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Olimpia Malatesta

Assegnista di ricerca

Dipartimento delle Arti

Nota biografica

Olimpia Malatesta is research fellow in History of Political Thought and works on a project entitled Political planning in European liberal democracies from the 1920s to the 2020s. Her research deals with ordoliberalism (Eucken, Röpke, Müller-Armack, Rüstow, Böhm) and its relations with German sociology (Sombart, Schmoller), Austrian neoliberalism (Hayek) and authoritarian liberalism, with a special focus on the conservative revolution (Schmitt) and the Weimar Republic. She has also dedicated herself to the study of the different interpretations of neoliberalism (especially Foucault, Brown, Fraser). She graduated in Philosophy at the FU Berlin and was a research fellow of the DAAD and the IISF. She completed her PhD in cotutelle between the UNIBO and the FSU Jena, was research fellow at the UNIMIB and at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Her first monograph titled Ordoliberalism, State and Society. An epoch-making theory (Routledge) will be published in 2024.

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