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Daniele Tantari

Professore associato

Dipartimento di Matematica

Settore scientifico disciplinare: MAT/07 FISICA MATEMATICA


Barra, Adriano; Genovese, Giuseppe; Sollich, Peter; Tantari, Daniele, Phase diagram of restricted Boltzmann machines and generalized Hopfield networks with arbitrary priors, «PHYSICAL REVIEW. E», 2018, 97, pp. 022310 - 022323 [articolo]

Rocchi, Jacopo; Saad, David; Tantari, Daniele, High storage capacity in the Hopfield model with auto-interactions - Stability analysis, «JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. A, MATHEMATICAL AND THEORETICAL», 2017, 50, pp. 465001 - 465009 [articolo]

AGLIARI, ELENA; BARRA, ADRIANO; LONGO, CHIARA; TANTARI, DANIELE, Neural networks retrieving boolean patterns in a sea of gaussian ones, «JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL PHYSICS», 2017, 168, pp. 1085 - 1104 [articolo]

Giuseppe Genovese; Daniele Tantari, Overlap synchronisation in multipartite random energy models, «JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL PHYSICS», 2017, 169, pp. 1162 - 1170 [articolo]

Barra, Adriano; Genovese, Giuseppe; Sollich, Peter; Tantari, Daniele, Phase transitions in restricted Boltzmann machines with generic priors, «PHYSICAL REVIEW. E», 2017, 96, pp. 042156 - 042160 [articolo]

AGLIARI, ELENA; Annibale, A.; Barra, A.; Coolen, A. C. C.; TANTARI, DANIELE, Retrieving infinite numbers of patterns in a spin-glass model of immune networks, «EUROPHYSICS LETTERS», 2017, 117, pp. 28003 - 28008 [articolo]

Barra A.; Galluzzi A.; Tantari D.; Agliari E.; Requena-Silvente F., Assessing the role of migration as trade-facilitator using the statistical mechanics of cooperative systems, «PALGRAVE COMMUNICATIONS», 2016, 2, Article number: 16021, pp. 1 - 9 [articolo]Open Access

Barucca Paolo; Tantari Daniele; Lillo Fabrizio, Centrality metrics and localization in core-periphery networks, «JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL MECHANICS: THEORY AND EXPERIMENT», 2016, 2016, pp. 023401 - 023418 [articolo]

Genovese, Giuseppe; Tantari, Daniele, Non-Convex Multipartite Ferromagnets, «JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL PHYSICS», 2016, 163, pp. 492 - 513 [articolo]

Agliari Elena; Barra Adriano; Del Ferraro Gino; Guerra Francesco; Tantari Daniele, Anergy in self-directed B lymphocytes: A statistical mechanics perspective, «JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL BIOLOGY», 2015, 375, pp. 21 - 31 [articolo]

AGLIARI, ELENA; BARRA, ADRIANO; GALLUZZI, ANDREA; Javarone, Marco Alberto; Pizzoferrato, Andrea; TANTARI, DANIELE, Emerging heterogeneities in Italian customs and comparison with nearby countries, «PLOS ONE», 2015, 10, pp. 0144643 - 0144666 [articolo]Open Access

Agliari, Elena; Barra, Adriano; Galluzzi, Andrea; Guerra, Francesco; Tantari, Daniele; Tavani, Flavia, Hierarchical neural networks perform both serial and parallel processing, «NEURAL NETWORKS», 2015, 66, pp. 22 - 35 [articolo]

Genovese, Giuseppe; Tantari, Daniele, Legendre Duality of Spherical and Gaussian Spin Glasses, «MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS ANALYSIS AND GEOMETRY», 2015, 18, pp. 1 - 19 [articolo]

Agliari, Elena; Barra, Adriano; Galluzzi, Andrea; Guerra, Francesco; Tantari, Daniele; Tavani, Flavia, Metastable states in the hierarchical Dyson model drive parallel processing in the hierarchical Hopfield network, «JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. A, MATHEMATICAL AND THEORETICAL», 2015, 48, pp. 015001 - 015032 [articolo]

Adriano Barra; Pierluigi Contucci; Emanuele Mingione; Daniele Tantari, Multi-species mean-field spin-glasses. Rigorous results, «ANNALES HENRI POINCARE'», 2015, 16, pp. 691 - 708 [articolo]Open Access

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