Foto del docente

Vincenzo Scarlato

Full Professor

Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology

Academic discipline: BIO/11 Molecular Biology

Coordinator of PhD Programme in Cellular and Molecular Biology


Oriente F.; Scarlato V.; Delany I., Expression of factor H binding protein of meningococcus responds to oxygen limitation through a dedicated FNR-regulated promoter, «JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY», 2010, 192, pp. 691 - 701 [Scientific article]

Danielli A.; Scarlato V., Regulatory circuits in Helicobacter pylori: Network motifs and regulators involved in metal-dependent responses, «FEMS MICROBIOLOGY REVIEWS», 2010, 34, pp. 738 - 752 [Scientific article]

Metruccio M.M.E.; Pigozzi E.; Roncarati D.; Berlanda Scorza F.; Norais N.; Hill S.A.; Scarlato V; Delany I., A Novel Phase Variation Mechanism in the Meningococcus Driven by a Ligand-Responsive Repressor and Differential Spacing of Distal Promoter Elements, «PLOS PATHOGENS», 2009, 5(12) [Scientific article]

A. Danielli; S. Romagnoli; D. Roncarati; L. Costantino; I. Delany; V. Scarlato, Growth phase and metal-dependent transcriptional regulation of the fecA genes in Helicobacter pylori, «JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY», 2009, 191 (11), pp. 3717 - 3725 [Scientific article]

Metruccio MM; Fantappiè L; Serruto D; Muzzi A; Roncarati D; Donati C; Scarlato V; Delany I, The Hfq-Dependent Small Non-Coding (s) RNA NrrF Directly Mediates Fur-Dependent Positive Regulation of Succinate Dehydrogenase in Neisseria meningitidis., «JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY», 2009, 191, pp. 1330 - 1342 [Scientific article]

Fantappiè L; Metruccio MM; Seib KL; Oriente F; Cartocci E; Ferlicca F; Giuliani MM; Scarlato V; Delany I, The RNA chaperone Hfq is involved in the stress response and virulence in Neisseria meningitidis and is a pleiotropic regulator of protein expression, «INFECTION AND IMMUNITY», 2009, 77, pp. 1842 - 1853 [Scientific article]

B. Zambelli; A. Danielli; S. Romagnoli; P. Neyroz; S. Ciurli; V. Scarlato, High-affinity Ni2+ binding selectively promotes binding of Helicobacter pylori NikR to its target urease promoter, «JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY», 2008, 383, pp. 1129 - 1143 [Scientific article]

Ieva R.; Roncarati D.; Metruccio M.M.; Seib K.L.; Scarlato V.; Delany I., OxyR tightly regulates catalase expression in Neisseria meningitidis through both repression and activation mechanisms, «MOLECULAR MICROBIOLOGY», 2008, 70 (5), pp. 1152 - 1165 [Scientific article]

Roncarati D.; Spohn G.; Tango N.; Danielli A.; Delany I.; Scarlato V., Expression, purification and characterization of the membrane-associated HrcA repressor protein of Helicobacter pylori., «PROTEIN EXPRESSION AND PURIFICATION», 2007, 51, pp. 267 - 275 [Scientific article]

Zambelli B.; Bellucci M.; Danielli A.; Scarlato V.; Ciurli S., The Ni(2+) binding properties of Helicobacter pylori NikR., «CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS», 2007, 35, pp. 3649 - 3651 [Scientific article]

Roncarati D.; Danielli A.; Spohn G.; Delany I.; Scarlato V., Transcriptional Regulation of Stress Response and Motility Functions in Helicobacter pylori is Mediated by HspR and HrcA, «JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY», 2007, 189, pp. 7234 - 7243 [Scientific article]

Delany I.; Grifantini R.; Bartolini E.; Rappuoli R.; Scarlato V., Effect of Neisseria meningitidis Fur Mutations on Global Control of Gene Transcription., «JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY», 2006, 188, pp. 2483 - 2492 [Scientific article]

Danielli A; Roncarati D; Delany I; Chiarini V; Rappuoli R; Scarlato V., In Vivo Dissection of the Helicobacter pylori Fur Regulatory Circuit by Genome-Wide Location Analysis., «JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY», 2006, 188, pp. 4654 - 4662 [Scientific article]

Tramonti A.; De Canio M.; Delany I.; Scarlato V.; De Biase D., Mechanisms of transcription activation exerted by GadX and GadW at the gadA and gadBC gene promoters of the glutamate-based acid resistance system in Escherichia coli, «JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY», 2006, 188, pp. 8118 - 8127 [Scientific article]

M. Pflock; S. Kennard; I. Delany; V. Scarlato; D. Beier, Acid-Induced Activation of the Urease Promoters Is Mediated Directly by the ArsRS Two-Component System of Helicobacter pylori., «INFECTION AND IMMUNITY», 2005, 73, pp. 6437 - 6445 [Scientific article]