Foto del docente

Marilena Barnabei

Alma Mater Professor

Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna

Adjunct professor

Department of Mathematics


  • Combinatorics of Young tableaux
  • Statistics on subsets of the symmetric group
  • Pattern avoiding permutations
  • Eulerian polynomials

My research interest was devoted to enumeration problems about Young tableaux with bounded number of columns. We introduced an infinite family of matrices, containing the numbers of Young tableaux of given shapes. The recursive properties of such matrices yield recurrences and explicit formulas for the numbers of Young tableaux with 2 and 3 columns.

We then obtained recurrences and explicit formulas for the numbers of integer partitions in 3 and 4 parts. By generating function methods, we constructed bijections between sets of partitions in a bounded number of parts.
The distribution of the descent statistic (also known as Eulerian distribution) on the set of involutions of the symmetric group S_n has been deeply investigated in recent years by several authors, who studied the combinatorial properties of the generating polynomial I_n(x) of the descent distribution. For example, Gessel and Reutenauer proved that the coefficients of these polyomials are symmetric (see Counting permutations with a given cycle structure and descent set, J. Combin. Theory Ser. A, 13 (1972), 135-139), while Guo and Zeng proved the unimodality of In(x) for every integer n (see The Eulerian distribution on involutions is indeed unimodal, J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 113 (2006), no. 6, 1061-1071). Moreover, this distribution was conjectured to be log-concave by F. Brenti (see the paper by Dukes Permutation statistics on involutions, European J. Combin. 28 Issue 1 (2007), 186-198).
My research activity enters this vein from a new point of view. The key tool is a formula that expresses the number i_{n,k} of involutions on n objects with k descents in terms of the well known sequence a_{n,s} counting semistandard tableaux with n cells on s symbols. This approach gives a further and simpler proof of the symmetry of the coefficients of the polynomial I_n(x) and allows to confute the conjecture given by Brenti concerning the log-concavity of the descent distribution on involutions.
The same approach can be applied to the solution of other enumerative problems concerning some subsets of involutions, e.g., the set of involutions with no fixed points and the set J_2n of centrosymmetric involutions on 2n objects, namely, involutions corresponding to standard Young tableaux which are fixed under the Schützenberger map. More precisely, the present tools yield an explicit formula for the number j_{2n,k} of centrosymmetric involutions on 2n objects with k descents.
Moreover, the same approach can be used also in the study of signed eulerian numbers on involutions, and allows to exhibit an explicit formula for such numbers.

In the last years I undertook the study of pattern avoiding permutations. This theme was introduced by D.E. Knuth in his fundamental volume "The Art of Computer Programming" and, in recent years, it obtained the interest of many authors, so that there are hundreds of papers on this subject in the current literature.
This study yielded four publications and two preprints.

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