Foto del docente

Giuseppe Torluccio

Professore ordinario

Dipartimento di Scienze Aziendali

Settore scientifico disciplinare: SECS-P/11 ECONOMIA DEGLI INTERMEDIARI FINANZIARI


Lecture 22th of May 2024

Dear Students Venture Capital Philantropy  Course

As per the schedule, we will be hosting Prof. Micaela Mazzei from Caledonian University of Glasgow and the Yunus Social Business Centre in the coming days.

Today's lecture will be online only as Prof. Mazzei is unable to join us in person. The following lectures will be held in person in Forlì as per the class schedule. I will be only online, as well.

Please join us online at the link below at 4PM.,%22Oid%22:%22ee214510-a887-4a47-82b1-80e8752a2121%22%7D


Thank you and see you soon.

Best regards,

Giuseppe Torluccio 



Pubblicato il: 17 maggio 2024