Foto del docente

Annalisa Pession

Alma Mater Professor

Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna

Adjunct professor

Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology

Curriculum vitae

Born in Bologna on March 22, 1951

1974 Degree in Biological Sciences

1974-1978 Fellowship in the Institute of General Pathology – University of Bologna

1974-1982 Main interest has been the study in vivo and in vitro of RNA synthesis in normal and regenerating rat liver to investigate the relationship between function and fine organization of chromatin. 

1982-1984  Visiting professor in the laboratory of Prof. M.L. Pardue at MIT (Boston) working on the Drosophila telomeric sequences.  A specific repeated sequence, hybridizing to giant chromosomes, had been cloned, mapped and used to screen a Drosophila library.

1984-now Associated Professor at the Department of General Pathology University of Bologna. In these years main interest has been the molecular characterization of neuroblastoma. We studied the correlation among N-myc amplification , 1p deletion and prognosis. The studies on cytogenetics alteration of 1p in neuroblastomna, allowed the identification of a specific allelotype in D1S94 associated with  the disease. N-myc amplification  had evaluated on 295 patients and the alteration was associated with a worst prognosis in all the disease stadies but IVs.  We analyzed the proliferation rate of neuroblastoma cells through the evaluation of AgNOR protein area in the nucleolus, both in cell lines in culture and in tumor samples and we demonstrated that duplication time and N-myc amplification are indipendent parameters. Both are associated with the disease outcome.

12/2001-2/2002 I have been appointed as Visiting Academic Worker in the Prof. S. Lakani at the Institute of Cancer Research in London.

Prof. Annalisa Pession is co-author of about 130 full papers published in international journals included in the "Journal Citation Reports", of some book chapters and of many communications presented in International Meetings.

Since 2001 I have been working for the Anatomic Pathology Unit at the Department of Oncological Sciences in the Bellaria Hospital.

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