Fini R.;
Grimaldi R.;
Sobrero M., Factors Fostering Academics to Start up New Ventures: an Assessment of Italian Founders' Incentives, in: Academy of Management Annual Meeting, ATLANTA, Academy of Management, 2006(atti di: Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia (US), 11-16 October) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
Fini R.; Grimaldi R.; Sobrero M., Incentivi alla creazione di nuove imprese ad elevato contenuto tecnologico: evidenze empiriche dal contesto italiano, in: Atti della XVII Riunione Scientifica, SINE LOCO, sine nomine, 2006, pp. xx - xx (atti di: Conferenza AIIG, Rome, Italy, October 2006) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
N. Baldini; R. Grimaldi; M. Sobrero, Institutional changes and the commercialization of academic knowledge: a study of Italian universities’ patenting activities between 1965 and 2002, «RESEARCH POLICY», 2006, 35(4), pp. 518 - 532 [articolo]
Munari F.; Oriani R.; Sobrero M., La relación entre las estructuras de propiedad y la inversión en I+D en las empresas europeas, «INICIATIVA EMPRENDEDORA Y EMPRESA FAMILIAR», 2006, 50, pp. 121 - 134 [articolo]
Munari F.; Oriani R.; Sobrero M., Do Owner Identity and Financial Markets Affect R&D Investments? An Analysis of European Firms, in: WEAWER M. K, 2005 Annual Meeting Proceedings, BARCLIFF MANOR, Academy of Management, 2005(atti di: ., ., .) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
Ballardini F.; Malipiero A.; Oriani R.; Sobrero M.; Zammit A., Do Stock Markets Value Innovation? A Meta-Analysis, in: Weawer M. K., 2005 Annual Meeting Proceedings, BARCLIFF MANOR, Academy of Management, 2005 [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
GRIMALDI R.; MUNARI F.; ORIANI R.; SOBRERO M., Elementi per lo studio dello sviluppo di innovazione tecnologica, in: Innovazione tecnologica e gestione d’impresa - II. La gestione strategica dell’innovazione, BOLOGNA, Ill Mulino, 2005, pp. 15 - 41 [capitolo di libro]
Malipiero A.; Munari F.; Sobrero M., Focal firms as technological gatekeepers within industrial districts: knowledge creation and dissemination in the italian packaging industry, in: PETER MASKELL, Proceedings of the 2005 DRUID Winter Conference, COPENHAGEN, DRUID Danish Research Unit in Industrial Dynamics, 2005 [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
GRANDI A.; SOBRERO M., Innovazione tecnologica e gestione d’impresa: La gestione strategica dell’innovazione, BOLOGNA, Il Mulino, 2005, pp. 278 (Manuali). [curatela]
Grandi, Alessandro; Sobrero, Maurizio, La collaborazione nello sviluppo tecnologico, in: GRANDI A.; SOBRERO M., Innovazione tecnologica e gestione d'impresa. La gestione strategica dell'innovazione, BOLOGNA, Il Mulino, 2005, pp. 171 - 200 (Preprint) [capitolo di libro]
R. Grimaldi; M. Sobrero, Mechanisms supporting the creation of academic start-ups: an analysis of the role and effects of universities, in: ANDREA PICCALUGA, R&D Management Conference, MANCHESTER, RADMA, 2005 [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
N. Baldini; R. Grimaldi; M. Sobrero, Motivations and incentives for patenting within universities: a survey of italian inventors, paper accepted for presentation at the Academy of Management meeting, in: K. MARK, WEAVER, A new vision of management in the 21st century, HONOLULU, Riwab University, 2005 [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
Munari F.; Oriani R.; Sobrero M., THE EFFECTS OF OWNER IDENTITY AND FINANCIAL MARKETS ON R&D INVESTMENTS. A STUDY OF WESTERN EUROPEAN FIRMS, in: JULIA PRATS, RAMA VELAMURI, Sustaining the Entrepreneurial Spirit over Time, BRUXELLES, EFMD, 2005 [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
R. Grimaldi; M. Sobrero; N. Baldini, To patent or not to patent? A Survey of Italian inventors on motivations, incentives and obstacles to university patenting, in: VITTORIO CHIESA, R&D Management Conference, MANCHESTER, RADMA, 2005 [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN OWNER TYPE AND R&D INVESTMENTS IN WESTERN EUROPEAN FIRMS, in: EGOS, Proceedings of the 20th EGOS Colloquium, BRUXELLES, EOGS, 2004 [Contributo in Atti di convegno]