Capt, C.; Passamonti, Marco; Breton, S., The human mitochondrial genome may code for more than 13 proteins., «MITOCHONDRIAL DNA», 2016, 27, pp. 3098 - 3101 [articolo]
Milani, Liliana; Ghiselli, Fabrizio; Pecci, Andrea; Maurizii, Maria Gabriella; Passamonti, Marco, Endogenized mitochondrial gene expressed in the germ line, in: Abstracts book Evoluzione 2015, EdiSES, 2015, pp. 69 - 69 (atti di: 6° Congress of the Italian Society of Evolutionary Biology, Bologna, 31 Agosto-3 ssttembre 2015) [atti di convegno-abstract]
LILIANA MILANI; MARIA GABRIELLA MAURIZII; FABRIZIO GHISELLI; ANDREA PECCI; MARCO PASSAMONTI, EXPRESSION OF MITOCHONDRIAL AND NUCLEAR ELEMENTS DURING PRIMORDIAL GERM CELL PROLIFERATION AND DIFFERENTIATION IN THE BIVALVE SPECIES RUDITAPES PHILIPPINARUM (BIVALVIA VENERIDAE), in: Marzio Zapparoli, Maria Cristina Belardinelli, Proceedings of the 76° National Conference of the Unione Zoologica Italiana, Univ. degli Studi della Tuscia, 2015, pp. 28 - 28 (atti di: 76° Congresso UZI, Viterbo, 15-18 settembre 2015) [atti di convegno-abstract]
LILIANA MILANI; MARIA GABRIELLA MAURIZII; ANDREA PECCI; FABRIZIO GHISELLI; MARCO PASSAMONTI, Localization and dynamics of primordial germ cells in the bivalve species Ruditapes philippinarum, «MOLECULAR REPRODUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT», 2015, 82, pp. 406 - 407 [articolo]
Milani L.; Scali V.; Passamonti M., Speciation through androgenesis in the stick insect genus Clonopsis (Insecta Phasmatodea)., «JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGICAL SYSTEMATICS AND EVOLUTIONARY RESEARCH», 2015, 53, pp. 116 - 123 [articolo]
Milani, L.; Ghiselli, F.; Pecci, A.; Maurizii, M.G.; Passamonti, M, The expression of a novel mitochondrially-encoded gene in gonadic precursors may drive paternal inheritance of mitochondria. PLoS ONE, «PLOS ONE», 2015, 10, Article number: e0137468, pp. 1 - 26 [articolo]
Passamonti M., The Family Cypraeidae (Gastropoda Cypraeoidea) an unexpected case of neglected animals, «BIODIVERSITY JOURNAL», 2015, 6, pp. 449 - 466 [articolo]
Plazzi F.; Cassano A.; Passamonti M., The quest for Doubly Uniparental Inheritance in heterodont bivalves and its invention in Meretrix lamarckii (Veneridae: Meretricinae)., «JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGICAL SYSTEMATICS AND EVOLUTIONARY RESEARCH», 2015, 53, pp. 87 - 94 [articolo]Open Access
Breton S.; Milani L.; Ghiselli F.; Guerra D.; Stewart D.T.; Passamonti M., A resourceful genome: updating the functional repertoire and evolutionary role of animal mitochondrial DNAs., «TRENDS IN GENETICS», 2014, 30, pp. 555 - 564 [articolo]
Milani L.; Ghiselli F.; Iannello M.; Passamonti M., Evidence for somatic transcription of male-transmitted mitochondrial genome in the DUI species Ruditapes philippinarum (Bivalvia: Veneridae), «CURRENT GENETICS», 2014, 60, pp. 163 - 173 [articolo]
Milani L.; Ghiselli F.; Maurizii M.G.; Nuzhdin S.; Passamonti M., Paternally transmitted mitochondria express a new gene of potential viral origin., «GENOME BIOLOGY AND EVOLUTION», 2014, 6, pp. 391 - 405 [articolo]
Guerra D.; Ghiselli F.; Passamonti M., The largest unassigned regions of the male- and female-transmitted mitochondrial DNAs in Musculista senhousia (Bivalvia Mytilidae)., «GENE», 2014, 536, pp. 316 - 325 [articolo]
Milani L.; Ghiselli F.; Guerra D.; Breton S.; Passamonti M., A comparative analysis of Mitochondrial ORFans: new clues on their origin and role in species with Doubly Uniparental Inheritance of Mitochondria., «GENOME BIOLOGY AND EVOLUTION», 2013, 5, pp. 1408 - 1434 [articolo]
Scali V.; Milani L.; Passamonti M., Description and ecology of new Pijnackeria stick insects: four bisexual species and a triploid parthenogen, with their phyletic relationships, «JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGICAL SYSTEMATICS AND EVOLUTIONARY RESEARCH», 2013, 51, pp. 213 - 226 [articolo]
M. Passamonti; F. Ghiselli; L. Milani, Mitochondrial Inheritance, in: Brenner's Encyclopedia of Genetics (2nd Edition), Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2013, pp. 443 - 445 [voce di enciclopedia/dizionario]