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Maria Ferrante

Professoressa ordinaria

Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche "Paolo Fortunati"

Settore scientifico disciplinare: STAT-02/A Statistica economica


Fabrizi, Enrico; Maria Rosaria Ferrante; Trivisano, Carlo, Bayesian Beta regression models for the estimation of poverty and inequality parameters in small areas., in: Analysis of poverty data by small area estimation, Chichester, John Wiley & Sons, 2016, pp. 299 - 314 [capitolo di libro]

Ferrante, Maria Rosaria; Freo, Marzia; Viviani, Alessandro, Learning-by-Exporting and Productivity: Evidences from a Panel of Manufacturing Firms, in: Topics in Theoretical and Applied Statistics, Switzerland, Springer, 2016, pp. 295 - 306 [capitolo di libro]

Antonietti, Roberto; Ferrante, Maria Rosaria; Riccardo, Leoncini, Local market size, social capital and outsourcing: evidence from Emilia Romagna, «SMALL BUSINESS ECONOMICS», 2016, 47, pp. 243 - 260 [articolo]

Mazzocchi, Mario; Lanza, Massimo; La Torre, Giuseppe; Moro, Daniele; BALDI ANTOGNINI, Alessandro; Bertinato, Luciano; Brigidi, Patrizia; Calia, PINUCCIA PASQUALINA; Canavari, Maurizio; Castellari, Elena; De Giusti, Maria; Ferrante, Maria; Leucci, ANNA CATERINA; Masotti, Matteo; Ragona, Maddalena; Rettaroli, Rosella; Saulle, Rosella; Schena, Federico; Sckokai, Paolo; Vitali, Francesca; Wongprawmas, Rungsaran; Allais, Olivier; De Bourdeaudhuij, Ilse; Lakerveld, Jeroen; Lien, Nanna; Monsivais, Pablo; Nicolaou, Mary; O’Gorman, Donal; Renner, Britta; Brug, Johannes, The role of the INTREPID Consortium in the European DEDIPAC-KH project, «ITALIAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY AND EMBRYOLOGY», 2016, 121, pp. 95 - 95 [abstract]

Maria Rosaria Ferrante; Carlo Trivisano; Enrico Fabrizi, Bayesian small area estimation methods for business survey statistics, in: Proceedings of the 60th World Statistics Congress of the International Statistical Institute - Invited Session, ISI2015, RIO, Brasil, 2015, pp. 86 - 91 (atti di: 60th World Statistics Congress of the ISI2015, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, 26–31 July 2015) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Roberto Antonietti; Maria Rosaria Ferrante; Riccardo Leoncini, Infrastructure Endowment, Social Capital and Outsourcing: Evidence from Emilia Romagna, Italy, in: Innovation and entrepreneurship in the global economy: knowledge, technology and internationalization, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2015, pp. 310 - 330 [capitolo di libro]

E. Fabrizi; M.R. Ferrante; S. Pacei, A Micro-Econometric Analysis of the Antipoverty Effect of Social Cash Transfers in Italy, «REVIEW OF INCOME AND WEALTH», 2014, 60, pp. 323 - 348 [articolo]

Antonietti R.; Ferrante M.R.; Leoncini R., Spatial Agglomeration, Production Technology and the Choice to Make and/or Buy: Empirical Evidence from the Emilia Romagna Machine Tool Industry, «REGIONAL STUDIES», 2014, 48, pp. 1 - 284 [articolo]

Rosa Bernardini Papalia, Christian Bruch, TobiasEnderle, Stefano Falorsi, Andrea Fasulo, Esteban Fernandez-Vazquez,Maria Ferrante, Jan-Philipp Kolb, Ralf M ̈unnich, Silvia Pacei,Rodolphe Priam, Paolo Righi, Timo Schmid, Natalie Shlomo,Florian Volk and Thomas Zimmermann, BLUE ETS Project - DELIVERABLE 6.2 - Best practice recommendations on variance estimation and small area estimation in business surveys, 2013. [rapporto tecnico]

Maria Rosaria Ferrante; Marco Novelli, Heterogeneity and Number of Export Destinations of Italian Firms: A Hurdle Negative Binomial Regression Approach, «GLOBAL ECONOMY JOURNAL», 2013, 13, pp. 391 - 416 [articolo]

P. Calia; M. R. Ferrante, How do firms combine different internationalisation modes? A multivariate probit approach, «REVIEW OF WORLD ECONOMICS», 2013, 149, pp. 663 - 696 [articolo]

M. Ferrante; M. Freo; A. Viviani, THE POST-ENTRY EFFECT OF EXPORTING ON PRODUCTIVITY: INFERENCE ON THE COUNTERFACTUAL DISTRIBUTION, in: Proceedings of the XLVI Scientific Meeting, PADOVA, CLEUP, 2012, pp. 1 - 4 (atti di: 46th Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society., SAPIENZA UNIVERSITY OF ROME, June 20-22, 2012) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Ferrante M.R.; Freo M., The Total Factor Productivity Gap between Internationalised and Domestic Firms: Net Premium or Heterogeneity Effect?, «WORLD ECONOMY», 2012, 35 (9), pp. 1186 - 1214 [articolo]

E. Fabrizi; M.R. Ferrante; S. Pacei; C. Trivisano, Hierarchical Bayes multivariate estimation of poverty rates based on increasing thresholds for small domains, «COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS & DATA ANALYSIS», 2011, 55, pp. 1736 - 1747 [articolo]

M. Ferrante; M. Freo, Adjusting the Internationalization Productivity Premium for Firms Heterogeneity by using the Quantile Regression Decomposition, in: SIS 2010. Conference Program, s.l, s.n, 2010, pp. 1 - 8 (atti di: 45th Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society, University of Padua, Padua, Italy., June 29, 2011 – July 1, 2011) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

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