Foto del docente

Alessio Avenanti

Full Professor

Department of Psychology "Renzo Canestrari"

Academic discipline: M-PSI/02 Psychobiology and Physiological Psychology

Director of Organisational Unit (UOS) Cesena of Department of Psychology "Renzo Canestrari"


Agnoli S.; Zanon M.; Mastria S.; Avenanti A.; Corazza G.E., Predicting response originality through brain activity: An analysis of changes in EEG alpha power during the generation of alternative ideas, «NEUROIMAGE», 2020, 207, Article number: 116385 , pp. 116385 - 116395 [Scientific article]Open Access

Decroix J.; Borgomaneri S.; Kalenine S.; Avenanti A., State-dependent TMS of inferior frontal and parietal cortices highlights integration of grip configuration and functional goals during action recognition, «CORTEX», 2020, 132, pp. 51 - 62 [Scientific article]

Borgomaneri S.; Battaglia S.; Garofalo S.; Tortora F.; Avenanti A.; di Pellegrino G., State-Dependent TMS over Prefrontal Cortex Disrupts Fear-Memory Reconsolidation and Prevents the Return of Fear, «CURRENT BIOLOGY», 2020, 30, pp. 3672 - 3679 [Scientific article]

Salehinejad M.A.; Nejati V.; Mosayebi-Samani M.; Mohammadi A.; Wischnewski M.; Kuo M.-F.; Avenanti A.; Vicario C.M.; Nitsche M.A., Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation in ADHD: A Systematic Review of Efficacy, Safety, and Protocol-induced Electrical Field Modeling Results, «NEUROSCIENCE BULLETIN», 2020, 36, pp. 1191 - 1212 [Scientific article]

Vicario C.M.; Salehinejad M.A.; Mosayebi-Samani M.; Maezawa H.; Avenanti A.; Nitsche M.A., Transcranial direct current stimulation over the tongue motor cortex reduces appetite in healthy humans, «BRAIN STIMULATION», 2020, 13, pp. 1121 - 1123 [Scientific article]Open Access

Vicario CM, Salehinejad MA, Avenanti A, Nitsche MA, Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) in Anxiety Disorders, in: Non Invasive Brain Stimulation in Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, Berlino / Heidelberg, Springer, 2020, pp. 301 - 317 [Chapter or essay]

Patri J.-F.; Cavallo A.; Pullar K.; Soriano M.; Valente M.; Koul A.; Avenanti A.; Panzeri S.; Becchio C., Transient Disruption of the Inferior Parietal Lobule Impairs the Ability to Attribute Intention to Action, «CURRENT BIOLOGY», 2020, 30, pp. 4594 - 4605 [Scientific article]Open Access

Fino E.; Menegatti M.; Avenanti A.; Rubini M., Unfolding political attitudes through the face: facial expressions when reading emotion language of left- and right-wing political leaders, «SCIENTIFIC REPORTS», 2019, 9, Article number: 15689 , pp. 1 - 10 [Scientific article]Open Access

Zanon, Marco; Borgomaneri, Sara; Avenanti, Alessio, Action-related dynamic changes in inferior frontal cortex effective connectivity: A TMS/EEG coregistration study, «CORTEX», 2018, 108, pp. 193 - 209 [Scientific article]

Avenanti, Alessio; Paracampo, Riccardo; Annella, Laura; Tidoni, Emmanuele; Aglioti, Salvatore Maria, Boosting and Decreasing Action Prediction Abilities Through Excitatory and Inhibitory tDCS of Inferior Frontal Cortex, «CEREBRAL CORTEX», 2018, 28, pp. 1282 - 1296 [Scientific article]Open Access

Fiori, Francesca; Chiappini, Emilio; Avenanti, Alessio, Enhanced action performance following TMS manipulation of associative plasticity in ventral premotor-motor pathway, «NEUROIMAGE», 2018, 183, pp. 847 - 858 [Scientific article]

Agnoli, Sergio*; Zanon, Marco; Mastria, Serena; Avenanti, Alessio; Corazza, Giovanni Emanuele, Enhancing creative cognition with a rapid right-parietal neurofeedback procedure, «NEUROPSYCHOLOGIA», 2018, 118, Part A, pp. 99 - 106 [Scientific article]Open Access

Paracampo, Riccardo; Montemurro, Mirella; de Vega, Manuel; Avenanti, Alessio, Primary motor cortex crucial for action prediction: A tDCS study, «CORTEX», 2018, 109, pp. 287 - 302 [Scientific article]

Chiappini, Emilio; Silvanto, Juha; Hibbard, Paul B.; Avenanti, Alessio; Romei, Vincenzo, Strengthening functionally specific neural pathways with transcranial brain stimulation, «CURRENT BIOLOGY», 2018, 28, pp. R735 - R736 [Scientific article]Open Access

Gallo, Selene; Paracampo, Riccardo; Müller-Pinzler, Laura; Severo, Mario Carlo; Blömer, Laila; Fernandes-Henriques, Carolina; Henschel, Anna; Lammes, Balint Kalista; Maskaljunas, Tatjana; Suttrup, Judith; Avenanti, Alessio; Keysers, Christian; Gazzola, Valeria, The causal role of the somatosensory cortex in prosocial behaviour, «ELIFE», 2018, 7, Article number: e32740 , pp. 1 - 31 [Scientific article]Open Access