Foto del docente

Alessandra Bonoli

Full Professor

Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental, and Materials Engineering

Academic discipline: CEAR-02/C Raw Materials Engineering

Short Bio

Full professor at the University of Bologna, her main research topics are in Environmental Engineering with particular regard to treatment, recovery and recycling of raw materials and solid waste, to the life cycle assessment and Circular Economy, to dissemination of urban Green Technologies and unconventional building materials for climate change resilience in urban areas.
She founded and coordinates the research group of Transition Engineering whose activities are aimed at building a sustainable future by environmentally, socially and economically point of view, through conservation and valorization of natural resources, raw materials, water and energy.
A precise research concerns the application of the above topics in cooperation activity for developing and emerging countries. Numerous publications and collaborations with national and international universities.

Delegate of UNIBO at UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (UN, New York) and at UE Commission Operational Groups of the European Innovation Partnership on Raw Materials (EIP Raw Materials)

Go to the Curriculum vitae


0039 051 20 9 0234

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Chimica, Ambientale e dei Materiali
Via Terracini 28, Bologna - Go to map

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Office hours

Receiving is held on Tuesdays, from 11:00 to 13:00.

At my office or on Teams.

It is advisable to make an appointment also to agree on a possible different day or time