Xhakollari, Vilma; Canavari, Maurizio, Celiac and non-celiac consumer's experiences when purchasing gluten-free products in Italy, «ECONOMIA AGRO-ALIMENTARE», 2019, 21, pp. 29 - 48 [articolo]
Xhakollari V*., Canavari M., Osman M., Does adherence to gluten-free diet affect quality of life? An empirical approach, in: International Conference on Happiness and Wellbeing: Future Directions for Healthy Living, 2019 [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
Xhakollari Vilma, Canavari Maurizio, Osman Magda, Explaining adherence to the gluten-free diet for celiac and non-celiac people, in: N/A, 2019(atti di: The 2019 IAREP/SABE Conference on Economic Psychology Behavioural Economics, Dublino, Irlanda, 1-4 Settembre 2019) [atti di convegno-poster]
Xhakollari, Vilma; Canavari, Maurizio; Osman, Magda, Factors affecting consumers' adherence to the gluten-free diet, a systematic review, «TRENDS IN FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY», 2019, 85, pp. 23 - 33 [articolo]
Vilma Xhakollari, Rungsaran Wongprawmas, Maurizio Canavari, DO PARENTS TELL THE TRUTH ABOUT CHILDREN’S CONSUMPTION OF FRUITS AND VEGETABLES?, in: N/A, 2017(atti di: XV EAAE CONGRESS – TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE AGRI-FOOD SYSTEMS: BALANCING BETWEEN MARKETS AND SOCIETY, Parma, Italy, 28th of August - 1st of September 2017) [atti di convegno-poster]
Giacomo Carli, Vilma Xhakollari, Maria Rita Tagliaventi, How to Model the Adoption and Perception of Precision Agriculture Technologies, in: Precision Agriculture: Technology and Economic Perspectives, New York, NY, Springer International, 2017, pp. 223 - 250 [capitolo di libro]
de Magistris, Tiziana; Xhakollari, Vilma; Munoz, Naomi, The effect of sensory properties on non-celiac consumers' willingness to pay for a gluten-free snack, «ECONOMIA AGRO-ALIMENTARE», 2015, 11, pp. 107 - 118 [articolo]
de-Magistris, Tiziana; Xhakollari, Vilma; De Los Rios, Alejandra, The Role of Taste and Label Information on Purchase Decision: Assessment of a Gluten-Free Wafer by Non-Celiac Consumers, «CURRENT NUTRITION & FOOD SCIENCE», 2015, 11, pp. 257 - 262 [articolo]