Simone, Monica; Mondémé, Chloé; Galatolo, Renata, Becoming a cooperating pair: blind trainees learning to interact with their guide-dogs, «JOURNAL OF INTERACTIONAL RESEARCH IN COMMUNICATION DISORDERS», in corso di stampa, X, pp. 1 - 20 [Scientific article]
Simone, Monica; Galatolo, Renata; Fasulo, Alessandra, Haptic Resources in Pain Communication: New Amputees Redirecting Doctors’ Professional Touch at the Prosthetic Clinic, «HEALTH COMMUNICATION», 2024, Sept 2024 Early Access, pp. 1 - 15 [Scientific article]
Margutti, Piera; Galatolo, Renata; Simone, Monica; Drew, Paul, Proposing surgery at the prosthetic clinic: managing patient resistance, «PATIENT EDUCATION AND COUNSELING», 2024, 129, Article number: 108385 , pp. 1 - 10 [Scientific article]
Simone, Monica; Galatolo, Renata, Du « faire agir autrui » au « faire ensemble » : les instructions comme moyen de soutien du mouvement corporel lors d’entraînements d’escalade avec des athlètes, «LANGAGE ET SOCIÉTÉ (PARIS)», 2023, 179, pp. 141 - 165 [Scientific article]
Monica Simone, Chloé Mondémé, Renata Galatolo, Repetition and instruction in blind pedestrians training with guide-dogs, in: Abstracts 18th International Pragmatics Conference Brussels 9-14 July 2023, 2023, pp. 943 - 943 (atti di: 18th International Pragmatics Conference, Brussels, 9-14/07/2023) [Abstract]
Simone, Monica; Galatolo, Renata, The situated deployment of the Italian presentative (e) hai. . ., ‘(and) you have. . .’ within routinized multimodal Gestalts in route mapping with visually impaired climbers, «DISCOURSE STUDIES», 2023, 25, pp. 89 - 113 [Scientific article]
Monica Simone, Vittoria Colla, Nicola Nasi, Federica Ranzani, An embodied approach to inclusion and education : examples from school, healthcare, and sport, «GIORNALE ITALIANO DI EDUCAZIONE ALLA SALUTE, SPORT E DIDATTICA INCLUSIVA», 2022, 6, pp. 1 - 18 [Scientific article]Open Access
Simone, Monica; Galatolo, Renata, Timing and Prosody of Lexical Repetition: How Repeated Instructions Assist Visually Impaired Athletes’ Navigation in Sport Climbing, «RESEARCH ON LANGUAGE AND SOCIAL INTERACTION», 2021, 54, pp. 397 - 419 [Scientific article]Open Access
Simone, Monica; Galatolo, Renata, Climbing as a pair: Instructions and instructed body movements in indoor climbing with visually impaired athletes, «JOURNAL OF PRAGMATICS», 2020, 155, pp. 286 - 302 [Scientific article]
Monica Simone, A situated analysis of instructions in paraclimbing training with visually impaired athletes, in: ICODOC 2017 Les ressources mobilisée en interaction, edp sciences, 2018, 52, pp. 1 - 10 (atti di: ICODOC 2017 Les ressources mobilisée en interaction, ENS de Lyon, Lyon, France, 15-16/06/2017) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Renata Galatolo; Monica Simone, Climbing as a couple: How sighted coaches and visually impaired athletes coordinate their perception and action in indoor guided climbing training, «COGNITIVE PROCESSING», 2018, 19, pp. S60 - S61 [Abstract]
Monica Simone; Renata Galatolo, Instructional practices in indoor climbing with blind and partially-sighted athletes, in: Book of abstracts, 2018, pp. 71 - 71 (atti di: Conference of the Swiss Association for Applied Linguistics (VALS-ASLA) 2018, "A video turn in Linguistics?", University of Basel (CH), June, 6-8 2018) [Abstract]
Galatolo R; Simone M, Co-constructing movement in space with people with visual impairments: the case of paraclimbing training, in: 2017 IADA Conference, 2017, pp. 1 - 1 (atti di: 2017 IADA Conference: Dialogue, interaction and culture, Bologna, 11-14 October 2017) [Abstract]