Foto del docente

Lorenzo Alibardi

Associate Professor

Department of Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences

Academic discipline: BIO/06 Comparative Anatomy and Cytology


L Alibardi; B.J. Gill, Epidermal differentiation in embryos of the tuatara Sphenodon punctatus (Reptilia, Sphenodontidae) in comparison with the epidermis of other reptiles., «JOURNAL OF ANATOMY», 2007, 211, pp. 92 - 103 [Scientific article]

Alibardi L.; Toni M.; Dalla Valle L., Expression of beta-keratin mRNAs and proline uptake in epidermal cells of growing scales and pad lamellae of gecko liz, «JOURNAL OF ANATOMY», 2007, 211, pp. 104 - 116 [Scientific article]

Toni M.; Dalla Valle L.; Alibardi L., Hard (Beta-)keratins in the epidermis of reptiles: composition, sequence, and molecular organization, «JOURNAL OF PROTEOME RESEARCH», 2007, 6, pp. 3377 - 3392 [Scientific article]

L. Alibardi; M. Toni; L.D. Valle, Hard cornification in reptilian epidermis in comparison to cornification in mammalian epidermis, «EXPERIMENTAL DERMATOLOGY», 2007, 16, pp. 961 - 976 [Scientific article]

L. Alibardi, Keratinization of sheath and calamus cells in developing and regenerating feathers, «ANNALS OF ANATOMY», 2007, 189, pp. 95 - 583 [Scientific article]

Toni M.; Alibardi L., Soft epidermis of a scaleless snake lacks beta-keratin, «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HISTOCHEMISTRY», 2007, 51, pp. 145 - 151 [Scientific article]

Toni M.; Dalla Valle L.; Alibardi L., The epidermis of scales in gecko lizards contains multiple forms of beta-keratins including basic glycine-proline-serine-rich proteins., «JOURNAL OF PROTEOME RESEARCH», 2007, 6, pp. 1792 - 1805 [Scientific article]

L. Alibardi, Wedge cells during regeneration of juvenile and adult feathers and their role in carving out the branching pattern of barbs, «ANNALS OF ANATOMY», 2007, 189, pp. 234 - 242 [Scientific article]

L. Alibardi; L.W. Knapp; R.H. Sawyer, Beta-keratin localization in developing alligator scales and feathers in relation to the development and evolution of feathers., «JOURNAL OF SUBMICROSCOPIC CYTOLOGY AND PATHOLOGY», 2006, 38, pp. 175 - 192 [Scientific article]

Alibardi, Cell structure of barb ridges in downfeathers and juvenile wing feathers of the developing chick embryo: barb ridge modification in relation to feather evolution., «ANNALS OF ANATOMY», 2006, 188, pp. 303 - 318 [Scientific article]

Alibardi L.;Sawyer R.H., Cell structure of developing downfeathers in the zebrafinch with emphasis on barb ridge morphogenesis, «JOURNAL OF ANATOMY», 2006, 208, pp. 621 - 642 [Scientific article]

Alibardi L., Cells of embryonic and regenerating germinal layers within barb ridges: implication for the development, evolution and diversification of feathers., «JOURNAL OF SUBMICROSCOPIC CYTOLOGY AND PATHOLOGY», 2006, 38(1), pp. 51 - 76 [Scientific article]

Alibardi L.; Toni M., Cytochemical, biochemical and molecular aspects of the process of keratinization in the epidermis of reptilian scales., «PROGRESS IN HISTOCHEMISTRY AND CYTOCHEMISTRY», 2006, 40, pp. 73 - 134 [Scientific article]

Alibardi L.; Toni M., Distribution and characterization of keratins in the epidermis of the tuatara (Sphenodon punctatus; Lepidosauria, Reptilia)., «ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE», 2006, 23(9), pp. 801 - 807 [Scientific article]

Alibardi L.; Toni M., Immunolocalization and characterization of beta-keratins in growing epidermis of chelonians., «TISSUE & CELL», 2006, 38, pp. 53 - 63 [Scientific article]