Chen G.-Q.G.; Comi G.E.; Torres M., Cauchy Fluxes and Gauss–Green Formulas for Divergence-Measure Fields Over General Open Sets, «ARCHIVE FOR RATIONAL MECHANICS AND ANALYSIS», 2019, 233, pp. 87 - 166 [articolo]
G.E. Comi, R.J. Fitzner, S. Kolumbán, F.P. Pijpers,R.M. Pires da Silva Castro, R.A.J. Post, A.J. Vromans, Causal effects of government decisions on earthquakes in Groningen, in: SWI 2018 Proceedings, 2019, pp. 1 - 25 (atti di: STUDY GROUP MATHEMATICS WITH INDUSTRY 2018 (SWI2018), Eindhoven University of Technology, 29-01-2018/02-02-2018) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
Ambrosio L.; Comi G.E., Anisotropic surface measures as limits of volume fractions, in: Springer Optimization and Its Applications, Cham, Springer International Publishing, 2018, pp. 1 - 32 (SPRINGER OPTIMIZATION AND ITS APPLICATIONS) [capitolo di libro]
Comi G.E., BMO-type norms and anisotropic surface measures, «ATTI DELLA ACCADEMIA NAZIONALE DEI LINCEI. RENDICONTI LINCEI. MATEMATICA E APPLICAZIONI», 2018, 29, pp. 431 - 437 [articolo]
Comi G.E.; Torres M., One-sided approximation of sets of finite perimeter, «ATTI DELLA ACCADEMIA NAZIONALE DEI LINCEI. RENDICONTI LINCEI. MATEMATICA E APPLICAZIONI», 2017, 28, pp. 181 - 190 [articolo]