Foto del docente

Iris Aloisi

Senior assistant professor (fixed-term)

Department of Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences

Academic discipline: BIO/01 General Botany


Aloisi Iris; Scarnato Lucilla; Ruiz Karina; Biondi Stefania, Effect of salinity on seeds protein composition of three landraces of chenopodium quinoa, in: 110° Congresso SBI Onlus, 2015(atti di: 110° Congresso SBI Onlus, Pavia (Italia), 14-18th September 2015) [Poster]

Scarnato, L.; Aloisi, I.; Montanari, C.; Lanciotti, R.; Del Duca, S., Gluten free flour doughs improvement of texture by protein cross-links occurring via microbial transglutaminase from Streptoverticillum mobaraense., in: II International Plant Science Conference (IPSC) "Not only food: sustainable development, agro–biodiversity conservation & human well–being", 2015(atti di: 110° Congresso della Società Botanica Italiana onlus, Pavia, 14-17 Settembre 2015) [Poster]

Aloisi Iris; Del Duca Stefano, I pollini: tra riproduzione ed effetti collaterali, in: Fascination of Plants Day 2015, 2015(atti di: Fascination of Plants Day 2015, Bologna (Italy), 16-25th May 2015) [Poster]

Aloisi, I.; Cai, G.; Tumiatti, V.; Minarini, A.; Del Duca, S., Natural polyamines and synthetic analogs modify the growth and the morphology of Pyrus communis pollen tubes affecting ROS levels and causing cell death, «PLANT SCIENCE», 2015, 239, pp. 92 - 105 [Scientific article]Open Access

Iris Aloisi; Claudia Faleri; Giampiero Cai; Stefano Del Duca, Natural polyamines and synthetic analogues cause PCD and modify the morphology of Pyrus communis pollen tubes by affecting ROS levels, in: MedPalyno GPSBI-APLE Symposium, 2015, pp. 1 - 1 (atti di: MedPalyno GPSBI-APLE Symposium, Rome, Italy, 8-10 September 2015) [Abstract]

Cai, G.; Sobieszczuk‑nowicka, E.; Aloisi, I.; Fattorini, L.; Serafini‑fracassini, D.; Del Duca, S., Polyamines are common players in different facets of plant programmed cell death, «AMINO ACIDS», 2015, 47, pp. 27 - 44 [Scientific article]Open Access

Ruiz Carrasco, Karina Beatriz; Aloisi, Iris; Silva, Herman; Torrigiani, Patrizia; Del Duca Stefano; Biondi, Stefania., Screening Of Salt Tolerance In Chilean Landraces Of Quinoa: Agronomical, Physiological And Nutritional Parameters, in: Eucarpia International Symposium on Protein Crops - V Meeting AEL, 2015(atti di: Eucarpia International Symposium on Protein Crops - V Meeting AEL, Pontevedra (Spain), 4 - 7 May 2015) [Poster]

Cai, Giampiero; Della Mea, Massimiliano; Faleri, Claudia; Fattorini, Laura; Aloisi, Iris; Serafini-Fracassini, Donatella; Del Duca, Stefano, Spermine either delays or promotes cell death in Nicotiana tabacum L. corolla depending on the floral developmental stage and affects the distribution of transglutaminase, «PLANT SCIENCE», 2015, 241, pp. 11 - 22 [Scientific article]

Iris Aloisi; Claudia Faleri; Giampiero Cai; Stefano Del Duca, Spermine (Spm) and its aromatic derivative BD23 modify the morphology of Pyrus communis pollen tubes by inducing ROS scavenging, in: Gruppi di lavoro di "Biologia cellulare e molecolare" e "Biotecnologie e differenziamento", 2015, pp. 75 - 76 (atti di: Gruppi di lavoro di "Biologia cellulare e molecolare" e "Biotecnologie e differenziamento", ROMA, UniversItalia, 10-12 June 2015) [Abstract]