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Monica Chiogna

Professoressa ordinaria

Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche "Paolo Fortunati"

Settore scientifico disciplinare: STAT-01/A Statistica


Nguyen Thi Kim Hue, Monica Chiogna, and Davide Risso, Graphical models for count data: an application to single-cell RNA sequencing, in: Book of short papers SIS 2020, Pearson, 2020, pp. 762 - 767 (atti di: SIS 2020, Pisa, Suspended) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

To, Duc Khanh; Adimari, Gianfranco; Chiogna, Monica, Mean score equation and instrumental variables: Another look at estimating the volume under the receiver operating characteristic surface when data are missing not at random, «STAT», 2020, 9, pp. 1 - 13 [articolo]

Khanh To Duc; Monica Chiogna; Gianfranco Adimari, Nonparametric estimation of ROC surfaces under verification bias, «REVSTAT STATISTICAL JOURNAL», 2020, 18, pp. 697 - 720 [articolo]Open Access

Djordjilović, Vera; Chiogna, Monica; Romualdi, Chiara; Salviato, Elisa, Searching for the Source of Difference: A Graphical Model Approach, in: Computational Intelligence Methods for Bioinformatics and Biostatistics., Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London, Springer, Cham, 2020, pp. 131 - 138 (LECTURE NOTES IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE) [capitolo di libro]

Duc Khanh To, Gianfranco Adimari, Monica Chiogna, Selecting optimal thresholds in ROC analysis with clustered data, in: Book of short papers SIS 2020, Pearson, 2020, pp. 803 - 808 (atti di: SIS 2020, Pisa, Suspendedd) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Vera Djordjilovic, Monica Chiogna, Chiara Romualdi, Simulating gene silencing through intervention analysis, «JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL STATISTICAL SOCIETY SERIES C-APPLIED STATISTICS», 2020, 69, pp. 887 - 907 [articolo]Open Access

Khanh To Duc, Monica Chiogna, Gianfranco Adimari, Estimation of the volume under the ROC surface in presence of nonignorable verification bias, «STATISTICAL METHODS & APPLICATIONS», 2019, 28, pp. 695 - 722 [articolo]

Paolo Martini, Monica Chiogna, Enrica Calura, Chiara Romualdi, MOSClip: multi-omic and survival pathway analysis for the identification of survival associated gene and modules, «NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH», 2019, 47, Article number: e80, pp. 1 - 13 [articolo]Open Access

Salviato, Elisa; Djordjilović, Vera; Chiogna, Monica; Romualdi, Chiara, SourceSet: A graphical model approach to identify primary genes in perturbed biological pathways, «PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY», 2019, 15, Article number: e1007357, pp. 1 - 28 [articolo]Open Access

TO, DUC KHANH; Chiogna Monica; Adimari Gianfranco, Nonparametric estimation of ROC surfaces under verification bias: supplementary material, 2018, pp. 51 . [rapporto tecnico]

Djordjilović, Vera; Chiogna, Monica; Vomlel, Jiří, An empirical comparison of popular structure learning algorithms with a view to gene network inference, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPROXIMATE REASONING», 2017, 88, pp. 602 - 613 [articolo]

Gianfranco Adimari; Monica Chiogna, Nonparametric verification bias-corrected inference for the area under the ROC curve of a continuous-scale diagnostic test, «STATISTICS AND ITS INTERFACE», 2017, 10, pp. 629 - 641 [articolo]

SALVIATO, ELISA; DJORDJILOVIC, VERA; CHIOGNA, MONICA; ROMUALDI, CHIARA, simPATHy: a new method for simulating data from perturbed biological PATHways, «BIOINFORMATICS», 2017, 33, pp. 456 - 457 [articolo]Open Access

To Duc Khanh; Chiogna Monica; Adimari Gianfranco, Bias–corrected methods for estimating the receiver operating characteristic surface of continuous diagnostic tests, «ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF STATISTICS», 2016, 10, pp. 3063 - 3113 [articolo]Open Access

V. Djordjilovic; M. Chiogna; S. Massa; C. Romualdi, Graphical modelling for gene set analysis: a critical appraisal, «BIOMETRICAL JOURNAL», 2015, 57, pp. 852 - 866 [articolo]

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