Foto del docente

Alessandro Costantini

Professore a contratto

Dipartimento di Farmacia e Biotecnologie

Nota biografica

Alessandro Costantini graduated in Chemistry in 2005, in 2009 he holds a Ph.D. in Chemistry working on Clouds environments and in 2013 he holds a Ph.D. in Mathematics and Computer Science.

Since 2014 he has been working in the Distributed Systems Department at the INFN National Centre for research in ICT technologies (CNAF) where he enriched his expertise becoming a Cloud technologies expert and participating in different Cloud-related projects.

At present, he is coordinating the activity related to the Distributed Systems group at CNAF and he is involved in diffrent projects aimed at developing, integrating and providing Cloud-enabled technologies

Since 2022 he is also coordinating the Cultural Heritage Cloud within the activities of the cultural heritage network (CHNet) within INFN.



Dipartimento di Farmacia e Biotecnologie
Via Belmeloro 6, Bologna - Vai alla mappa

Orario di ricevimento

Wednesday 16:00 -18:00

INFN CNAF, Room B35 piano 0

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