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Fausto Zamparini

Ricercatore a tempo determinato tipo a) (junior)

Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche e Neuromotorie

Settore scientifico disciplinare: MED/28 MALATTIE ODONTOSTOMATOLOGICHE


Zamparini F.; Spinelli A.; Pelliccioni G.A.; Gandolfi M.G.; Prati C., Root canal obturation techniques. Bioceramics and traditional sealers towards the evolution of the techniques, «DENTAL CADMOS», 2021, 89, pp. 2 - 29 [articolo]

Zamparini F.; Spinelli A.; Chersoni S.; Buonavoglia A.; Gandolfi M.G.; Prati C., Root canal retreatment of the compromised tooth or extraction and implant rehabilitation?, «DENTAL CADMOS», 2021, 89, pp. 2 - 21 [articolo]

Zamparini F.; Pelliccioni G.A.; Spinelli A.; Gissi D.B.; Gandolfi M.G.; Prati C., Root canal treatment of compromised teeth as alternative treatment for patients receiving bisphosphonates: 60-month results of a prospective clinical study, «INTERNATIONAL ENDODONTIC JOURNAL», 2021, 54, pp. 156 - 171 [articolo]

Spinelli A.; Zamparini F.; Pelliccioni G.; Gandolfi M.G.; Prati C., Secondary root canal treatment. When, how and why, «DENTAL CADMOS», 2021, 89, pp. 3 - 21 [articolo]

Prati C.; Tribst J.P.M.; Piva A.M.O.D.; Borges A.L.S.; Ventre M.; Zamparini F.; Ausiello P., 3d finite element analysis of rotary instruments in root canal dentine with different elastic moduli, «APPLIED SCIENCES», 2021, 11, Article number: 2547, pp. 2547 - 2560 [articolo]Open Access

Prati C.; Zamparini F.; Pirani C.; Montebugnoli L.; Canullo L.; Gandolfi M.G., A multilevel analysis of platform-switching flapless implants placed at tissue level: 4-year prospective cohort study, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ORAL & MAXILLOFACIAL IMPLANTS», 2020, 35, pp. 330 - 341 [articolo]

Gandolfi M.G.; Spinelli A.; Zamparini F.; Sambri V.; Prati C., Coronavirus contamination in dental clinics. New systems and operating devices, «DENTAL CADMOS», 2020, 88, pp. 368 - 378 [articolo]

Prati C.; Zamparini F.; Canullo L.; Pirani C.; Botticelli D.; Gandolfi M.G., Factors Affecting Soft and Hard Tissues Around Two-Pies Transmucosal Implants: A 3-Year Prospective Cohort Study, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ORAL & MAXILLOFACIAL IMPLANTS», 2020, 35, pp. 1022 - 1036 [articolo]

Azizi A.; Zamparini F.; Spinelli A.; Pirani C.; Gandolfi M.G.; Prati C., Maryland-bridge application as a suitable technique to preserve marginal bone level of not-submerged supracrestal implants, «MINERVA STOMATOLOGICA», 2020, 69, pp. 335 - 342 [articolo]

Gandolfi M.G.; Gardin C.; Zamparini F.; Ferroni L.; Esposti M.D.; Parchi G.; Ercan B.; Manzoli L.; Fava F.; Fabbri P.; Prati C.; Zavan B., Mineral-doped poly(L-lactide) acid scaffolds enriched with exosomes improve osteogenic commitment of human adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells, «NANOMATERIALS», 2020, 10, Article number: 432, pp. 1 - 20 [articolo]Open Access

Gandolfi M.G.; Zamparini F.; Spinelli A.; Sambri V.; Prati C., Risks of aerosol contamination in dental procedures during the second wave of COVID-19—experience and proposals of innovative IPC in dental practice, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH», 2020, 17, Article number: 8954, pp. 1 - 12 [articolo]Open Access

Prati, Carlo; Zamparini, Fausto; Spinelli, Andrea; Pelliccioni, Gian Andrea; Pirani, Chiara; Gandolfi, Maria Giovanna, Secondary Root Canal Treatment with Reciproc Blue and K-File: Radiographic and ESEM-EDX Analysis of Dentin and Root Canal Filling Remnants, «JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE», 2020, 9, pp. 1902 - 1916 [articolo]Open Access

Prati C.; Zamparini F.; Botticelli D.; Ferri M.; Yonezawa D.; Piattelli A.; Gandolfi M.G., The use of ESEM-EDX as an innovative tool to analyze the mineral structure of peri-implant human bone, «MATERIALS», 2020, 13, Article number: 1671, pp. 1671 - 1681 [articolo]Open Access

Pirani C.; Spinelli A.; Marchetti C.; Gandolfi M.G.; Zamparini F.; Prati C.; Pellegrino G., Use of dynamic navigation with an educational interest for finding of root canals, «GIORNALE ITALIANO DI ENDODONZIA», 2020, 34, pp. 82 - 89 [articolo]Open Access

Forni, Monica; Bernardini, Chiara; Zamparini, Fausto; Zannoni, Augusta; Salaroli, Roberta; Ventrella, Domenico; Parchi, Greta; Degli Esposti, Micaela; Polimeni, Antonella; Fabbri, Paola; Fava, Fabio; Prati, Carlo; Gandolfi, Maria Giovanna, Vascular Wall–Mesenchymal Stem Cells Differentiation on 3D Biodegradable Highly Porous CaSi-DCPD Doped Poly (α-hydroxy) Acids Scaffolds for Bone Regeneration, «NANOMATERIALS», 2020, 10, pp. 243 - 256 [articolo]Open Access

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