Foto del docente

Donata Luiselli

Professoressa ordinaria

Dipartimento di Beni Culturali

Settore scientifico disciplinare: BIOS-03/B Antropologia


BORZANI I.; TOLA M.R.; CANIATTI L.; COLLINS A.; DE SANTIS G.; LUISELLI D.; MAMOLINI E.; SCAPOLI C., The interleukin-1 cluster gene region is associated with multiple sclerosis in an Italian Caucasian population., «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY», 2010, 17, pp. 930 - 938 [articolo]

Coia V.; Brisighelli F.; Donati F.; Pascali V.; Boschi I.; Luiselli D.; Battaggia C.; Batini C.; Taglioli L.; Cruciani F.; Paoli G.; Capelli C.; Spedini G.; Destro-Bisol G., A multi-perspective view of genetic variation in Cameroon., «AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY», 2009, 140(3), pp. 454 - 464 [articolo]

Sazzini M; Zuntini R; Farjadian S; Quinti I; Ricci G; Romeo G; Ferrari S; Calafell F; Luiselli D., An evolutionary approach to the medical implications of the tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 13B (TNFRSF13B) gene., «GENES AND IMMUNITY», 2009, 10(6), pp. 566 - 578 [articolo]

Laura Natalia Riccardi; Carla Bini; Stefania Ceccardi; Rachele Trane; Donata Luiselli; Susi Pelotti, CYP2D6 polymorphism studies: How forensic genetics helps clinical medicine, «FORENSIC SCIENCE INTERNATIONAL: GENETICS SUPPLEMENT SERIES», 2009, 2, pp. 485 - 486 [articolo]

Zauli A.; Boattini A.; Eusebi A.; Amico M.; Rossi I.; Luiselli D.; Casadio R.; Pettener D., HaPlone: A user-friendly web-based application for the menagement of molecular anthropology data, in: Proceedings of "Molecular Anthropology in the Genomic Era" 4th International conference of the series "DNA polymorphisms in human populations", s.l, s.n, 2009, pp. X - X (atti di: "Molecular Anthropology in the Genomic Era" 4th International conference of the series "DNA polymorphisms in human populations", Roma, 3-5 Dicembre 2009) [atti di convegno-abstract]

Garagnani P.; Laayouni H.; González-Neira A.; Sikora M.; Luiselli D.; Bertranpetit J.; Calafell F., Isolated populations as treasure troves in genetic epidemiology: the case of the Basques., «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS», 2009, 17(11):1490-4, pp. 1490 - 1494 [articolo]

Tofanelli S.; Ferri G.; Bulayeva K.; Caciagli L.; Onofri V.; Taglioli L.; Bulayev O.; Boschi I.; Alù M.; Berti A.; Rapone C.; Beduschi G.; Luiselli D.; Cadenas A.M.; Awadelkarim K.D.; Mariani-Costantini R.; Elwali N.E.; Verginelli F.; Pilli E.; Herrera R.J.; Gusmão L.; Paoli G.; Capelli C., J1-M267 Y lineage marks climate-driven pre-historical human displacements., «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS», 2009, 17(11), pp. 1520 - 1524 [articolo]

Castri L; Melendez-Obando M; Villegas-Palma R; Barrantes R; Raventos H; Pereira R; Luiselli D; Pettener D; Madrigal L., Mitochondrial Polymorphisms Are Associated Both with Increased and Decreased Longevity, «HUMAN HEREDITY», 2009, 67, pp. 147 - 153 [articolo]

Castrì L.; Tofanelli S.; Garagnani P.; Bini C.; Fosella X.; Pelotti S.; Paoli G.; Pettener D.; Luiselli D., mtDNA variability in two Bantu-speaking populations (Shona and Hutu) from Eastern Africa: implications for peopling and migration patterns in sub-Saharan Africa., «AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY», 2009, 140(2), pp. 302 - 311 [articolo]

Coelho M.; Sequeira F.; Luiselli D.; Beleza S.; Rocha J., On the edge of Bantu expansions: mtDNA, Y chromosome and lactase persistence genetic variation in southwestern Angola., «BMC EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY», 2009, Apr 21;9, pp. 80 - 97 [articolo]

Tofanelli S.; Bertoncini S.; Castrì L.; Luiselli D.; Calafell F.; Donati G.; Paoli G., On the origins and admixture of Malagasy: new evidence from high-resolution analyses of paternal and maternal lineages., «MOLECULAR BIOLOGY AND EVOLUTION», 2009, 26(9), pp. 2109 - 2124 [articolo]

Stanyon R.; Sazzini M.; Luiselli D., Timing the first human migration into eastern Asia., «JOURNAL OF BIOLOGY», 2009, 8(2), pp. 18 - 21 [articolo]

Paolo Anagnostou; Cinzia Battaggia; Valentina Coia; Cristian Capelli; Cristina Fabbri; Davide Pettener; Giovanni Destro-Bisol; Donata Luiselli, Tracing the distribution and evolution of lactase persistence in Southern Europe through the study of the T-13910 variant, «AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN BIOLOGY», 2009, 21, pp. 217 - 219 [articolo]

LUISELLI D; FACCHINI F; PETTENER D, Geni in movimento nelle steppe centroasiatiche, in: Alimbai N, Baypakov K., Belcastro M.G, Bonora G., Bosi F., Cattani M., Facchni F., Fiori G., Galletti L., Ismagulov O., Ismagulova A., Kosicenko AG., Koygeldiev MK., Luiselli D., Mariotti V., Pettener D., Rastelli E., sala R., Popoli della yurta- Kazakhstan tra le origini e la modernità, MILANO, JACA BOOK, 2008, pp. 285 - 296 [capitolo di libro]

M. Coelho; C. Alves V. Coia; D. Luiselli; A. Useli; T. Hagemeijer; A. Amorim; G. Destro-Bisol; J Rocha, Human Microevolution and the Atlantic Slave Trade: A Case Study from São Tomé, «CURRENT ANTHROPOLOGY», 2008, 49, pp. 134 - 143 [articolo]