- 1978
graduated in physics at the Bologna
“Characterisation des Metaux Anciens» organised by the European
Council, Urbino and Rome, 9-28 April 1979.
“Atmospheric Turbulence and Air Pollution Modelling”, The Hague,
21-25 September 1981.
- 1993 the
prize for the best communication at the East-West Conference
‘‘European Research Material Society” organised by the European
Council in St. Petersburg.
1980-1982 worked as research scientist at the
CRTN-ENEL (the National Electricity Generating
Board), where she was involved in the study of the
emission, transport and deposition of the aerosol emitted by
electric power plants.
- since
1982 has been researcher scientist at the Institute
of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate ISAC (ex FISBAT and ISAO) - CNR
(Italy), where she is Research Director since 2001 as
responsible of the unit on Conservation of Cultural
Heritage. Her main scientific interests are on
material-atmosphere interactions, effects of climate and
multi-pollutants on cultural heritage, damage evaluation and risk
assessment. The principal results obtained on these topics
have been presented at international conferences and published in
international scientific reviews.
- since
2010 is Acting Director of the Institute of Atmospheric Sciences
and Climate (ISAC) - CNR, Italy
- EC
Project (ENV757I(SB)) on “Effects of air pollution on
historic buildings and monuments. Scientific basis for
conservation”, within 1°FP on Research, 1984-1985.
grant, part of the “Energetica 2 Programme” on the theme “Effect
of acid deposition on stone monuments and historical
buildings”, 1987-1988.
grant “Study of the emissions of carbonaceous particles in urban
areas and their effects on surfaces”, 1988-1989.
- EC
Project (EV4V 0051 I(A)), part of the
Environment Programme on the topic “Effects of air pollution in
combination with other meteorological factors on historical
buildings and monuments”, within 2°FP on Research,
- EC
Project (STEP CT90 0107), part of the “Science and
Technology for Environmental Protection Programme” (STEP) on the
topic “Study of atmospheric deposition in relation to damage
mechanisms by tests on monuments and buildings in selected sites,
field experiments and laboratory tests”, within 3°FP on
Research, 1991-1994.
grant financed by the Committee “Science and Technology
applied to Cultural Heritage” on the theme “Atmospheric aerosol
and the damage on historical buildings”, 1990-1993.
grant within the Cultural Heritage Programme on the theme
“Atmospheric aerosol and materials of artistic
interest”, 1994-1995.
- EC
Project (STEP CT90 0107), part of the Environment and
Climate Programme on “Environmental deterioration of ancient and
modern hydraulic mortars (EDAMM)”, within 4°FP on
Research, 1996-1999.
- Grant
from the National Italian Project on “Safeguard of Cultural
Heritage” on the theme “Problems of damage and conservation of
historical masonry study of the physic-chemical mechanisms of
damage of mortar”, 1996-1999.
grant within the CNR Specialised Programme on Cultural Heritage on
“Damage and conservation of historical masonry:
physical-chemical damage mechanisms of mortars”, 1996 -
- Project
on “Study of atmospheric particles deposition on stone surfaces
in Ortigia” funded by Siracusa Municipality, 1997.
- Grant
from “Bologna 2000 -The European City of Culture” on the theme
“Diagnosis for the Conservation and Protection of Cultural
Heritage”, 2000.
- EC
Project (Evk4-ct-2000-00029) within the Environment and
Sustainable Development Programme on “CARbon content and origin
of damage Layers in European Monument (CARAMEL)”, within 5°FP
on Research, 2001-2003.
- Project
on “Diagnosis of materials utilised at the Archiginnasio
Palace” funded by the Bologna Municipality, 2000.
- Project
on “Damage assessment of
ArchiginnasioPalace” funded by the Bologna
Municipality, 2000.
European Parliament STOA contract on
“Technological Requirements for solutions in the conservation
and protection of historic monuments and archaeological
remains", 2001
Project funded by Consorzio Venezia
Nuova on “Damage assessment finalised at the restoration
project of the Venice Arsenal”, 2002-2003.
- EC
Project (ICA3-2002-10051) within “Confirming the
International Role of Community Research for Developemnt (INCO-MED)
on “Project on high compatibility technologies and systems for
conservation and documentation of masonry works in archaeological
sites in the Mediterranean Area (PRODOMEA) ”, within
5°FP on Research, 2002-2005.
Battistero Project: Study on the environmental impact on the
historical centre in Florence, 2003-2004.
- Contract
from Centro Europeo Conservazione del Patrimonio Architettonico
(Venice, Italy) on “Surface deposit identification on building
materials of Iranian cultural heritage”, 2003.
- EC
Project on “Innovative technologies and materials
for the conservation of monuments (ITECOM)” within the
Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development 5° FP on
Research, 2004 - 2004
- EC
Project (contr. EVK4-2002-00554) “Innovative
technologies and materials for the conservation of monuments
(ITECOM)” within the Environment and Sustainable
Development Programme, within 5°FP on Research,
Co-ordinator EC Project (contr.
SSPI-CT-2003-501837) “Global climate change
impact on built heritage and cultural landscapes (NOAH'S
ARK)”, within 6°FP on Research, 2004-2007.
- Contract
funded by the Council of Europe on “Cultural
Heritage and Climate Change”, 2008
Scientific expert appointed by the Ministry of
Cultural Heritage and Activities (MIBAC) and the Ministry of
Education, University and Research (MIUR) of the EC project
“European network on Research Programme applied to the Protection
of Tangible Cultural Heritage (NET-HERITAGE)” funded within the
Thematic Area “Environment”, 7°FP on Research (2008-2011).
- EC
Project on “Technologies and tools to prioritize
Assessment and diagnosis of air pollution impact on immovable and
movable Cultural Heritage (TeACH)”, funded within the
Thematic Area “Environment”, 7°FP on Research (2008-2011).
- Contact person of the Joint Programming Iniziative (JPI)
on the theme “Cultural Heritage, Climate Change and Security”
coordinated by Italiy (MIinistry of Education, University and
Research MIUR and Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities
MIBAC) approved by the Council of the European Uninion
- Membro dell'Executive Board ,con nomina del MIUR,
della JPI “Cultural Heritage and Global Change: a new Challenge for
Europe” coordinata dall'Italia in corso di implementazione
- Member
of the ‘Working group on the effects of SO2 and its derivative on
natural ecosystems, agriculture, forestry and fisheries”, 1981.
- Member
of the scientific and organising committee for the European
Conference ‘Science Technology and European Cultural
Heritage', held in Bologna, June 1989.
- Member
of the scientific and organising committee for the
CEC exhibit at Media Save Art ‘91 in Rome.
- Member
of evaluation panels of research proposal in the EC RTD
Environment Programme 1990-1998 - area “Environmental
Protection and Conservation of Europe's Cultural Heritage”.
- Member
of the directive board of the Italian Association of Archeaeometry
(AIAr), since1994.
- Member
of the Organising Committee of the EC Conferences on
Research for the Protection of Cultural Heritage: Opportunities
for European Enterprises held in Rome (1997), Aachen (1998),
Santiago de Compostela (1999), Strasbourg (2000), Cracow 2002 and
London (2004).
Chairperson of the External Advisory Group (EAG) of
the Key Action “The City of Tomorrow and Cultural Heritage”
within the 5° EU Framework Programme on Research (1998-2002).
Peoject Reviewer of “Effects on rock of ambient
levels of air pollutants on the Burrup Peninsula, Western
Australia” funded by the Industry and Resources Department
(Australia), 2006.
Co-editor of ‘Science, Technology and European Cultural Heritage'
published by Butterworth Press for the European Commission,
- Member
of the editorial board of Aerobiologia (Kluwer) from 1995 to
- Member of the
editorial board of Atmospheric Environment (Elsevier) since
Co-editor of the book Cultural Heritage and Aerobiology:
Methods and Measurement Techniques (Ed. con P. Mandrioli e G.
Caneva (ISBN 1-4020-1622-0) published by Kluwer Academic
Publishers, 2003.
Co-editor of the book Global Climate Change Impact on Built
Heritage and Cultural Landscape. The Noah's Ark Project. Atlas and
Guidelines, ISBN 978-88-903028-0-0, 2007.
- Member
of the editorial board of International Journal of Architectural
Heritage (Taylor & Francis) since 2008.
- Referee
of scientific papers for the following scientific magazines:
Atmospheric Environment, Building and Environment, Grana,
Earth Science Reviews, Environmental Science and Technology,
Journal of Cultural Heritage, Journal of Aerosol Science,
Sedimentology, Talanta, The Science of the Total Environment, Water
Air and Soil Pollution.
- European Commission
Advanced Study Course “Science and Technology of the Environment
for the Sustainable Protection of Cultural Heritage” University
College London (UCL), 8-19 April 2002
- European
Commission Advanced Study Course ‘Cultural Heritage Protection in a
Sustainable Society', University College London UCL, 31st March –
11th April 2003.
- European
Commission Advanced Study Course “Innovative Technologies and
Materials for the Conservation of Monuments”, Athens, 8-20 December
- Contract
Professor of “Chemistry applied to cultural heritage” from 1999 to
2005 at the Bologna University, Faculty of Science.
- Contract
Professor of “Environmental Physics” since 2000 at the Bologna
University, Faculty of Science.
- Contract
Professor of “Climate and Cultural Heritage” since 2004 at the
Bologna University, Faculty of Science.
Professor at the University of Malta within the bilateral
convention Italy-Malta (2006, 2008).
- European
Doctoral Course on “Global Climate Change and Cultural Heritage”,
European University Centre for Cultural Heritage, Ravello,
Supervisor within the EC EPISCON of the UE Marie Curie Action