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Corrado Roversi

Associate Professor

Department of Legal Studies

Academic discipline: IUS/20 Philosophy of Law


A. Rotolo; C. Roversi, Norm Enactment and Performative Contradictions, «RATIO JURIS», 2009, 22, pp. 455 - 482 [Scientific article]

Bongiovanni G.; Rotolo A.; Roversi C.; Valentini C., The Structure of Social Practices and the Connection between Law and Morality, «RATIO JURIS», 2009, 22, pp. 1 - 23 [Scientific article]

C. Roversi, Constitutionalism and Transcendental Arguments, «NORTHERN IRELAND LEGAL QUARTERLY», 2008, 59, pp. 109 - 124 [Scientific article]

C. Roversi, Regole e autonomia. Sulla proposta universalista di George Pavlakos, in: Diritti umani: trasformazioni e reazioni, BOLOGNA, Bononia University Press, 2008, pp. 109 - 127 (Ricerche di diritto comparato) [Chapter or essay]

C. Roversi, Etica del discorso: Oggettività e fondazione, in: Oggettività e morale. La riflessione etica del Novecento., MILANO, Bruno Mondadori, 2007, pp. 237 - 256 [Chapter or essay]

C. Roversi; A. Rotolo, On the Argumentative Role of Performative Contradictions, in: Law and Legal Cultures in the 21st Century: Diversity and Unity. Special Workshop and Abstracts., CRACOW, Jagiellonian University Press, 2007, pp. 166 - 167 (atti di: Law and Legal Cultures in the 21st Century: Diversity and Unity. 23rd World IVR Congress of Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy, Cracow, 1-6 August 2007) [Abstract]

C. Roversi, Pragmatica delle regole costitutive, BOLOGNA, GEDIT, 2007, pp. 330 (Legal Philosophical Library). [Research monograph]

A. Rotolo; G. Bongiovanni; C. Roversi, The Claim to Correctness and Inferentialism: Alexy's Theory of Practical Reason Reconsidered, in: Law, Rights and Discourse, OXFORD AND PORTLAND, Hart Publishing, 2007, pp. 275 - 299 [Chapter or essay]

Corrado Roversi, Costituzionalismo e Fondazionalismo Morale, «RAGION PRATICA», 2006, 26, pp. 265 - 295 [Scientific article]