Foto del docente

Monica Azzolini

Professoressa associata

Dipartimento di Filosofia

Nota biografica

I am a historian of early modern science, medicine and the environment, with particular focus on Italy but increasingly extending my research to transnational networks. After graduating from the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan, I obtained both my MPhil and PhD from the University of Cambridge. Since then, I taught at the University of Cambridge (U.K.), the University of Washington (U.S.A.), the University of New South Wales (Australia), and the University of Edinburgh (U.K.). I held prestigious fellowships at I Tatti - The Harvard Center for Italian Renaissance Studies, The Warburg Institute, London, and the Shelby Cullom Davis Center at Princeton University. My research has been supported by the British Academy, The Leverhulme Trust, The Royal Society of Edinburgh, The Carnegie Trust, The European Commission, and The Global Challenges Research Fund (AHRC/NERC/EHSC). I published widely on Leonardo da Vinci's anatomical studies, Renaissance astrology, and courtly science. I joined the University of Bologna in the autumn of 2017 as Associate Professor in the History of Science. Vai al Curriculum


+39 051 20 9 8315

Dipartimento di Filosofia
Via Zamboni 38, Bologna - Vai alla mappa

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Orario di ricevimento

Nel mese di aprile 2024 ricevero' online e in studio il lunedi 11-12, e il venerdi 10-11. E' gradita una mail un giorno o due prima per avvisare che si intende venire al ricevimento (ed eventualmente ricevere il link per l'appuntamento online). 

Dalla fine delle lezioni in poi (da maggio a meta' luglio), il ricevimento avverra' il martedi mattina, 9:30-10:30 (in presenza) o il venerdi pomeriggio, 15-16 (online), solo previo appuntamento.

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