manousi, “Mitigation and Solar radiation management in Climate Change Economics” Athens University of Economics and Business, 2015 (Chair of the Committee)
• Pauli Lappi, “Emission Trading under Market Imperfections,” University of Helsinki, 2014 (External examiner)
• Efthymia Kyriakopoulou, “Environmental Policy and the Spatial Structure of Economic Activity in New Economic Geography Models,” Athens University of Economics and Business, 2011 (Chair of the Committee)
• Evangelia Chalioti, “Organizations and Markets,” Athens University of Economics and Business, 2011 (Member of the Committee)
• Yiannis Kountouris, “Essays on Environmental Valuation,” Athens University of Economics and Business, 2011 (Member of the Committee)
• Kyriaki Remoundou, “Essays on Non-market Valuation Using Stated Choice and Lab Experiments,” Athens University of Economics and Business, 2011 (Member of the Committee)
• Christos Mpilanakos, “Essays on General Training, Contracts and the Relationship between Power and Efficiency,” Athens University of Economics and Business, 2009 (Member of the Committee)
• Fabio Antoniou, “Issues on Trade and the Environment,” Athens University of Economics and Business, 2009 (Member of the Committee)
• Evangelos Dioikitopoulos, “Topics in Public Finance and Growth Policies,” Athens University of Economics and Business, 2008 (Member of the Committee)
• Dimitra Vouvaki, “Sustainability and Total factor Productivity Growth under Environmental Externalities: Theoretical issues and Empirical Evidence,” University of Crete, 2008 (Chair of the Committee)
• Joan Canton, “Eco-industries: An Approach under Imperfect Competition,” Université de la Méditerranée, Aix-Marseille II, 2007 (External Examiner)
• Yiannis Kamarianakis, “Stochastic Control with Descriptive Adjustments and Ergodic or Discounted Optimization Criteria: Applications in Finance,” University of Crete, 2007 (Chair of the Committee)
• Costantina Passa, “Regulation of Agricultural Externalities: An Evolutionary Approach,” University of Crete, 2007 (Chair of the Committee)
• Giannis Vardas, “Robust Control Methods in Economics and Finance,” University of Crete, 2006 (Chair of the Committee)
• Francoise Cochard, “Regulation of Nonpoint Source Pollution: Experimental Studies of the Efficiency of Fiscal Instruments,” Université Louis Pasteur – Strasbourg I, 2003 (Co-Chair of the Committee)
• Anne-Sophie Crepin, “Tackling the Economics of Ecosystems,” University of Stockholm, 2002 (External Examiner)
• Tommy Lundgren, “Dynamic Factor Demands and Environmental Investment,” Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, 2002 (External Examiner)
• Catarina Roseta-Palma, “Essays in Natural Resource Economics,” Universita Nova, Lisbon, 2000 (External Examiner)
• Noemi Padron Fumero, “Structure of Market, Time and Multiple Objectives: Tests of Theory and Implementation of Environmental Policy,” University Carlos III, Madrid, 1997 (External Examiner)

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