Post-doc research fellow in Psychology since 2021 within the project "Expressing and communicating sensations and emotions: the analysis of tactile stimulation and pain expression in specialized medical settings" (supervisor: prof.ssa Renata Galatolo). She adopts Conversation Analysis and multimodal analysis to explore 'naturally occurring' (i.e., not set up for experimental purposes) social interactions. Her research interests concern the interface between language and the body, the relationship between language and other semiotic modalities, and the resources that participants in interaction employ to communicate physical sensations. She is currently exploring the topics of pain in doctor-patient interaction and of multisensoriality in Paraclimbing with visually impaired athletes.
2021 - PhD in Cognitive Sciences (doctoral programme "Philosophy, Science, Cognition, and Semiotics"), University of Bologna. Supervisor: prof. Renata Galatolo.
2019/2020 - Visiting researcher at CASLC (Centre for Advanced Studies in Language and Communication), Dept. of Language and Linguistic Science, University of York, UK. Supervisor: prof. Paul Drew.
2016 - Master's degree in "Italian Studies, European Cultural Studies, Linguistic Sciences", University of Bologna. Supervisor: prof. Renata Galatolo.
2012 - Bachelor's degree in "Italian Studies", University "Sapienza" of Rome. Supervisor: prof. Silvana Cirillo.
Teaching activity
In a.a. 2023-24, she teaches Interpersonal Communication and Narratives (I.C.).
In 2023, together with Prof. Paul Drew (York University), she taught an intensive workshop on the analysis of social interactions addressed to PhDs and postdocs at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Department of Linguistic and Cultural Studies.
Since 2018, she contributes to the undergraduate courses "Laboratory of ethnographic methods and video-analysis" and "Discursive psychology" (both courses held by prof. Renata Galatolo).
Scientific activity
Member of the Discursive Psychology and Multimodal Interaction Analysis Lab, Department of Philosophy and Communication Studies, University of Bologna.
Member of the Interuniversity research center AIM (Analysis of Interaction and Mediation).
Member of the Interactional Linguists Network of the University of York, UK.
Member of LIPS research group - Languages, Interaction, Social Practices, Department of the Arts, University of Bologna.
Collaborations and visiting
2023 - Invited researcher at the University of Portsmouth, Department of Psychology.
2021- Collaboration to the project "FAR DIPARTIMENTO 2020 - Development Plan 2020-2022: Academic and Professional Communication and Knowledge Dissemination in the Digital Age" at the Department of Linguistic and Cultural Studies, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.
2019-2020 - Visiting PhD student at the University of York, Department of Language and Linguistic Science.
Participation in international conferences
She has presented peer-reviewed contributions at numerous international conferences, including IPRA Conference (International Pragmatics Association, Brussels, 2023), AItLA (Italian Association of Applied Linguistics, Arezzo, 2023), JAM (Joint Action Meeting, Genoa, 2019), IIEMCA (International Institute for Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis, Mannheim, 2019), ICSC (International Conference on Spatial Cognition, Rome, 2018), VALS-ASLA (Swiss Association for Applied Linguistics, Basel, 2018), IADA (International Association for Dialogue Analysis, Bologna, 2017).
As an invited speaker, she has presented scientific contributions at international workshops, including at the "Effort and Exertion in Interaction workshop" organized by the University of Linköping (SE) (May 2020); the seminars of the Interactional Linguists Network, University of York, UK (February 2022); the "LANGUAGE, HEALTH AND SOCIETY: Meetings on therapeutic interactions and language pathologies," organized by the Department of Humanities, University "Roma Tre" (April 2022).
In 2023, she was keynote speaker at the 6th Congress of the International Rock Climbing Research Association (Bern, August 7-10, 2023), where she gave the first plenary talk dedicated to coach-athlete interaction in paraclimbing in the history of the association.
Refereeing and roles in scholarly journals
She is referee for Research on Language and Social Interaction, Journal of Pragmatics, Language and Communication, Social Interaction - Video-based Studies of Human Sociality, Bulletin suisse de linguistique appliquée among others.
She is journal manager of Ricerche di Pedagogia e Didattica / Journal of Theory and Research in Education.
Institutional activities and academic positions
Doctoral students' representative in the Council of the Department of Philosophy and Communication, University of Bologna (A.Y. 2019-2021).