Foto del docente

Roberto Saporetti

Research fellow

Department of Chemistry "Giacomo Ciamician"

Academic discipline: CHIM/06 Organic Chemistry

Curriculum vitae

Download Curriculum Vitae (.pdf 60KB )

Research fields

He focuses his research on the bioconjugation of genetically engineered M13 bacteriophages, on their characterization and their possible applications in diagnostics and therapies for the treatment of various types of diseases, especially concentrating on their use as anticancer photodynamic therapy agents.


2024 -today
Postdoctoral research fellowship
Description: Bioconjugation of M13 bacteriophage for PDT/SDT antimicrobial applications

2020 -2024
PhD in Nanoscience for Medicine and the Environment (5/5), University of Bologna, Italy
with a research grant supported with AIRC funds (MFAG 2019 NanoPhage - ID. 22894 project – P.I. Matteo Calvaresi).
Thesis title: "Orthogonal modification of M13 phages for highly selective photodynamic therapy and diagnostic applications"
Advisor: Prof. Matteo Calvaresi


2017 - 2020
Master Degree indegree in Chemistry (107/110) at the Department of Chemistry "G.Ciamician", Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna: Curriculum in Organic Synthesis at the Department of Chemistry "G.Ciamician", Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna.
Thesis title: "Bioconjugation of M13 phages with photosensitizers for Photodynamic Therapy targeted against bacteria and tumor cells".
Supervisor: Prof. M. Calvaresi
Co-supervisor: Dr. A. Cantelli

2013 - 2017
Bachelor degree in Chemistry and Materials Chemistry (105/110) at the Department of Chemistry "G.Ciamician", Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna.
Thesis title: "Ossidazione di acidi arilboronici a fenoli mediata da derivati dell’acido ascorbico" (Oxydation of arylboronic acids to phenols using ascorbic acid derivatives).
Supervisor: Dr. A. Gualandi
Co-supervisor: Prof. P. G. Cozzi

Events & Awards

Italian Society of Photobiology XXXIV Annual Conference, Lecce, Italy
Oral Presentation: "Nanoarchitectonics of the M13 phage provides a potent and specific anti-GD2 vector platform for Neuroblastoma Therapy"

XXI Giornata della Chimica dell’Emilia-Romagna, Bologna, Italy
Poster: "Orthogonally-modified M13 phage: a stable and effective system for therapy and diagnosis"

XXI Giornata della Chimica dell’Emilia-Romagna, Bologna, Italy
Poster & Flash Oral Presentation: "Orthogonal nanoarchitectonis of M13 phage for receptor targeted anticancer photodynamic therapy"

For the Best Thesis on "Nanomedicine applications in the development of anticancer therapies" - University of Bologna

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