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Giulio Bertuzzi

Ricercatore in Tenure Track L. 79/2022

Dipartimento di Chimica "Giacomo Ciamician"

Settore scientifico disciplinare: CHIM/06 CHIMICA ORGANICA

Temi di ricerca

Parole chiave: Asymmetric catalysis Carbocatalysis Organic synthesis Metal-Catalyzed Cross-Couplings Elettrosintesi

The research activity involves: the usage of CO2 as a C-1 building block in metal-catalyzed stereoselective carboxylation reactions; the development of new Au(I) and Au(III) chiral complexes for homogenous catalysis; carbocatalysis with (functionalized) Graphene-Oxide and new photocatalytic methodologies for the functionalization of olefins.

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