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Pubblicazioni antecedenti il 2004
Carli G., Xhakollari V., Tagliaventi M.R. (2017). “How to Model the Adoption and Perception of Precision Agriculture Technologies”. In Pedersen S.M., Hjorth K.M. (eds.) Precision Agriculture: Technology and Economic Perspectives, Springer. DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-68715-5
De Magistris T., Xhakollari V., De los Rios A (2015). The Role of Taste and Label Information on Purchase Decision:Assessment of a Gluten-Free Wafer by Non-Celiac Consumers. Current Nutrition & Food Science, Vol 11, Issue 4.
De Magistris T., Xhakollari V., Munoz N..(2015) “The effect of sensory properties on non-celiac consumers’ willingness to pay for a gluten-free snack”, ECONOMIA AGRO-ALIMENTARE, Issue 1, 107-118, DOI: 10.3280/ECAG2015-001006