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Valentina Gatta

Professoressa a contratto

Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche e Neuromotorie


Reisoli E.; Gambini E.; Appolloni I.; Gatta V.; Barilari M.; Menotti L.; Malatesta P., Efficacy of HER2 retargeted herpes simplex virus as therapy for high-grade glioma in immunocompetent mice., «CANCER GENE THERAPY», 2012, 19, pp. 788 - 795 [articolo]

Gambini E.; Reisoli E.; Appolloni I.; Gatta V.; Campadelli-Fiume G.; Menotti L.; Malatesta P., Replication-competent herpes simplex virus retargeted to HER2 as therapy for high-grade glioma, «MOLECULAR THERAPY», 2012, 20, pp. 994 - 1001 [articolo]

G. Campadelli-Fiume; C. De Giovanni; V. Gatta; P. Nanni; P.L. Lollini; L. Menotti, Rethinking herpes simplex virus: the way to oncolytic agents., «REVIEWS IN MEDICAL VIROLOGY», 2011, 21, pp. 213 - 226 [articolo]

Gianni T.; Gatta V.; Campadelli-Fiume G., {alpha}V{beta}3-integrin routes herpes simplex virus to an entry pathway dependent on cholesterol-rich lipid rafts and dynamin2., «PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA», 2010, 107, pp. 22260 - 22265 [articolo]

Monti B.; Gatta V.; Piretti F.; Raffaelli S.; Virgili M.; Contestabile A., Valproic acid is neuroprotective in the rotenone rat model of Parkinson's disease: involvement of alpha synuclein, «NEUROTOXICITY RESEARCH», 2010, 17, pp. 130 - 141 [articolo]

Menotti L.; Nicoletti G.; Gatta V.; Croci S.; Landuzzi L.; De Giovanni C.; Nanni P.; Lollini P.L.; Campadelli-Fiume G., Inhibition of human tumor growth in mice by an oncolytic herpes simplex virus designed to target solely HER-2-positive cells., «PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA», 2009, 106, pp. 9039 - 9044 [articolo]

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