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Polina Lemenkova

Assegnista di ricerca

Dipartimento di Scienze Biologiche, Geologiche e Ambientali


Lemenkova P., Using open-source software GRASS GIS for analysis of the environmental patterns in Lake Chad, Central Africa, «DIE BODENKULTUR», 2023, 74, pp. 49 - 64 [articolo]

Lindh P.; Lemenkova P., Utilising Pareto efficiency and RSM to adjust binder content in clay stabilisation for Yttre Ringvägen, Malmö, «ACTA POLYTECHNICA», 2023, 63, pp. 140 - 157 [articolo]

Lemenkova, Polina, Análise qualitativa de anomalias geofísicas e sismicidade no México: um mapeamento integrado por GMT, «BOLETIM DE GEOGRAFIA», 2022, 39, Article number: e60474, pp. 265 - 287 [articolo]

Lemenkova, Polina, Cartographic scripting for geophysical mapping of Malawi Rift Zone, «TEHNIKA», 2022, 77, pp. 183 - 191 [articolo]

Lemenkova P., Cartographic scripts for seismic and geophysical mapping of Ecuador, «GEOGRAFIE. SBORNÍK CESKÉ GEOGRAFICKÉ SPOLECNOSTI», 2022, 127, pp. 195 - 218 [articolo]

Lemenkova P., Command-Line Cartographic Data Processing for Geophysical Plotting of Rwanda Using GMT and R Scripts, «ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS», 2022, 67, Article number: 810, pp. 1 - 21 [articolo]

Lemenkova P., Console-Based Mapping of Mongolia Using GMT Cartographic Scripting Toolset for Processing TerraClimate Data, «GEOSCIENCES», 2022, 12, Article number: 140, pp. 1 - 36 [articolo]

Polina Lemenkova, Data Fusion Strategy for Mapping Environment and Climate Variables of Brazil, «TECNO-LÓGICA», 2022, 26, pp. 15 - 34 [articolo]

Lindh, Per; Lemenkova, Polina, Dynamics of Strength Gain in Sandy Soil Stabilised with Mixed Binders Evaluated by Elastic P-Waves during Compressive Loading, «MATERIALS», 2022, 15, Article number: 7798, pp. 1 - 25 [articolo]

Lindh, Per; Lemenkova, Polina, Effects of GGBS and Fly Ash in Binders on Soil Stabilization for Road Construction, «ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE», 2022, 11, pp. 1 - 13 [articolo]

Lemenkova P., Evapotranspiration, vapour pressure and climatic water deficit in Ethiopia mapped using GMT and TerraClimate dataset, «JOURNAL OF WATER AND LAND DEVELOPMENT», 2022, 54, pp. 201 - 209 [articolo]

Raphael De Plaen; Thomas Lecocq; Polina Lemenkova; Olivier Debeir; Fabrice Ardhuin; Marine De Carlo, Extracting Microseismic Ground Motion From Legacy Seismograms, in: Proceedings of 3ECEES, 2022, pp. 3507 - 3513 (atti di: Third European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Bucharest, Romania, 4 September 2022) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Lindh P.; Lemenkova P., Geochemical tests to study the effects of cement ratio on potassium and TBT leaching and the pH of the marine sediments from the Kattegat Strait, Port of Gothenburg, Sweden, «BALTICA», 2022, 35, pp. 47 - 59 [articolo]

Polina Lemenkova, Geocomputation of DEM Based Terrain Relief in Bulgaria Using GMT and R Scripting Approaches, «GODIŠNIK NA UNIVERSITETA PO ARHITEKTURA, STROITELSTVO I GEODEZIA», 2022, 55, pp. 169 - 181 [articolo]

Lemenkova, Polina, Geomorphology of the Beqaa Valley, Lebanon and Anti-Lebanon Mountains, «ACTA SCIENTIFICA NATURALIS», 2022, 9, pp. 1 - 22 [articolo]

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