V. Balzani; A. Credi; M. Venturi, Macchine molecolari, in: XXI secolo, VII appendice della Enciclopedia Italiana, ROMA, Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana G. Treccani, 2007, pp. 304 - 310 [voce di enciclopedia/dizionario]
V. Vicinelli; G. Bergamini; P. Ceroni; V. Balzani; F. Vögtle; O. Lukin, Mechanisms for fluorescence depolarization in dendrimers, «JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY. B, CONDENSED MATTER, MATERIALS, SURFACES, INTERFACES & BIOPHYSICAL», 2007, 111, pp. 6620 - 6627 [articolo]
V. Balzani; A. Credi; M. Venturi, Molecular Devices and Machines, «NANO TODAY», 2007, 2(2), pp. 18 - 25 [articolo]
R. Ballardini; P. Ceroni; A. Credi; M.T. Gandolfi; M. Maestri; M. Semeraro; M. Venturi; V. Balzani., Molecular photochemionics, «ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS», 2007, 17, pp. 740 - 750 [articolo]
V. Balzani; s. Campagna, Photochemistry and Photophysics of Coordination Compounds - vol I, BERLIN, Springer, 2007, pp. 274 . [curatela]
V. Balzani; S. Campagna, Photochemistry and Photophysics of Coordination Compounds - vol II, BERLIN, Springer, 2007, pp. 328 . [curatela]
V. Balzani; G. Bergamini; S. Campagna; F. Punt, Photochemistry and Photophysics of Coordination Compounds: Overview and General concepts, in: Photochemistry and Photophysics of Coordination Compounds I, Berlin, Springer, 2007, pp. 1 - 36 (TOPICS IN CURRENT CHEMISTRY) [capitolo di libro]
S. Campagna; F. Puntotiero; F. Nastasi; G. Bergamini; V. Balzani, Photochemistry and Photophysics of Coordination Compounds: Ruthenium, in: topics in current chemistry, Berlin, Springer, 2007, pp. 117 - 214 (TOPICS IN CURRENT CHEMISTRY) [capitolo di libro]
C. Giansante; P. Ceroni; V. Balzani; M. Maestri; S.-K. Lee; F. Vögtle, Photophysical, Photochemical, and Electrochemical Properties of Dendrimers with a Dimethoxybenzil Core, «NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY», 2007, 31, pp. 1250 - 1258 [articolo]
F. Puntoriero; P. Ceroni; V. Balzani; G. Bergamini; F. Vögtle, Photoswitchable Dendritic Hosts. A Dendrimer with Peripheral Azobenzene Groups, «JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY», 2007, 129, pp. 10714 - 10719 [articolo]
N. Armaroli; V. Balzani, The future of energy supplies: challenger and opportunities, «ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE. INTERNATIONAL EDITION», 2007, 46, pp. 52 - 66 [articolo]
V. Balzani; M. Clemente-Leon; A. Credi; M. Semeraro; M. Venturi; H. R. Tseng; S. Wenger; S. Saha; J. F. Stoddart, A Comparison of Shuttling Mechanisms in Two Constitutionally Isomeric Bistable Rotaxane-Based Sunlight-Powered Nanomotors, «AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY», 2006, 59 (1), pp. 193 - 206 [articolo]
B. Branchi; P. Ceroni; G. Bergamini; V. Balzani; M. Maestri; J. van Heyst; S.-K. Lee; F. Luppertz; F. Vögtle, A Cyclam Core Dendrimer Containing Dansyl and Oligoethylene Glycol Chains in the Branches: Protonation and Metal Coordination, «CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL», 2006, 12, pp. 8926 - 8934 [articolo]
G. Bergamini; P. Ceroni; V. Balzani; M. Del Mar Villavieja; R. Kandre; I. Zhun; O. Lukin, A photophysical study of terphenyl core oligosulfonimide dendrimers exhibiting high steady-state anisotropy, «CHEMPHYSCHEM», 2006, 7, pp. 1980 - 1984 [articolo]
P. Passaniti; P. Ceroni; V. Balzani; O. Lukin; A. Yoneva; F. Vögtle, Amide-based Molecular Knots as Platforms for Fluorescent Switches, «CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL», 2006, 12(22), pp. 5685 - 5690 [articolo]