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Diego Valiante

Professore a contratto

Dipartimento di Sociologia e Diritto dell'Economia

Nota biografica

Diego Valiante, Ph.D. is a senior officer and team leader at the European Commission (DG Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union, FISMA).
Twitter: @diegovaliante

Between 2009 and 2016, he was Head of Financial Markets and Institutions at the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), among the top 5 European think tanks, and Head of Research of the European Capital Markets Institute (ECMI). He was also Member of the Group of Economic Advisers (GEA) to the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) between 2014 and 2016. Before joining the European Commission, Diego advised several international organisations and institutional investors, including the European Parliament, European Commission and ECB. He is author of numerous publications in the fields of financial markets economics and regulation, banking, central banking and economic policies. He holds a Ph.D. in Law and Economics from LUISS University, a Joint LL.M. in Law and Economics from Erasmus University Rotterdam and Bologna University, a M.Sc. in Economic Analysis of Law and a B.Sc. in Business Economics from LUISS University Rome.





Dipartimento di Sociologia e Diritto dell'Economia
Strada Maggiore 45, Bologna - Vai alla mappa

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