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Gianfranco Ulian

Ricercatore a tempo determinato tipo a) (junior)

Dipartimento di Scienze Biologiche, Geologiche e Ambientali

Settore scientifico disciplinare: GEOS-01/A Mineralogia


Ulian, Gianfranco; Valdrè, Giovanni*, Dataset on the piezo-spectroscopic behaviour of hydroxylapatite: Effect of mechanical stress on the Raman and Infrared vibrational bands from ab initio quantum mechanical simulations, «DATA IN BRIEF», 2018, 18, pp. 325 - 333 [articolo]Open Access

Ulian, Gianfranco; Valdrè, Giovanni, Effect of mechanical stress on the Raman and infrared bands of hydroxylapatite: A quantum mechanical first principle investigation, «JOURNAL OF THE MECHANICAL BEHAVIOR OF BIOMEDICAL MATERIALS», 2018, 77, pp. 683 - 692 [articolo]

Dellisanti, F.; Calafato, A.; Pini, G.A.; Moro, D.; Ulian, G.; Valdrè, G., Effects of dehydration and grinding on the mechanical shear behaviour of Ca-rich montmorillonite, «APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE», 2018, 152, pp. 239 - 248 [articolo]

Ulian, Gianfranco*; Valdrè, Giovanni, Equation of state of hexagonal hydroxylapatite (P63) as obtained from density functional theory simulations, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF QUANTUM CHEMISTRY», 2018, 118, Article number: e25553, pp. 1 - 11 [articolo]

Ulian, Gianfranco; Moro, Daniele; Valdrè, Giovanni*, First principle investigation of the mechanical properties of natural layered nanocomposite: Clinochlore as a model system for heterodesmic structures, «COMPOSITE STRUCTURES», 2018, 202, pp. 551 - 558 [articolo]

Moro, Daniele; Ulian, Gianfranco; Valdrè, Giovanni*, Monte Carlo SEM-EDS micro- and nanoanalysis of ultrathin gold leaves in glass mosaic tesserae: Thickness effects and measurement strategy, «MEASUREMENT», 2018, 129, pp. 211 - 217 [articolo]

Valdrè, G.; Moro, D.; Ulian, G., Monte Carlo simulation of the effect of shape and thickness on SEM-EDS microanalysis of asbestos fibres and bundles: The case of anthophyllite, tremolite and actinolite, «IOP CONFERENCE SERIES: MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING», 2018, 304, Article number: 012019, pp. 012019 - 012019 [articolo]

Moro, Daniele; Ulian, Gianfranco; Valdrè, Giovanni*, Nanomorphological investigation of graphite surface after cryo-ultrasonication in liquid nitrogen by atomic force microscopy, «MICRO & NANO LETTERS», 2018, 13, pp. 546 - 551 [articolo]

Ulian, Gianfranco; Moro, Daniele; Valdrè, Giovanni*, Probing the interaction of (001) carbonated hydroxylapatite surfaces with water: A density functional investigation, «MICRO & NANO LETTERS», 2018, 13, pp. 4 - 8 [articolo]

Ulian, Gianfranco; Valdrè, Giovanni*, Second-order elastic constants of hexagonal hydroxylapatite (P63) from ab initio quantum mechanics: Comparison between DFT functionals and basis sets, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF QUANTUM CHEMISTRY», 2018, 118, Article number: e25500, pp. 1 - 11 [articolo]

Ulian, Gianfranco; Valdrè, Giovanni, Effects of fluorine content on the elastic behavior of topaz [Al2SiO4(F,OH)2], «AMERICAN MINERALOGIST», 2017, 102, pp. 347 - 356 [articolo]

Pezzotti, Giuseppe; Rondinella, Alfredo; Marin, Elia; Zhu, Wenliang; Nicolò Nicoli, Aldini; Ulian, Gianfranco; Valdrè, Giovanni, Raman spectroscopic investigation on the molecular structure of apatite and collagen in osteoporotic cortical bone, «JOURNAL OF THE MECHANICAL BEHAVIOR OF BIOMEDICAL MATERIALS», 2017, 65, pp. 264 - 273 [articolo]

Ulian, Gianfranco; Moro, Daniele; Valdre', Giovanni, First-principles study of structural and surface properties of (001) and (010) surfaces of hydroxylapatite and carbonated hydroxylapatite, «JOURNAL OF APPLIED CRYSTALLOGRAPHY», 2016, 49, pp. 1893 - 1903 [articolo]Open Access

Moro, Daniele; Ulian, Gianfranco; Valdre', Giovanni, Nanoscale cross-correlated AFM, Kelvin probe, elastic modulus and quantum mechanics investigation of clay mineral surfaces: The case of chlorite, «APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE», 2016, 131, pp. 175 - 181 [articolo]

Ulian, Gianfranco; Valdrè, Giovanni, Density functional investigation of the thermophysical and thermochemical properties of talc [Mg3Si4O10(OH)2], «PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF MINERALS», 2015, 42, pp. 151 - 162 [articolo]

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