Foto del docente

Federico Boscherini

Professore ordinario

Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia "Augusto Righi"

Settore scientifico disciplinare: PHYS-03/A Fisica sperimentale della materia e applicazioni


L. Del Bianco; F. Boscherini; A.L. Fiorini; M. Tamisari; F. Spizzo; M. Vittori Antisari; E. Piscopiello, Exchange Bias and Structural Disorder in the Nanogranular Ni/NiO System Produced by Ball-Milling and Hydrogen Reduction, «PHYSICAL REVIEW. B, CONDENSED MATTER AND MATERIALS PHYSICS», 2008, 77, pp. 094408 - 094408-12 [articolo]

L. Del Bianco; F. Boscherini; M. Tamisari; F. Spizzo; M. Vittori Antisari; E. Piscopiello, Exchange bias and interface structure in the Ni/NiO nanogranular system, «JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. D, APPLIED PHYSICS», 2008, 41, pp. 134008 - 134008-7 [articolo]

D.Cavalcoli;M. Spurio; G. Sartorelli;B. Fraboni; F. Boscherini; L. Pasquini;D. Dallacasa; P. Focardi;G. Giacomelli; Mandrioli., I Corsi Laboratori del Dipartimento di Fisica, per studenti e insegnanti delle scuole superiori., 2008. [mostra o esposizione]

S. Quartieri; F. Boscherini;C. Dalconi; G. Iezzi; C.Meneghini; R. Oberti, Magnesium K-edge EXAFS study of bond-length behavior in synthetic pyrope-grossular garnet solid solutions, «AMERICAN MINERALOGIST», 2008, 93, pp. 495 - 498 [articolo]

Coordinamento del progetto: Matrix effects on the local structure and dynamics of Fe in cytochrome c: a comparison between sucrose and trehalose glassy matrices. SC-2487..

F. Boscherini; D. De Salvador;G. Bisognin; G. Ciatto, New opportunities to study defects by soft X-ray absorption fine structure, «DIFFUSION AND DEFECT DATA, SOLID STATE DATA. PART B, SOLID STATE PHENOMENA», 2008, 131, pp. 473 - 478 [articolo]

G. Veronesi; L. Giachini; F. Francia; A. Mallardi; G. Palazzo; F. Boscherini; G. Venturoli, The Fe2+ site of photosynthetic reaction centers probed by multiple scattering X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy: improving structure resolution in dry matrices., «BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL», 2008, 95, pp. 814 - 822 [articolo]

M. Katsikini; F. Pinakidou; E. C. Paloura; F. Boscherini; E. Wendler; W. Wesch; T. D. Moustakas, X-ray absorption fine structure study of In implanted GaN: Effect of annealing, «MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING B-SOLID STATE MATERIALS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY», 2008, 152, pp. 132 - 135 [articolo]

F. Boscherini, XAFS and materials physics, in: XAFS Tutorial for Crystallographers and Beginners, s.l, IUCr, 2008, pp. 50 - 59 (atti di: XAFS Tutorial for Crystallographers and Beginners, KEK International Center, Tsukuba, Japan, 20 - 23 August 2008) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

F. Boscherini, XAFS in the study of semiconductor heterostructures and nanostructures, in: Characterization of Semiconductor Heterostructures and Nanostructures, AMSTERDAM, Elsevier, 2008, pp. 289 - 330 [capitolo di libro]

M. Malvestuto; M. Pedio S. Nannarone; G. Pavia; G. Scarel; M. Fanciulli; F. Boscherini, A study of the growth of Lu2O3 on Si(001) by synchrotron radiation photoemission and transmission electron microscopy, «JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS», 2007, 101, pp. 074104 - 074110 [articolo]

G. Ciatto; J. -C. Harmand; F. Glas; L. Largeau; M. Le Du; F. Boscherini; M. Malvestuto; P. Glatzel; R. Alonso Mori; L. Floreano, Anion relative location in the group-V sublattice of GaAsSbN/GaAs epilayers: XAFS measurements and simulations, «PHYSICAL REVIEW. B, CONDENSED MATTER AND MATERIALS PHYSICS», 2007, 75, pp. 245212-1 - 245212-12 [articolo]

L. Giachini; F. Francia; L. Cordone; F. Boscherini; G. Venturoli, Cytochrome c in a dry trehalose matrix: structural and dynamical effects probed by X-ray absorption spectroscopy., «BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL», 2007, 92, pp. 1350 - 1360 [articolo]

Coordinamento del progetto: Depth resolved Fe sprin structure at the Fe/NiO interface.

L. Giachini; F. Francia; F. Boscherini; C. Pacelli; T. Cocco; S. Papa; G. Venturoli, EXAFS reveals a structural zinc binding site in the bovine NADH-Q oxidoreductase, «FEBS LETTERS», 2007, 581, pp. 5645 - 5648 [articolo]

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