Foto del docente

Alberto Bellini

Professore ordinario

Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Energia Elettrica e dell'Informazione "Guglielmo Marconi"

Settore scientifico disciplinare: IIND-08/A Convertitori, macchine e azionamenti elettrici

Responsabile unità organizzativa di sede (UOS) Cesena — Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Energia Elettrica e dell'Informazione "Guglielmo Marconi"


A. Yazidi; G. A. Capolino; H. Henao; A. Bellini; F. Filippetti; C. Rossi; A. Stefani; D. Casadei, Accurate Monitoring of rotor Modulating Signals for Doubly-Fed Induction Machines Fault Diagnosis, in: Proceeding of ICEM 2006, s.l, s.n, 2006(atti di: XVII International Conference on Electrical Machines, Creta, Sept. 2-5, 2006) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Colli, M.; Bellini, A.; Concari, C.; Toscani, A.; Franceschini, G., Current-controlled shape memory alloy actuators for automotive tumble flap, in: Proceedings of IEEE 32nd Annual Conference on Industrial Electronics, IECON 2006, 2006, pp. 3987 - 3990 (atti di: IEEE 32nd Annual Conference on Industrial Electronics, IECON 2006, Paris, France, November 2006) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Bellini, A.; Franceschini, G.; Lorenzani, E.; Tassoni, C.; Tomaiuolo, M., Field oriented control of self-excited induction generator for distributed cogeneration plants, in: Conference Record of the 2006 IEEE Industry Applications Conference, 2006. 41st IAS Annual Meeting., 2006, 4, pp. 1738 - 1744 (atti di: IEEE Industry Applications Conference, 2006. 41st IAS Annual Meeting., Tampa, FL, USA, October 2006) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

A. Bellini;O. Bottauscio;M. Chiampi;C. Tassoni;M. Zucca, Induction Motor Rotor Quantities at Load Conditions: Finite Element Analysis and Experimental Validation, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS», 2006, 42, pp. 3476 - 3478 [articolo]

Bellini, A.; Bottauscio, O.; Chiampi, M.; Tassoni, C.; Zucca, M., Induction motor rotor quantities at load conditions: Finite Element analysis and experimental validation, in: Proceedings of IEEE International Magnetics Conference, 2006. INTERMAG 2006., 2006, pp. 982 - 982 (atti di: IEEE International Magnetics Conference, 2006. INTERMAG 2006., San Diego, CA, USA, May 2006) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Chiesi, L.; Lorenzani, E.; Franceschini, G.; Bellini, A., Modeling of a parallel hybrid power audio amplifier, in: Proceedings of 32nd IEEE Annual Conference on Industrial Electronics, IECON 2006, 2006, pp. 1775 - 1780 (atti di: IEEE Annual Conference on Industrial Electronics, IECON 2006, Paris, France, November 2006) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

A. Bellini;G. Franceschini;C. Tassoni, Monitoring of induction Machines by maximum covariance method for frequency tracking, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS», 2006, 42, pp. 69 - 78 [articolo]

A. BELLINI; F. FILIPPETTI; D. CASADEI; A. YAZIDI; G. A. CAPOLINO, Monitoring of Induction Machines Currents by High Frequency Resolution Analysis, in: IEEE INDUSTRY APPLICATION SOCIETY, IAS Annual Meeting 2006, NEW YORK, IEEE IAS, 2006(atti di: 41 IAS Annual Meeting, Tampa, October 8-12, 2006) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Bellini, A.; Concari, C.; Franceschini, G.; Lorenzani, E.; Tassoni, C.; Toscani, A., Thorough understanding and experimental validation of current sideband components in induction machines rotor monitoring, in: Proceedings of IEEE 32nd Annual Conference on Industrial Electronics, IECON 2006, 2006, pp. 4957 - 4962 (atti di: IEEE 32nd Annual Conference on Industrial Electronics, IECON 2006, Paris, France, November 2006) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Bellini, A.; Concari, C.; Franceschini, G.; Tassoni, C.; Toscani, A., Vibrations, currents and stray flux signals to asses induction motors rotor conditions, in: Proceedings of IEEE 32nd Annual Conference on Industrial Electronics, IECON 2006, 2006, pp. 4963 - 4968 (atti di: IEEE 32nd Annual Conference on Industrial Electronics, IECON 2006, Paris, France, November 2006) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Bellini, A.; Franceschini, G.; Tassoni, C.; Toscani, A., Assessment of induction machines rotor fault severity by different approaches, in: Proceedings of 31st Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2005. IECON 2005., 2005, 2005, pp. 1461 - 1466 (atti di: Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2005. IECON 2005., Raleigh, NC, USA, November 2005) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

A. Affanni;A. Bellini;G. Franceschini;P. Guglielmi;C. Tassoni, Battery Choice and Management for New-Generation Electric Vehicles, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS», 2005, 52, pp. 1343 - 1349 [articolo]

A. Bellini; F. Filippetti; F. Franceschini; T. J. Sobczyk; C. Tassoni, Diagnosis of Induction Machines by d-q and i.s.c. Rotor Models, in: F. PIRKER, Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Diagnostics for Electric Machines, Power Electronics and Drives, IEEE SDEMPED 2005, Vienna September 2005, PISCATAWAY NJ, IEEE, 2005, pp. 41 - 46 [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Valdessalici, A.; Frassi, G.; Bellini, A., Efficient implementation of a spectrum analyzer for fixed point architectures, in: Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 2005. Proceedings. (ICASSP '05)., 2005, V, pp. 109 - 112 (atti di: IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 2005. Proceedings. (ICASSP '05)., Philadelphia, USA, March 2005) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Bellini, A.; Concari, C.; Franceschini, G.; Lorenzani, E.; Tassoni, C., Induction Drives Diagnosis by Signal Injection: Effectiveness and Severity Classification, in: Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Electric Machines and Drives, 2005, 2005, pp. 718 - 727 (atti di: IEEE International Conference on Electric Machines and Drives, 2005, San Antonio, TX, USA, May 2005) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

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