Foto del docente

Antonino Rotolo

Full Professor

Department of Legal Studies

Academic discipline: GIUR-17/A Philosophy of Law


Araszkiewicz, M; Bench-Capon, T; Francesconi, E; Lauritsen, M; Rotolo, A, Thirty years of Artificial Intelligence and Law: overviews, «ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND LAW», 2022, 30, pp. 593 - 610 [Scientific article]Open Access

G. Governatori, S. Colombo Tosatto, A. Rotolo, A Defeasible Deontic Logic for Pragmatic Oddity, in: Deontic Logic and Normative Systems, London, College Publications, 2021, pp. 239 - 254 [Chapter or essay]

Governatori, Guido; Olivieri, Francesco; Rotolo, Antonino; Sattar, Abdul; Cristani, Matteo, Computing Private International Law, in: Legal Knowledge and Information Systems, Amsterdam, IOS Press, 2021, pp. 181 - 190 (FRONTIERS IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND APPLICATIONS) [Chapter or essay]

G. Governatori, A. Rotolo, Is Free Choice Permission Admissible in Classical Deontic Logic?, in: Deontic Logic and Normative Systems, London, College Publications, 2021, pp. 255 - 271 [Chapter or essay]

G. Governatori, A. Rotolo, G. Sartor, Logic and the Law: Philosophical Foundations, Deontics, and Defeasible Reasoning, in: Handbook of Deontic Logic and Normative Systems, London, College Publications, 2021, pp. 655 - 760 [Chapter or essay]

Rotolo A.; Smith C., Modelling legal procedures, in: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law, ICAIL 2021, New York, Association for Computing Machinery, Inc, 2021, pp. 220 - 224 [Chapter or essay]

Rotolo A.; Tamargo L.H.; Martinez D.C., Pathways to legal dynamics in robotics, in: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law, ICAIL 2021, New York, Association for Computing Machinery, Inc, 2021, pp. 266 - 267 [Chapter or essay]

Colombo Tosatto S.; Governatori G.; Rotolo A., Principles and Semantics: Modelling Violations for Normative Reasoning, in: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Berlin, Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2021, pp. 75 - 89 (LECTURE NOTES IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE) [Chapter or essay]

L.H. Tamargo, D.C. Martínez, A. Rotolo, G. Governatori, Time, Defeasible Logic and Belief Revision: Pathways to Legal Dynamics, «JOURNAL OF APPLIED LOGICS», 2021, 8, pp. 993 - 1022 [Scientific article]Open Access

Governatori G.; Rotolo A., Free choice permission in defeasible deontic logic, in: Legal Knowledge and Information Systems JURIX 2020: The Thirty-third Annual Conference, Brno, Czech Republic, December 9–11, 2020, Amsterdam, IOS Press BV, 2020, pp. 93 - 102 (FRONTIERS IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND APPLICATIONS) [Chapter or essay]Open Access

Governatori Guido; Rotolo Antonino, A Computational Model for Pragmatic Oddity, in: Legal Knowledge and Information Systems. JURIX 2019: The Thirty-second Annual Conference, Amsterdam, IOS Press, 2019, pp. 187 - 192 (FRONTIERS IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND APPLICATIONS) [Chapter or essay]Open Access

R. Riveret, A. Rotolo, G. Sartor, A Deontic Argumentation Framework Towards Doctrine Reification, «JOURNAL OF APPLIED LOGICS», 2019, 6, pp. 903 - 939 [Scientific article]

Régis Riveret, Yang Gao, Guido Governatori, Antonino Rotolo, Jeremy Pitt, Giovanni Sartor, A probabilistic argumentation framework for reinforcement learning agents, «AUTONOMOUS AGENTS AND MULTI-AGENT SYSTEMS», 2019, 33, pp. 216 - 274 [Scientific article]

Tamargo, Luciano H.; Martinez, Diego C.; Rotolo, Antonino; Governatori, Guido, An axiomatic characterization of temporalised belief revision in the law, «ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND LAW», 2019, 27, pp. 347 - 367 [Scientific article]Open Access

Moguillansky M.O.; Rotolo A.; Simari G.R., Hypotheses and their dynamics in legal argumentation, «EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS», 2019, 129, pp. 37 - 55 [Scientific article]Open Access

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