Home > News > Course on Conservation finance at Bologna University 2019-2020, prof. Stefano Picchi
Course on Conservation finance at Bologna University 2019-2020, prof. Stefano Picchi
As you can see from the title, the theme is relevant, however it is almost never treated in the many conferences and meetings held every year in Italy on nature, biodiversity and protected areas, as if it were a taboo or as if it were not important.
I think instead that a greater knowledge and awareness of the topic, starting from the future naturalists, can increase the available resources, the protected nature and also the jobs in this sector.
Worldwide, however, we often talk about Conservation finance, but no university has ever offered such a course to its natural science students or similar subjects. After having held the course on European project planning for the environment, which received a certain approval, and the first edition of the course last year in the same university for 4 years, this year I will hold the second edition of this innovative teaching, rightly inserted as mandatory in the course of the Master's Degree in Nature Sciences and Management.
The program is indicated on this page https://www.unibo.it/it/didattica/insegnamenti/insegnamento/2020/434910
Stefano Picchi
Published on: September 23 2020