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Peter Grenville Taylor

Professore a contratto

Dipartimento delle Arti


Lingua inglese - Laboratorio di recupero (ultimo) - 17/1/2019 alle ore 14,00

13271 - Lingua Inglese - Intermediate & Advanced Level - RECUPERO LABORATORI/LAB MAKE-UP SESSION


On 17/1 at 14.00 in Aula Reno it will be possible for students to make up ONE missed laboratory, either Text Comprehension or Areas of Expression. This is the last chance to complete the course requirements for attenders. After this, there will be no further make-up laboratories.

Those intending to be present should notify Prof Taylor by email ( not later than 16/1, indicating which laboratory (Areas of Expression 1-10, Text Comprehension Units 1-10) they wish to do.

Pubblicato il: 14 gennaio 2019