Breast cancer and breast reconstruction.
Evaluation of different reconstructive techniques. Revision of the literature e proposal of an algorithm to solve the most common vascular complication of DIEP flap, a microsurgical flap, considered the gold standard for breast reconstruction.
Evaluation of a regional population-based hereditary breast cancer screening tool.
Propeller flaps. Evolution of these flaps, of their definition and classification. Multiple, innovative applications in different anatomical areas. Analysis of the surgical technique with particular attention to the training of younger surgeons. Evaluation of advantages and risks, complications and solutions. Collaboration with reknown international experts in the field (Hallock GG, Ogawa R, Mateev M, Georgescu AV, Balakrishnan G, Ono S, Cubison TC, D'Arpa S, Koshima I, Hyakusoku H. ecc.)
Autologous fat grafting. Evaluation of the new frontiers of this surgical technique. Standardized and innovative applications.In particular its use in reumathology (sistemic sclerosis), in congenital conditions and in acquired defects not suitable of treatment with conventional techniques
Head and neck reconstruction. Analysis of reconstructive methods and evaluation of new solutions for difficult conditions and for complications. (tracheo-cutaneous fistulas, difficult anatomical areas, technical innovations in microsurgery)
Post-bariatric surgery. Application of a multidisciplinary program for the comprehensive treatment of obese patients.
How the COVID-19 pandemic changed the Plastic Surgery activity in a regional referral center in Northern Italy
Evaluation of indications and outcomes of surgery in SARS-CoV-2 infected patients or in cancer patients during the months of the pandemic. International collaboration.
Perineal reconstruction. Application of different reconstructive techniques. Evaluation of indications, complications, long term results.
Lower limb. Evaluation of different reconstructive techniques in the various subunits. Evaluation and selection of lower limb lymphedema patients for lymphaticovenular anastomosis
Microsurgery. Technical innovations in microsurgery. Evolution of harvesting and choice of flaps in difficult anatomical and functional areas (axilla, functional muscular reconstruction). Microsurgery in traditional anatomical areas (head and neck, breast, lower limb, etc).
Research on innovative teaching methods. Use of new technologies and modern model, both synthetic and living tissues for the teaching and training of microsurgery and perforator flap surgery.