P. Manasse ; N. ROUBINI, Rules of thumb for sovereign debt crises, «JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS», 2009, 78, pp. 192 - 205 [Scientific article]
P.Manasse; G. Schwartz; A. Corbacho; Q. Cui; G. Ganelli, Macro-Fiscal Policy Challanges and Public Investment in the New EU Member States, «CAHIERS BEI», 2008, 13, pp. 114 - 149 [Scientific article]
P.Manasse; C. Chamon; A. Prati, Can We Predict the Next Capital Account Crisis?, «IMF STAFF PAPERS», 2007, 54, pp. 270 - 305 [Scientific article]
P.Manasse, Deficit Limits and Fiscal Rules for Dummies, «IMF STAFF PAPERS», 2007, 54, pp. 455 - 473 [Scientific article]
P. Manasse; G. Schwartz Gerd; A. Corbacho; Qiang C.; G. Ganelli, Fiscal Policy and Public Investment in the New EU Member States, in: Herausforderungen für die Finanzpolitik in Europa/Fiscal Policy Challenges in Europe, BERLIN, Bundesministerium der Finanzen (BMF), 2007, pp. pp. 263 - 298, (Arbeitspapiere BMF, Bundesministerium der Finanzen (BMF)) [Chapter or essay]
L. Bottazzi; P. Manasse, Asymmetric Information and Monetary Policy in Common Currency Areas, «JOURNAL OF MONEY, CREDIT, AND BANKING», 2005, 37(4), pp. 603 - 621 [Scientific article]
P. Manasse; L. Stanca; A. Turrini, Wage premia and skill upgrading in Italy: why didn't the hound bark?, «LABOUR ECONOMICS», 2004, 11(1), pp. 59 - 83 [Scientific article]