Foto del docente

Silvia Pellegrini

Associate Professor

Department of Physics and Astronomy "Augusto Righi"

Academic discipline: FIS/05 Astronomy and Astrophysics


Pellegrini S.; Bohringer H.; Danziger J., A study of a complete sample of galaxy clusters detected by ROSAT, «ASTROPHYSICAL LETTERS & COMMUNICATIONS», 1996, 33, pp. 181 - 185 [Scientific article]

Ciotti L.; Pellegrini S., The energetics of flat and rotating early-type galaxies and their X-ray luminosity, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 1996, 279, pp. 240 - 248 [Scientific article]

Pellegrini S.; Fabbiano G., The very soft X-ray emission of X-ray-faint early-type galaxies, «THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL», 1994, 429, pp. 105 - 118 [Scientific article]

Renzini A.; Ciotti L.; D'Ercole A.; Pellegrini S., Production and circulation of iron in elliptical galaxies and clusters of galaxies, «THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL», 1993, 419, pp. 52 - 65 [Scientific article]

Ciotti L.; Pellegrini S., Self-consistent two-component models of elliptical galaxies, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 1992, 255, pp. 561 - 571 [Scientific article]

Ciotti L.; D'Ercole A.; Pellegrini S.; Renzini A., Winds, outflows, and inflows in X-ray elliptical galaxies. I, «THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL», 1991, 376, pp. 380 - 403 [Scientific article]