Foto del docente

Lorenzo Alibardi

Associate Professor

Department of Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences

Academic discipline: BIO/06 Comparative Anatomy and Cytology


vai alle Pubblicazioni

Publications prior to 2004

Alibardi L. (2008) Microscopic analysis of lizard claw morphogenesis and hypothesis on its evolution. Acta Zool 89: 169-178.

Alibardi L. (2008) Corneification in developing claws of the common Australian skin (Lampropholis guichenoti) (Squamata, Lacertidae). Ital J Zool 75: 327-336.

Alibardi L (2009) Embryonic keratinization in vertebrates in relation to land colonization. Acta Zool 90: 1-17

Alibardi L, Toni M. 2008. Cytochemical and molecular characteristics of the process of cornification during feather morphogenesis. Prog Histoch Cytoch 43: 1-72.

Dalla Valle L, Nardi A, Gelmi C, Toni M, Emera D, Alibardi L. 2009. Beta-keratins of the crocodilian epidermis: composition, structure, and phylogenetic relationships. J Exp Zool B Mol Dev Evol 312: 42-57
Hallahan DL, Keiper-Hrynko NM, Shang TQ, Ganzke TS, Toni M, Dalla Valle L, Alibardi L. 2009. Analysis of gene expression in gecko digital adhesive pads indicates significant production of cysteine- and glycine-rich beta-keratins. J Exp Zool B Mol Dev Evol 312: 58-73

Alibardi L. 2008. Ultrastructural characteristics of the process of cornification in developing claws of the brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula). Acta Zool DOI: 10.1111/j.1463-6395.2008.00360.x

Alibardi L, Toni M. 2008. Wound keratins involved in mucous granules extrusion during differentiation of amphibian keratinocytes. Bel J Zool (in press)

Alibardi L, Joss J, Toni M. 2008. The integument of lungfish: general structure and keratin composition In: Biology of the lungfish. (Eds. JM Jorgensen, J Joss, T Wang), Science Publ. (in press).

Chang C, Wu P, Baker RE, Maini PK, Alibardi L, Chuong CM. (2008). Reptile scale paradigm. Evo-devo, pattern formation and regeneration. Int J Dev Biol (in press)

Eckhart L, Dalla Valle L, Jaeger K, Ballaun C, Szabo S, Nardi A, Buchberger M, Hermann M, Alibardi L, Tschachler E (2008). Identification of reptilian genes encoding hair keratin-like proteins suggests a new scenario for the evolutionary origin of hair. PNAS 105: 18419-18423

Alibardi L (2009) Follicular patterns during feather morphogenesis in relation to the formation of asymmetric feathers, filoplues and bristles. Ital J Zool  76 (in press)

Alibardi L, Toni M. (2009) Immunocytochemistry and protein analysis suggest that reptilian claws contain small cysteine-glycine proteins. Tiss Cell DOI:10.1016/j.tice.2008.10.002   

Alibardi L, Toni M, Dalla Valle L (2009) Evolution of hard proteins in the sauropsid integument in relation to the cornification of skin derivatives in amniotes. J Anat (in press)

Dalla Valle L, Nardi A, Toni M, Emera D, Alibardi L (2009) Beta keratins of turtle shell are glycine-proline-tyrosine rich proteins similar to those of crocodilians and birds. J Anat 214, 284-300.

Alibardi L (2009) Claw development and cornification in the passeraceous bird zebrafinch (Taeniatopygia guttata castanotis). Anat Sci Intern (in press).