Foto del docente

Alessia Tessari

Associate Professor

Department of Psychology "Renzo Canestrari"

Academic discipline: PSIC-01/A General Psychology


Masini A.; Marini S.; Ceciliani A.; Barone G.; Lanari M.; Gori D.; Bragonzoni L.; Toselli S.; Stagni R.; Bisi M.C.; Sansavini A.; Tessari A.; Dallolio L., The effects of an active breaks intervention on physical and cognitive performance: Results from the I-MOVE study, «JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH», 2023, 45, pp. 919 - 929 [Scientific article]

Ottoboni, Giovanni; La Porta, Fabio; Piperno, Roberto; Chattat, Rabih; Bosco, Annalisa; Fattori, Patrizia; Tessari, Alessia, A Multifunctional Adaptive and Interactive AI system to support people living with stroke, acquired brain or spinal cord injuries: A study protocol, «PLOS ONE», 2022, 17, pp. e0266702 - e0266712 [Scientific article]Open Access

Tessari, Alessia; Ottoboni, Giovanni, Does the body talk to the body? The relationship between different body representations while observing others’ body parts, «BRITISH JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY», 2022, 113, pp. 758 - 776 [Scientific article]Open Access

Russo Gabriele, Bigliassi Marcelo, Ceciliani Andrea, Tessari Alessia., Exploring the Interplay Between Sport Modality and Cognitive Function in Open- and Closed-Skill Athletes, «PSYCHOLOGY OF SPORT AND EXERCISE», 2022, 61, Article number: 102186 , pp. 1 - 8 [Scientific article]

Laura Dallolio, Sofia Marini, Alice Masini, Stefania Toselli, Rita Stagni, Maria Cristina Bisi, Davide Gori, Alessia Tessari, Alessandra Sansavini, Marcello Lanari, Laura Bragonzoni, Andrea Ceciliani, The impact of COVID-19 on physical activity behaviour in Italian primary school children: a comparison before and during pandemic considering gender differences, «BMC PUBLIC HEALTH», 2022, 22, Article number: 52 , pp. 1 - 8 [Scientific article]Open Access

Lane, Donncha; Tessari, Alessia; Ottoboni, Giovanni; Marsden, Jonathan, Body representation in people with apraxia post Stroke– an observational study, «BRAIN INJURY», 2021, 35, pp. 468 - 475 [Scientific article]

Tessari, Alessia; Proietti, Riccardo; Rumiati, Raffaella I., Bottom-up and top-down modulation of route selection in imitation, «COGNITIVE NEUROPSYCHOLOGY», 2021, 38, pp. 515 - 530 [Scientific article]

Tessari, Alessia; Lugli, Luisa; Nicoletti, Roberto; Ricciardelli, Paola, Do boxing athletes differ from controls in visually analysing opponent´s postures? A pilot study tracking eye movements, «JOURNAL OF HUMAN SPORT AND EXERCISE», 2021, 16, pp. S996 - S1005 [Scientific article]Open Access

Ventura, Sara; Tessari, Alessia, Do Object Affordances Modulate the Sense of Embodiment in Virtual Human-Tool Interaction? Reflection for the Interactive Artificial Environment, «PRESENCE», 2021, 30, pp. 203 - 212 [Scientific article]Open Access

Tessari, Alessia; Mengotti, Paola; Faccioli, Luca; Tuozzi, Giovanni; Boscarato, Silvia; Taricco, Mariangela; Rumiati, Raffaella I., Effect of body-part specificity and meaning in gesture imitation in left hemisphere stroke patients, «NEUROPSYCHOLOGIA», 2021, 151, Article number: 107720 , pp. 1 - 10 [Scientific article]Open Access

Di Luzio P.; Borgomaneri S.; Sanchioni S.; Tessari A.; Romei V., Exposure to first-person shooter videogames is associated with multisensory temporal precision and migraine incidence, «CORTEX», 2021, 134, pp. 223 - 238 [Scientific article]Open Access

Breveglieri, Rossella; Borgomaneri, Sara; Filippini, Matteo; De Vitis, Marina; Tessari, Alessia; Fattori, Patrizia, Functional Connectivity at Rest between the Human Medial Posterior Parietal Cortex and the Primary Motor Cortex Detected by Paired-Pulse Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, «BRAIN SCIENCES», 2021, 11, Article number: 1357 , pp. 1357 - 1366 [Scientific article]Open Access

Ventura, Sara ; Ottoboni, Giovanni ; Giada, Lullini ; La Porta, Fabio ; Tessari, Alessia, MAIA Stroke Patients Interviews, 2021. [Database]

O’Brien, Jessica; Ottoboni, Giovanni; Tessari, Alessia; Setti, Annalisa, Multisensory Perception, Verbal, Visuo-spatial and Motor Working Memory Modulation After a Single Open- or Closed-Skill Exercise Session in Children, «JOURNAL OF COGNITIVE ENHANCEMENT», 2021, 5, pp. 141 - 154 [Scientific article]

Ottoboni G.; Nicoletti R.; Tessari A., The effect of sport practice on enhanced cognitive processing of bodily indices: A study on volleyball players and their ability to predict hand gestures, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH», 2021, 18, Article number: 5384 , pp. 1 - 14 [Scientific article]Open Access