Foto del docente

Valentina Biagioli

Ricercatrice a tempo determinato tipo b) (senior)

Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche e Chirurgiche



Badolamenti S.; Fida R.; Biagioli V.; Caruso R.; Zaghini F.; Sili A.; Rea T., Modified Moral Distress Scale (MDS-11): Validation Study Among Italian Nurses, «PROFESSIONI INFERMIERISTICHE», 2017, 70, pp. 238 - 248 [articolo]

Dall’Oglio I.; Biagioli V.; Graziosi F.; Vanelli E.; Tiozzo E.; Gawronski O.; D’Elpidio G.; Buonomo E.; Villani A.; Raponi M., Nurses with pediatricians in pediatric outpatient clinics: A survey on family pediatricians' opinions, «ASSISTENZA INFERMIERISTICA E RICERCA», 2017, 36, pp. 135 - 143 [articolo]

Vellone E.; Fida R.; Ghezzi V.; D'Agostino F.; Biagioli V.; Paturzo M.; Strömberg A.; Alvaro R.; Jaarsma T., Patterns of self-care in adults with heart failure and their associations with sociodemographic and clinical characteristics, quality of life, and hospitalizations: A cluster analysis, «THE JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR NURSING», 2017, 32, pp. 180 - 189 [articolo]

Piredda M.; Facchinetti G.; Biagioli V.; Giannarelli D.; Armento G.; Tonini G.; De Marinis M.G., Propolis in the prevention of oral mucositis in breast cancer patients receiving adjuvant chemotherapy: A pilot randomised controlled trial, «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER CARE», 2017, 26, pp. 1 - 8 [articolo]

Annibali O.; Pensieri C.; Tomarchio V.; Biagioli V.; Pennacchini M.; Tendas A.; Tambone V.; Tirindelli M., Protective isolation for patients with haematological malignancies: A pilot study investigating patients’ distress and use of time, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEMATOLOGY- ONCOLOGY AND STEM CELL RESEARCH», 2017, 11, pp. 313 - 318 [articolo]

Zaghini F.; Biagioli V.; Fida R.; Sili A., The ethical leadership of the nursing ward managers as a key determinant of nurses' organisational behaviours in the healthcare settings, «PROFESSIONI INFERMIERISTICHE», 2017, 69, pp. 31 - 40 [articolo]

Biagioli V.; Piredda M.; Alvaro R.; de Marinis M.G., The experiences of protective isolation in patients undergoing bone marrow or haematopoietic stem cell transplantation: systematic review and metasynthesis, «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER CARE», 2017, 26, pp. 1 - 13 [articolo]

Zaghini, F; Biagioli, V; Caruso, R; Badolamenti, S; Fida, R; Sili, A, Violating organizational and social norms in the workplace: a correlational study in the nursing context, «LA MEDICINA DEL LAVORO», 2017, 108, pp. 98 - 110 [articolo]

Piredda M.; Biagioli V.; Giannarelli D.; Incletoli D.; Grieco F.; Carassiti M.; De Marinis M., Improving cancer patients’ knowledge about totally implantable access port: a randomized controlled trial, «SUPPORTIVE CARE IN CANCER», 2016, 24, pp. 833 - 841 [articolo]

Biagioli V.; Prandi C.; Giuliani L.; Nyatanga B.; Fida R., Prosocial behaviour in palliative nurses: Psychometric evaluation of the prosociality scale, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PALLIATIVE NURSING», 2016, 22, pp. 292 - 298 [articolo]

Piredda M.; Biagioli V.; Gambale G.; Porcelli E.; Barbaranelli C.; Palese A.; De Marinis M.G., Psychometric testing of the modified Care Dependency Scale (Neuro-CDS), «NEUROREHABILITATION», 2016, 38, pp. 211 - 219 [articolo]

Biagioli V.; Piredda M.; Mauroni M.R.; Alvaro R.; De Marinis M.G., The lived experience of patients in protective isolation during their hospital stay for allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation, «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ONCOLOGY NURSING», 2016, 24, pp. 79 - 86 [articolo]

Piredda M.; Migliozzi A.; Biagioli V.; Carassiti M.; De Marinis M., Written information improves patient knowledge about implanted ports, «CLINICAL JOURNAL OF ONCOLOGY NURSING», 2016, 20, pp. 28 - 33 [articolo]

Zaghini F.; Biagioli V.; Prandi C.; Fida R.; Sili A., Nurses and Organizational Citizenship Behavior: contribution to the Italian validation of the Podsakoff et al. scale, «LA MEDICINA DEL LAVORO», 2015, 106, pp. 460 - 471 [articolo]

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